Thank you for your patience if you would like to submit your application to me I can provide the information to the mod'coach team please be sure of the following
Applications are to be sent to any Mod and need to include:
1. Player name?
2. Total cards owned/Total cards player has(one of each, no doubles for this count).
3. Any other collection statistics?
4. Link to web site? ( Web Site Must have a TEXT based want or have list of your player, photobucket have lists are not accepted, it is just too hard for someone looking for a card you need to run thru an entire photobucket site, text is just much easier)
5. Non-card items owned?
--If you happen to get turned down as a SC you may reapply once a month maximum.
We here know that player collectors have very different ideas of what a SC is, some of this even depends on who they collect and how they like to collect. We also know this is a subject that tends to create controversy. We want to try this out, have some fun with it and offer something a little different for our great members here!