A New Return Record?

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5.00 star(s)
Jan 18, 2008
Elk Grove, CA
I just received autographed cards from Chris James that I had sent out on July 12, 1992. It had a 29 cent stamp on it and Mr. James was nice enough to make up the postage difference. If my math serves me correctly, it took 18 years, 9 months, and 20 days for it to get back to me. I had given up hope of a return eons ago. What a surprise!!!
Someone had a success taking 19 years from him the other day...freakin' crazy...I know from experience he can be slow, but didn't realize he was THAT slow!
I'm guessing this means his success rate is starting to improve, yes?
Haha that is INSANE! I would imagine most of the cards he sent out got RTSed because a large percentage of people wouldn't be living in the same place they were at 18 years ago. I know I've moved 5 times since 1992!