Bench Bucks for Referrals not working

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5.00 star(s)
Jan 8, 2012
NW Florida
Trying to get some traction on this issue but it's just not happening, I will keep trying.

I've been able to get a few members referred to the Bench recently, something that I think most members and Mods like and want, but I have asked the question about the system not issuing bench bucks for referrals. The first couple I had I didn't pay attention so I can not say whether bucks were awarded or not. I have picked up 2 referrals just in the last 30 days and I there is no record of bench bucks for these in my transaction record.

I was hesitant to put this post out there because it would seem I am complaining about it, I have plenty of bench bucks so that is not the problem for me. I really just wanted to expose a potential problem and see if it could be fixed.

If bench bucks for referrals has been eliminated, thats fine with me, I didn't know and I apologize for this thread. If they have not been eliminated, I hope that I have shed light on a glitch and maybe it could be fixed.
The referral system is automated by the software and interacts with a third party program. Obviously something is wrong if they aren't awarding. I don't have the programming expertise to address the issue in a short time frame. Send me the usernames of your referrals and i will manually transfer points. There are obviously some software glitches that are either hard to address or impossible
The referral system is automated by the software and interacts with a third party program. Obviously something is wrong if they aren't awarding. I don't have the programming expertise to address the issue in a short time frame. Send me the usernames of your referrals and i will manually transfer points. There are obviously some software glitches that are either hard to address or impossible

Ok, thanks but I don't need or want the bench bucks. I was just trying to create some broader awareness of this issue. I wasn't trying to create a burden for you or anyone else.