Buddy Groom - 1/1 (10 days)
1991 Saint Andrews Drive
Red Oak, TX 75154
Lawrence Taylor - 1/1 (24 days)
c/o Football Hall of Fame
2121 George Halas Drive NW
Canton, OH 44708
Scott Fletcher - 1/1 (238 days)
300 Birkdale Dr.
Fayetteville, GA 30215
Lia Scott Price - 2/0 (6 days)
via website - signed two 4x6 b&w photos
1991 Saint Andrews Drive
Red Oak, TX 75154
Lawrence Taylor - 1/1 (24 days)
c/o Football Hall of Fame
2121 George Halas Drive NW
Canton, OH 44708
Scott Fletcher - 1/1 (238 days)
300 Birkdale Dr.
Fayetteville, GA 30215
Lia Scott Price - 2/0 (6 days)
via website - signed two 4x6 b&w photos