Below is a list of all the Higginson cards that I need. No trade too small. I have yet to create a tradelist, so please let me know what you are looking for and I'll pull for you.
Year Set Number Other
1995 Collector's Choice 581T RC
1995 Donruss Top of the Order 79
1995 Finest 257 RC
1995 Finest Refractors 257
1995 Flair 258 RC
1995 Leaf Limited 106 RC
1995 Select Certified 102 RC
1995 Select Certified Mirror Gold 102
1995 SP Championship 156 RC
1995 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel 611
1995 Stadium Club Super Team World Series 611 RC
1995 Summit Nth Degree 134
1995 Topps Traded 35T RC
1995 Ultra Gold Medallion Rookies M15
1995 Upper Deck Electric Diamond 233
1995 Upper Deck Electric Diamond Gold 233
1995 Zenith 131 RC
1996 Circa 40
1996 Circa Rave 40 /150
1996 Collector's Choice Gold Signature 146
1996 Collector's Choice Silver Signature 146
1996 Donruss Press Proofs 104 /2000
1996 Flair 82
1996 Flair Gold 82
1996 Fleer 113
1996 Fleer Tiffany 113
1996 Leaf Bronze Press Proofs 72 /2000
1996 Leaf Gold Press Proofs 72 /500
1996 Leaf Signature 113
1996 Leaf Signature Autographs Gold 101 /500
1996 Leaf Signature Autographs Silver 101 /1000
1996 Leaf Signature Gold Press Proofs 113
1996 Leaf Signature Platinum Press Proofs 113 /150
1996 Leaf Silver Press Proofs 72 /1000
1996 Pinnacle Aficionado 146
1996 Pinnacle Aficionado Artist's Proofs 146
1996 Score Dugout Collection B3
1996 Score Dugout Collection Artist's Proofs B3
1996 Select Artist's Proofs 150
1996 Stadium Club 234
1996 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel 170
1996 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel 234
1996 Stadium Club Silver 170
1996 Stadium Club Silver 234
1996 Summit 46
1996 Summit Above and Beyond 46
1996 Summit Artist's Proofs 46
1996 Summit Foil 46
1996 Team Out 37
1996 Ultra Gold Medallion 62
1997 Bowman 234
1997 Bowman Chrome 61
1997 Bowman Chrome International 61
1997 Bowman Chrome International Refractors R61
1997 Bowman Chrome Refractors 61
1997 Bowman International 234
1997 Circa Rave 52 /150
1997 Donruss Elite 81
1997 Donruss Elite Gold Stars 81
1997 Donruss Elite Turn of the Century 17 /3500
1997 Donruss Elite Turn of the Century Die Cuts 17 /500
1997 Donruss Elite Turn of the Century Sample 17
1997 Donruss Gold Press Proofs 61 /500
1997 Donruss Limited 200
1997 Donruss Limited Exposure 200
1997 Donruss Preferred 56
1997 Donruss Preferred Cut to the Chase 56
1997 Donruss Silver Press Proofs 61 /2000
1997 E-X2000 22
1997 E-X2000 Credentials 22 /299
1997 E-X2000 Essential Credentials 22 /99
1997 Finest Refractors 76
1997 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 0 146 /100
1997 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 1 146 /100
1997 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 2 146 /100
1997 Flair Showcase Row 0 146
1997 Flair Showcase Row 1 146
1997 Flair Showcase Row 2 146
1997 Fleer Team Leaders 6
1997 Fleer Tiffany 99
1997 Leaf Fractal Matrix 127
1997 Leaf Fractal Matrix Die Cuts 127
1997 Metal Universe 110
1997 New Pinnacle Artist's Proofs 51
1997 New Pinnacle Museum Collection 51
1997 Pacific 88
1997 Pacific Light Blue 88
1997 Pacific Prisms 32
1997 Pacific Prisms Light Blue 32
1997 Pacific Prisms Platinum 32
1997 Pacific Silver 88 /67
1997 Pinnacle Inside 76
1997 Pinnacle Inside Club Edition 76
1997 Pinnacle Inside Diamond Edition 76
1997 Pinnacle X-Press 85
1997 Pinnacle X-Press Men of Summer 85
1997 Score Artist's Proofs White Border 307
1997 Score Hobby Reserve HR307
1997 Score Premium Stock 307
1997 Score Showcase Series 307
1997 Score Showcase Series Artist's Proofs 307
1997 Select Artist's Proofs 67
1997 Select Company 67
1997 Select Registered Gold 67
1997 Sports Illustrated Extra Edition /500
1997 Stadium Club 136
1997 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel 136
1997 Studio Gold Press Proofs 71 /500
1997 Studio Silver Press Proofs 71 /1500
1997 Topps Chrome 90
1997 Topps Chrome Refractors 90
1997 Ultra Gold Medallion 60
1997 Ultra Platinum Medallion 60 /200
1997 Upper Deck 355
1998 Aurora 38
1998 Bowman Chrome 255
1998 Bowman Chrome Golden Anniversary 255 /50
1998 Bowman Chrome Golden Anniversary Refractors 255 /5
1998 Bowman Chrome International 255
1998 Bowman Chrome International Refractors 255
1998 Bowman Chrome Refractors 255
1998 Bowman Golden Anniversary 255 /50
1998 Bowman International 255
1998 Bowman's Best 75
1998 Bowman's Best Atomic Refractors 75 /100
1998 Bowman's Best Refractors 75 /400
1998 Circa Thunder Rave 196 /150
1998 Circa Thunder Super Rave 196 /25
1998 Crown Royale 56
1998 Donruss Collections Donruss 132
1998 Donruss Collections Elite 430
1998 Donruss Collections Leaf 315
1998 Donruss Collections Preferred 660
1998 Donruss Collections Samples 132
1998 Donruss Crusade Green 26 /250
1998 Donruss Crusade Purple 26 /100
1998 Donruss Crusade Red 26 /25
1998 Donruss Elite Aspirations 30 /750
1998 Donruss Elite Status 30 /100
1998 Donruss Gold Press Proofs 132 /500
1998 Donruss Preferred 110
1998 Donruss Preferred Seating 110
1998 Donruss Prized Collections Donruss 132 /560
1998 Donruss Prized Collections Elite 430 /220
1998 Donruss Prized Collections Leaf 315 /400
1998 Donruss Prized Collections Preferred 660 /55
1998 Donruss Signature 48
1998 Donruss Signature Proofs 48 /150
1998 Donruss Silver Press Proofs 132 /1500
1998 E-X2001 45
1998 E-X2001 Essential Credentials Future 45 /56
1998 E-X2001 Essential Credentials Future 45 /45
1998 Finest 248
1998 Finest No-Protectors 248
1998 Finest No-Protectors Refractors 248
1998 Finest Refractors 248
1998 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 0 34 /100
1998 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 1 34 /100
1998 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 2 34 /100
1998 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 3 34 /100
1998 Flair Showcase Row 0 34 /500
1998 Flair Showcase Row 1 34
1998 Flair Showcase Row 3 34
1998 Leaf Fractal Diamond Axis 116 /50
1998 Leaf Fractal Foundations 116 /3999
1998 Leaf Fractal Materials 116 /900
1998 Leaf Fractal Materials Die Cuts 116 /100
1998 Leaf Fractal Materials Samples 116
1998 Leaf Fractal Materials Z2 Axis 116 /20
1998 Leaf Fractal Matrix 116 /600
1998 Leaf Fractal Matrix Die Cuts 116 /400
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity 103 /49
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars True Blue 103 /500
1998 Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems 121 /50
1998 Pacific 89
1998 Pacific Invincible 33
1998 Pacific Invincible Platinum Blue 33
1998 Pacific Invincible Silver 33
1998 Pacific Invincible Team Checklists 10
1998 Pacific Omega 90
1998 Pacific Omega Red 90
1998 Pacific Online 274
1998 Pacific Online Red 274
1998 Pacific Online Web Cards 274
1998 Pacific Online Winners 274
1998 Pacific Platinum Blue 89 /67
1998 Pacific Red Threatt 89
1998 Pacific Silver 89
1998 Paramount 47
1998 Paramount Copper 47
1998 Paramount Gold 47
1998 Paramount Holographic Silver 47 /99
1998 Paramount Platinum Blue 47
1998 Paramount Red 47
1998 Pinnacle 114
1998 Pinnacle Certified Mirror Red Test Issue 56
1998 Pinnacle Inside Club Edition 4
1998 Pinnacle Inside Diamond Edition 4
1998 Pinnacle Performers Peak Performers 92
1998 Pinnacle Plus Artist's Proofs PP41
1998 Pinnacle Plus Gold Artist's Proofs PP41 /100
1998 Pinnacle Totally Certified Platinum Gold Test Issue 56 /30
1998 Revolution 58
1998 Revolution Shadow Series 58 /99
1998 Score Rookie Traded RT50
1998 Score Rookie Traded Showcase Series Artist's Proofs PP50
1998 Skybox Dugout Axcess Inside Axcess 64 /50
1998 SP Authentic 91
1998 Sports Illustrated 60
1998 Sports Illustrated Extra Edition 60 /250
1998 Sports Illustrated Then And Now 92
1998 Sports Illustrated Then And Now Extra Edition 92 /500
1998 Sports Illustrated World Series Fever Extra Edition 58 /98
1998 SPx Finite 83 /9000
1998 SPx Finite Radiance 83 /4500
1998 SPx Finite Spectrum 83 /2250
1998 Stadium Club First Day Issue 305 /200
1998 Stadium Club One of a Kind 305 /150
1998 Studio 37
1998 Studio Gold Press Proofs 37 /300
1998 Studio Media Test Issue 37
1998 Studio Silver Press Proofs 37 /1000
1998 Topps Chrome 436
1998 Topps Chrome Refractors 436
1998 Topps Gallery 47
1998 Topps Gallery Gallery Proofs 47 /125
1998 Topps Gallery Player's Private Issue 47 /250
1998 Topps Gallery Player's Private Issue Auction 47
1998 Topps Inaugural Devil Rays 436
1998 Topps Inaugural Diamondbacks 436
1998 Topps Minted In Cooperstown 436
1998 Topps Stars Bronze 148 /9799
1998 Topps Stars Gold 148 /2299
1998 Topps Stars Gold Rainbow 148 /99
1998 Topps Stars Silver 148 /4399
1998 Ultra Gold Medallion 21
1998 Ultra Platinum Medallion 21 /100
1998 Upper Deck Special F/X 54
1998 Zenith 56
1998 Zenith 5 X 7 34
1998 Zenith 5 X 7 Gold Impulse 34
1998 Zenith 5 X 7 Impulse 34
1998 Zenith Z-Gold 56 /100
1998 Zenith Z-Silver 56
1999 Aurora 67
1999 Aurora Opening Day 67 /31
1999 Aurora Red 67
1999 Bowman 49
1999 Bowman Chrome 49
1999 Bowman Chrome Gold 49
1999 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors 49 /25
1999 Bowman Chrome International 49
1999 Bowman Chrome International Refractors 49 /100
1999 Bowman Chrome Refractors 49
1999 Bowman Gold 49 /99
1999 Bowman International 49
1999 Crown Royale 53
1999 Crown Royale Limited 53 /99
1999 Crown Royale Opening Day 53 /72
1999 Finest 76
1999 Finest Gold Refractors 76 /100
1999 Finest Refractors 76
1999 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 1 54 /99
1999 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 2 54 /99
1999 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 3 54 /99
1999 Flair Showcase Masterpiece 54
1999 Flair Showcase Row 1 54 /3000
1999 Flair Showcase Row 2 54
1999 Flair Showcase Row 3 54
1999 Fleer Brilliants 24-Karat Gold 91 /24
1999 Fleer Brilliants Blue 91B
1999 Fleer Brilliants Gold 91 /99
1999 Fleer Tradition Millenium 190 /5000
1999 Fleer Tradition Starting 9 190 /9
1999 Fleer Tradition Warning Track 190W
1999 Metal Universe 87
1999 Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems 87 /50
1999 Pacific 166
1999 Pacific Crown Collection Team Checklists 11
1999 Pacific Invincible 56
1999 Pacific Invincible Opening Day 56 /69
1999 Pacific Invincible Platinum Blue 56 /67
1999 Pacific Invincible Red 56
1999 Pacific Omega 90
1999 Pacific Omega Copper 90 /99
1999 Pacific Omega Gold 90 /299
1999 Pacific Omega Platinum Blue 90 /75
1999 Pacific Omega Premiere Date 90 /50
1999 Pacific Platinum Blue 166
1999 Pacific Prism 58
1999 Pacific Prism Holographic Blue 58 /80
1999 Pacific Prism Holographic Gold 58 /480
1999 Pacific Prism Holographic Mirror 58 /160
1999 Pacific Prism Red 58
1999 Pacific Red 166
1999 Paramount 89
1999 Paramount Copper 89
1999 Paramount Gold 89
1999 Paramount Holo-Gold 89 /199
1999 Paramount Holo-Silver 89 /99
1999 Paramount Opening Day 89 /74
1999 Paramount Platinum Blue 89
1999 Paramount Red 89
1999 Private Stock 99
1999 Private Stock PS-206 99
1999 Private Stock PS-206 Red 99
1999 Revolution 55
1999 Revolution Premiere Date 55 /49
1999 Revolution Red 55 /299
1999 Revolution Shadow Series 55 /99
1999 Skybox Molten Metal Xplosion 17
1999 Skybox Premium 56
1999 Skybox Premium Star Rubies 56 /50
1999 Skybox Thunder 191
1999 Skybox Thunder Rant 191
1999 Skybox Thunder Rave 191 /150
1999 Skybox Thunder Super Rave 191 /25
1999 Sports Illustrated 113
1999 Stadium Club First Day Issue 195 /170
1999 Stadium Club One of a Kind /150
1999 Topps Chrome 348
1999 Topps Chrome Refractors 348
1999 Topps MVP Promotion 348 /100
1999 Topps Opening Day 153
1999 Topps Stars 144
1999 Topps Stars Foil 144 /299
1999 Upper Deck Exclusives Level 1 367 /100
1999 Upper Deck Exclusives Level 2 367 /10
1999 Upper Deck MVP Gold Script 78 /100
1999 Upper Deck MVP Silver Script 78
1999 Upper Deck MVP Super Script 78 /25
2000 Fleer Focus Masterpiece Mania 17 /300
2000 Fleer Mystique 103
2000 Fleer Mystique Gold 103
2000 Fleer Tradition Glossy 76
2000 Metal Emerald 98
2000 MLB Showdown 1st Edition 164
2000 MLB Showdown Unlimited 164
2000 Pacific 163
2000 Pacific Copper 163 /99
2000 Pacific Emerald Green 163 /99
2000 Pacific Gold 163 /199
2000 Pacific Omega 52
2000 Pacific Omega Copper 52 /45
2000 Pacific Omega Gold 52 /120
2000 Pacific Omega Platinum Blue 52 /55
2000 Pacific Omega Premiere Date 52 /77
2000 Pacific Platinum Blue 163 /75
2000 Pacific Premiere Date 163 /37
2000 Pacific Ruby 163
2000 Paramount Copper 89
2000 Paramount Gold 89
2000 Paramount Green 89
2000 Paramount Holographic Gold 89 /199
2000 Paramount Holographic Green 89 /99
2000 Paramount Holographic Silver 89 /99
2000 Paramount Platinum Blue 89 /67
2000 Paramount Premiere Date 89 /50
2000 Paramount Ruby 89
2000 SP Authentic 176
2000 Topps Chrome 87
2000 Topps Chrome Refractors 87
2000 Topps MVP Promotion 87 /100
2000 Topps MVP Promotion Exchange MVP11
2000 Ultra Fresh Ink 29 /975 Auto
2000 Ultra Platinum Medallion 139 /50
2000 Upper Deck Exclusives Silver 380 /100
2000 Upper Deck Gold Reserve 93
2000 Upper Deck Pros and Prospects 173
2001 Bowman Heritage 413
2001 Bowman's Best 80
2001 Fleer Authority Prominence 60 /125
2001 Fleer Focus Green 150 /300
2001 Fleer Futures 132
2001 Fleer Futures Black Gold 132 /499
2001 Fleer Game Time 26
2001 Fleer Legacy 37
2001 Fleer Legacy Ultimate 37 /250
2001 Fleer Platinum 180
2001 Fleer Platinum Parallel 180 /201
2001 Fleer Premium Star Ruby 66 /125
2001 Fleer Tradition 350
2001 Fleer Tradition 444
2001 Fleer Triple Crown 14
2001 Fleer Triple Crown Blue 14 /30
2001 Fleer Triple Crown Green 14 /102
2001 Fleer Triple Crown Purple 14
2001 Fleer Triple Crown Red 14 /300
2001 Fleer White Rose 8
2001 Leaf Limited 143
2001 Leaf Limited Chicago Collection 143 /5
2001 MLB Showdown 1st Edition 164
2001 MLB Showdown Diamond Star Promos 9
2001 MLB Showdown Unlimited 164
2001 Pacific 157
2001 Pacific Extreme LTD 157 /45
2001 Pacific Hobby LTD 157 /70
2001 Pacific Premiere Date 157 /36
2001 Pacific Retail LTD 157 /85
2001 SP Authentic Limited 28 /50
2001 SP Game Bat Edition 32
2001 SP Game Bat Milestone 31
2001 SPx Spectrum 30 /50
2001 Topps Employee 458
2001 Topps Fusion 20
2001 Topps Gold 458 /2001
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 1 14
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 2 14
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 2 Gold 14 /699
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 3 14
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 3 Gold 14 /299
2001 Topps Home Team Advantage 458
2001 Topps Limited 458 /3085
2001 Topps Reserve 19
2001 Topps Stars Elimination 8 /100
2001 Topps Stars Gold 8 /499
2001 Topps Stars Onyx 8 /99
2001 Topps Stars Player's Choice Awards PCA6
2001 Ultra Platinum Medallion 70 /50
2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove 29
2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove Finite 29 /25
2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove Limited 29 /100
2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove Official Issue Game Ball OIHC /160
2001 Upper Deck MVP 112
2001 Upper Deck Victory 186
2001 Upper Deck Victory 199
2002 Absolute Memorabilia 58
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Chicago National 58 /5
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum 58 /100
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum Chicago National 58 /5
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandems Gold 12
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandems Materials 12 Bat
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandems Materials Gold 12 /50 Bat
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandems Spectrum 12
2002 Bowman Chrome 39
2002 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors 39 /50
2002 Bowman Chrome Refractors 39 /500
2002 Bowman Chrome X-Fractors 39 /250
2002 Bowman Gold 39
2002 Donruss Best of Fan Club 146
2002 Donruss Best of Fan Club Chicago National 146 /5
2002 Donruss Best of Fan Club Spotlight 146 /100
2002 Donruss Chicago Collection 123 /5
2002 Donruss Chicago National 123
2002 Donruss Elite Chicago National 65 /5
2002 Donruss Elite Samples 65
2002 Donruss Elite Samples Gold 65
2002 Donruss Elite Status 65 /96
2002 Donruss Elite Status Chicago National 65 /5
2002 Donruss Fan Club Credits 146 /100
2002 Donruss Fan Club Die-Cuts 146
2002 Donruss Samples 123
2002 Donruss Samples Gold 123
2002 Donruss Stat Line Career 123 /281
2002 Donruss Stat Line Season 123 /71
2002 E-X Essential Credentials 79 /107
2002 E-X Essential Credentials Now 79 /79
2002 Finest 34
2002 Finest Refractors 34 /499
2002 Finest X-Fractors 34 /299
2002 Finest X-Fractors Protectors 34 /99
2002 Fleer 71
2002 Fleer Authentix Front Row 98 /150
2002 Fleer Authentix Second Row 98 /250
2002 Fleer Box Score First Edition 94 /100
2002 Fleer Focus JE Century Parallel 74 /104
2002 Fleer Focus JE Jersey Parallel 74 /4
2002 Fleer Gold Backs 71
2002 Fleer Maximum to the Max 168 /320
2002 Fleer Mini 71 /50
2002 Fleer Platinum Parallel 241 /202
2002 Fleer Premium Star Ruby 175 /125
2002 Fleer Showcase Legacy 21 /175
2002 Fleer Tiffany 71 /200
2002 Fleer Tradition 40
2002 Fleer Tradition Glossy 40 /200
2002 Fleer Triple Crown 175
2002 Fleer Triple Crown Batting Average Parallel 175 /277
2002 Fleer Triple Crown Home Run Parallel 175 /17
2002 Fleer Triple Crown RBI Parallel 175 /71
2002 Leaf Chicago National 114 /5
2002 Leaf Game Collection BHB Bat
2002 Leaf Lineage 114
2002 Leaf Lineage Century 114 /100
2002 Leaf National 114
2002 Leaf Press Proofs Blue 114
2002 Leaf Press Proofs Platinum 114 /25
2002 Leaf Press Proofs Red 114
2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars 38
2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity 38 /100
2002 Leaf Samples 114
2002 Leaf Samples Gold 114
2002 MLB Showdown 127
2002 SP Authentic Limited 29 /125
2002 SP Authentic Limited Gold 29 /50
2002 Topps 206 109
2002 Topps 206 Cycle 109
2002 Topps 206 Polar Bear 109
2002 Topps 206 Tolstoi 109
2002 Topps 206 Tolstoi Red 109
2002 Topps Chrome Black Refractors 180 /50
2002 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors 180
2002 Topps Gallery 140
2002 Topps Gold 180 /2002
2002 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Gold 21 /500
2002 Topps Gold Label Class 2 Platinum 21 /250
2002 Topps Gold Label Class 3 Titanium 21 /100
2002 Topps home Team Advantage 180
2002 Topps Limited 180 /1950
2002 Topps Opening Day 91
2002 Topps Pristine 138
2002 Topps Pristine Gold 138 /70
2002 Topps Pristine Refractors 138 /149
2002 Topps Reserve 126
2002 Topps Reserve Parallel 126 /150
2002 UD Authentics 63
2002 UD Authentics Reverse Negatives 63
2002 UD Piece of History 29
2002 Ultra 242
2002 Ultra Gold Medallion 62
2002 Ultra Gold Medallion 242
2002 Upper Deck 40-Man 332
2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric 332
2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric Rainbow 332 /40
2002 Upper Deck Ballpark Idols 67
2002 Upper Deck Ballpark Idols Bronze 67 /100
2002 Upper Deck Ballpark Idols Gold 67 /25
2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection 27
2002 Upper Deck MVP Gold 103 /25
2002 Upper Deck MVP Silver 103 /100
2002 Upper Deck UD Plus Hobby UD29 /1125
2002 Upper Deck UD Plus Retail UD29 /1125
2003 Diamond Kings Atlantic City National 27 /5
2003 Diamond Kings Bronze Foil 27
2003 Diamond Kinds Chicago Collection 27 /5
2003 Diamond Kings Gold Foil 27 /100
2003 Diamond Kings Samples 27
2003 Diamond Kings Samples Gold 27
2003 Diamond Kings Silver Foil 27 /400
2003 Donruss Atlantic City National 127 /5
2003 Donruss Champions 101
2003 Donruss Champions Atlantic City National 101 /5
2003 Donruss Champions Holo-Foil 101 /25
2003 Donruss Champions Metalized 101 /100
2003 Donruss Chicago Collection 127 /5
2003 Donruss Elite Aspirations 27 /96
2003 Donruss Elite Atlantic City National 27 /5
2003 Donruss Elite Status 27 /4
2003 Donruss Elite Status Gold 27 /24
2003 Donruss Samples 127
2003 Donruss Samples Gold 127
2003 Donruss Stat Line Career 127 /281
2003 Donruss Stat Line Season 127 /63
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Atlantic City National 187 /5
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Chicago Collection 187 /5
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Glossy 187
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Master 187 /20
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Samples 187
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Samples Gold 187
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Stat Line 187 /125
2003 Fleer Authentix Balcony 96 /250
2003 Fleer Authentix Club Box 96 /100
2003 Fleer Authentix Standing Room Only 96 /25
2003 Fleer Box Score First Edition 99 /150
2003 Fleer Focus JE Century Parallel 144 /104
2003 Fleer Hardball 134
2003 Fleer Hardball Gold 134
2003 Fleer Hardball Platinum 134 /50
2003 Fleer Patchworks Star Ruby 4 /100
2003 Fleer Platinum Finish 128 /100
2003 Fleer Tradition 89
2003 Fleer Tradition Glossy 89 /100
2003 Leaf 41A
2003 Leaf Atlantic City National 41 /5
2003 Leaf Chicago Collection 41 /5
2003 Leaf Green 41 /25
2003 Leaf Orange County 41 /5
2003 Leaf Press Proofs Blue 41 /50
2003 Leaf Press Proofs Red 41
2003 Leaf Samples Gold 41
2003 MLB Showdown 120
2003 MLB Stickers 41
2003 Playoff Prestige Atlantic City National 30 /5
2003 Playoff Prestige Samples 30
2003 Playoff Prestige Samples Gold 30
2003 Playoff Prestige Xtra Points Green 30 /150
2003 Playoff Prestige Xtra Points Purple 30 /150
2003 Studio Atlantic City National 33 /5
2003 Studio Proofs 33 /100
2003 Studio Samples 33
2003 Topps 205 71
2003 Topps 205 Bazooka Red 71 /5
2003 Topps 205 Drum 71
2003 Topps 205 Polar Bear 71
2003 Topps 205 Sovereign 71
2003 Topps 205 Sovereign Green 71
2003 Topps 205 Sweet Caporal 71
2003 Topps 205 Sweet Caporal Purple 71
2003 Topps Black 52 /52
2003 Topps Chrome 134
2003 Topps Chrome Black Refractors 134 /199
2003 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors 134 /449
2003 Topps Chrome Refractors 134 /699
2003 Topps Chrome Uncirculated X-Fractors 134 /50
2003 Topps Gold 52 /2003
2003 Topps Heritage 370
2003 Topps Home Team Advantage 52
2003 Topps Pristine 85
2003 Topps Pristine Gold Refractors 85 /69
2003 Topps Pristine Plates 85 /4
2003 Topps Pristine Refractors 85 /99
2003 Topps Total 324
2003 Topps Total Silver 324
2003 Ultra Gold Medallion 118
2003 Upper Deck 40-Man 253
2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Rainbow 253 /40
2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Red White and Blue 253
2003 Upper Deck MVP Black 78 /50
2003 Upper Deck MVP Silver 78
2003 Upper Deck Post 11
2004 Donruss Elite 26
2004 Donruss Elite Aspirations 26 /96
2004 Donruss Elite Status 26 /4
2004 Donruss Elite Status Gold 26 /24
2004 Donruss Elite Turn of the Century 26 /750
2004 Donruss Orange County 117 /5
2004 Donruss Press Proofs Black 117 /10
2004 Donruss Press Proofs Blue 117 /100
2004 Donruss Press Proofs Gold 117 /25
2004 Donruss Press Proofs Red 117
2004 Donruss Stat Line Career 117 /276
2004 Donruss Stat Line Season 117 61
2004 Donruss Team Heroes 144
2004 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Bronze 144 /150
2004 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Gold 144 /10
2004 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Silver 144 /50
2004 Fleer Patchworks Star Ruby 54 /50
2004 Leaf Orange County 34 /5
2004 Leaf Press Proofs Blue 34 /100
2004 Leaf Press Proofs Gold 34 /25
2004 Leaf Press Proofs Red 34
2004 Leaf Press Proofs Silver 34 /150
2004 MLB Showdown 123
2004 MBL Sportsclix A70
2004 Playoff Prestige 69
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Black 69 /75
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Green 69 /150
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Purple 69 /150
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Red 69 /25
2004 Topps Black 24 /53
2004 Topps Chrome 24
2004 Topps Chrome Black Refractors 24
2004 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors 24
2004 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors 24 /63
2004 Topps Chrome Refractors 24
2004 Topps Total Silver 499
2004 Upper Deck 109
2004 Upper Deck First Pitch 109
2004 Upper Deck Glossy 109
2004 Upper Deck Vintage 162
2004 Upper Deck Vintage Black and White 162
2004 Upper Deck Vintage Black and White Color Variation 162
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Six 33 /100
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Six Spectrum 33 /50
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Six Swatch Single 33 /150 JSY
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandems 58 /250
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandems Spectrum 58 /150
2005 Donruss 25th Anniversary 177 /25
2005 Donruss Champions 408
2005 Donruss Champions 412
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions 408
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions 412
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Black 408 /5
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Black 412 /5
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Blue 408 /100
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Blue 412 /100
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Gold 408 /50
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Gold 412 /50
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Green 408 /25
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Green 412 /25
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Materials 408 /1200 Bat
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Materials 412 /800 Bat
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Orange 408 /75
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Orange 412 /75
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Red 408 /250
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Red 412 /250
2005 Donruss Press Proofs Black 177 /10
2005 Donruss Press Proofs Blue 177 /100
2005 Donruss Press Proofs Gold 177 /25
2005 Donruss Press Proofs Red 177 /200
2005 Donruss Stat Line Career 177 /187
2005 Donruss State Line Season 177 /63
2005 Donruss Team Heroes 115
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Blue 115
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Bronze 115 /100
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Gold 115 /10
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Red 115
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Silver 115 /50
2005 Fleer Tradition Gray Backs 141
2005 Fleer Tradition Gray Backs Gold Letter 141
2005 Leaf Black 70
2005 Leaf Green 70
2005 Leaf Orange 70
2005 Leaf Press Proofs Blue 70 /75
2005 Leaf Press Proofs Gold 70 /25
2005 Leaf Press Proofs Red 70
2005 Topps 1st Edition 137
2005 Topps Black 137 /54
2005 Topps Chrome 137
2005 Topps Chrome Black Refractors 137 /225
2005 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors 137 /25
2005 Topps Chrome Refractors 137
2005 Topps Gold 137 /2005
2005 Topps Heritage 280
2005 Topps Heritage White Backs 280
2005 Topps Total Silver 209
2005 Upper Deck 71
2005 Upper Deck American Flag 71 /15
2005 Upper Deck First Pitch 71
2005 Upper Deck Flyball 198
2005 Upper Deck Retro 71
Year Set Number Other
1995 Collector's Choice 581T RC
1995 Donruss Top of the Order 79
1995 Finest 257 RC
1995 Finest Refractors 257
1995 Flair 258 RC
1995 Leaf Limited 106 RC
1995 Select Certified 102 RC
1995 Select Certified Mirror Gold 102
1995 SP Championship 156 RC
1995 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel 611
1995 Stadium Club Super Team World Series 611 RC
1995 Summit Nth Degree 134
1995 Topps Traded 35T RC
1995 Ultra Gold Medallion Rookies M15
1995 Upper Deck Electric Diamond 233
1995 Upper Deck Electric Diamond Gold 233
1995 Zenith 131 RC
1996 Circa 40
1996 Circa Rave 40 /150
1996 Collector's Choice Gold Signature 146
1996 Collector's Choice Silver Signature 146
1996 Donruss Press Proofs 104 /2000
1996 Flair 82
1996 Flair Gold 82
1996 Fleer 113
1996 Fleer Tiffany 113
1996 Leaf Bronze Press Proofs 72 /2000
1996 Leaf Gold Press Proofs 72 /500
1996 Leaf Signature 113
1996 Leaf Signature Autographs Gold 101 /500
1996 Leaf Signature Autographs Silver 101 /1000
1996 Leaf Signature Gold Press Proofs 113
1996 Leaf Signature Platinum Press Proofs 113 /150
1996 Leaf Silver Press Proofs 72 /1000
1996 Pinnacle Aficionado 146
1996 Pinnacle Aficionado Artist's Proofs 146
1996 Score Dugout Collection B3
1996 Score Dugout Collection Artist's Proofs B3
1996 Select Artist's Proofs 150
1996 Stadium Club 234
1996 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel 170
1996 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel 234
1996 Stadium Club Silver 170
1996 Stadium Club Silver 234
1996 Summit 46
1996 Summit Above and Beyond 46
1996 Summit Artist's Proofs 46
1996 Summit Foil 46
1996 Team Out 37
1996 Ultra Gold Medallion 62
1997 Bowman 234
1997 Bowman Chrome 61
1997 Bowman Chrome International 61
1997 Bowman Chrome International Refractors R61
1997 Bowman Chrome Refractors 61
1997 Bowman International 234
1997 Circa Rave 52 /150
1997 Donruss Elite 81
1997 Donruss Elite Gold Stars 81
1997 Donruss Elite Turn of the Century 17 /3500
1997 Donruss Elite Turn of the Century Die Cuts 17 /500
1997 Donruss Elite Turn of the Century Sample 17
1997 Donruss Gold Press Proofs 61 /500
1997 Donruss Limited 200
1997 Donruss Limited Exposure 200
1997 Donruss Preferred 56
1997 Donruss Preferred Cut to the Chase 56
1997 Donruss Silver Press Proofs 61 /2000
1997 E-X2000 22
1997 E-X2000 Credentials 22 /299
1997 E-X2000 Essential Credentials 22 /99
1997 Finest Refractors 76
1997 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 0 146 /100
1997 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 1 146 /100
1997 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 2 146 /100
1997 Flair Showcase Row 0 146
1997 Flair Showcase Row 1 146
1997 Flair Showcase Row 2 146
1997 Fleer Team Leaders 6
1997 Fleer Tiffany 99
1997 Leaf Fractal Matrix 127
1997 Leaf Fractal Matrix Die Cuts 127
1997 Metal Universe 110
1997 New Pinnacle Artist's Proofs 51
1997 New Pinnacle Museum Collection 51
1997 Pacific 88
1997 Pacific Light Blue 88
1997 Pacific Prisms 32
1997 Pacific Prisms Light Blue 32
1997 Pacific Prisms Platinum 32
1997 Pacific Silver 88 /67
1997 Pinnacle Inside 76
1997 Pinnacle Inside Club Edition 76
1997 Pinnacle Inside Diamond Edition 76
1997 Pinnacle X-Press 85
1997 Pinnacle X-Press Men of Summer 85
1997 Score Artist's Proofs White Border 307
1997 Score Hobby Reserve HR307
1997 Score Premium Stock 307
1997 Score Showcase Series 307
1997 Score Showcase Series Artist's Proofs 307
1997 Select Artist's Proofs 67
1997 Select Company 67
1997 Select Registered Gold 67
1997 Sports Illustrated Extra Edition /500
1997 Stadium Club 136
1997 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel 136
1997 Studio Gold Press Proofs 71 /500
1997 Studio Silver Press Proofs 71 /1500
1997 Topps Chrome 90
1997 Topps Chrome Refractors 90
1997 Ultra Gold Medallion 60
1997 Ultra Platinum Medallion 60 /200
1997 Upper Deck 355
1998 Aurora 38
1998 Bowman Chrome 255
1998 Bowman Chrome Golden Anniversary 255 /50
1998 Bowman Chrome Golden Anniversary Refractors 255 /5
1998 Bowman Chrome International 255
1998 Bowman Chrome International Refractors 255
1998 Bowman Chrome Refractors 255
1998 Bowman Golden Anniversary 255 /50
1998 Bowman International 255
1998 Bowman's Best 75
1998 Bowman's Best Atomic Refractors 75 /100
1998 Bowman's Best Refractors 75 /400
1998 Circa Thunder Rave 196 /150
1998 Circa Thunder Super Rave 196 /25
1998 Crown Royale 56
1998 Donruss Collections Donruss 132
1998 Donruss Collections Elite 430
1998 Donruss Collections Leaf 315
1998 Donruss Collections Preferred 660
1998 Donruss Collections Samples 132
1998 Donruss Crusade Green 26 /250
1998 Donruss Crusade Purple 26 /100
1998 Donruss Crusade Red 26 /25
1998 Donruss Elite Aspirations 30 /750
1998 Donruss Elite Status 30 /100
1998 Donruss Gold Press Proofs 132 /500
1998 Donruss Preferred 110
1998 Donruss Preferred Seating 110
1998 Donruss Prized Collections Donruss 132 /560
1998 Donruss Prized Collections Elite 430 /220
1998 Donruss Prized Collections Leaf 315 /400
1998 Donruss Prized Collections Preferred 660 /55
1998 Donruss Signature 48
1998 Donruss Signature Proofs 48 /150
1998 Donruss Silver Press Proofs 132 /1500
1998 E-X2001 45
1998 E-X2001 Essential Credentials Future 45 /56
1998 E-X2001 Essential Credentials Future 45 /45
1998 Finest 248
1998 Finest No-Protectors 248
1998 Finest No-Protectors Refractors 248
1998 Finest Refractors 248
1998 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 0 34 /100
1998 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 1 34 /100
1998 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 2 34 /100
1998 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 3 34 /100
1998 Flair Showcase Row 0 34 /500
1998 Flair Showcase Row 1 34
1998 Flair Showcase Row 3 34
1998 Leaf Fractal Diamond Axis 116 /50
1998 Leaf Fractal Foundations 116 /3999
1998 Leaf Fractal Materials 116 /900
1998 Leaf Fractal Materials Die Cuts 116 /100
1998 Leaf Fractal Materials Samples 116
1998 Leaf Fractal Materials Z2 Axis 116 /20
1998 Leaf Fractal Matrix 116 /600
1998 Leaf Fractal Matrix Die Cuts 116 /400
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity 103 /49
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars True Blue 103 /500
1998 Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems 121 /50
1998 Pacific 89
1998 Pacific Invincible 33
1998 Pacific Invincible Platinum Blue 33
1998 Pacific Invincible Silver 33
1998 Pacific Invincible Team Checklists 10
1998 Pacific Omega 90
1998 Pacific Omega Red 90
1998 Pacific Online 274
1998 Pacific Online Red 274
1998 Pacific Online Web Cards 274
1998 Pacific Online Winners 274
1998 Pacific Platinum Blue 89 /67
1998 Pacific Red Threatt 89
1998 Pacific Silver 89
1998 Paramount 47
1998 Paramount Copper 47
1998 Paramount Gold 47
1998 Paramount Holographic Silver 47 /99
1998 Paramount Platinum Blue 47
1998 Paramount Red 47
1998 Pinnacle 114
1998 Pinnacle Certified Mirror Red Test Issue 56
1998 Pinnacle Inside Club Edition 4
1998 Pinnacle Inside Diamond Edition 4
1998 Pinnacle Performers Peak Performers 92
1998 Pinnacle Plus Artist's Proofs PP41
1998 Pinnacle Plus Gold Artist's Proofs PP41 /100
1998 Pinnacle Totally Certified Platinum Gold Test Issue 56 /30
1998 Revolution 58
1998 Revolution Shadow Series 58 /99
1998 Score Rookie Traded RT50
1998 Score Rookie Traded Showcase Series Artist's Proofs PP50
1998 Skybox Dugout Axcess Inside Axcess 64 /50
1998 SP Authentic 91
1998 Sports Illustrated 60
1998 Sports Illustrated Extra Edition 60 /250
1998 Sports Illustrated Then And Now 92
1998 Sports Illustrated Then And Now Extra Edition 92 /500
1998 Sports Illustrated World Series Fever Extra Edition 58 /98
1998 SPx Finite 83 /9000
1998 SPx Finite Radiance 83 /4500
1998 SPx Finite Spectrum 83 /2250
1998 Stadium Club First Day Issue 305 /200
1998 Stadium Club One of a Kind 305 /150
1998 Studio 37
1998 Studio Gold Press Proofs 37 /300
1998 Studio Media Test Issue 37
1998 Studio Silver Press Proofs 37 /1000
1998 Topps Chrome 436
1998 Topps Chrome Refractors 436
1998 Topps Gallery 47
1998 Topps Gallery Gallery Proofs 47 /125
1998 Topps Gallery Player's Private Issue 47 /250
1998 Topps Gallery Player's Private Issue Auction 47
1998 Topps Inaugural Devil Rays 436
1998 Topps Inaugural Diamondbacks 436
1998 Topps Minted In Cooperstown 436
1998 Topps Stars Bronze 148 /9799
1998 Topps Stars Gold 148 /2299
1998 Topps Stars Gold Rainbow 148 /99
1998 Topps Stars Silver 148 /4399
1998 Ultra Gold Medallion 21
1998 Ultra Platinum Medallion 21 /100
1998 Upper Deck Special F/X 54
1998 Zenith 56
1998 Zenith 5 X 7 34
1998 Zenith 5 X 7 Gold Impulse 34
1998 Zenith 5 X 7 Impulse 34
1998 Zenith Z-Gold 56 /100
1998 Zenith Z-Silver 56
1999 Aurora 67
1999 Aurora Opening Day 67 /31
1999 Aurora Red 67
1999 Bowman 49
1999 Bowman Chrome 49
1999 Bowman Chrome Gold 49
1999 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors 49 /25
1999 Bowman Chrome International 49
1999 Bowman Chrome International Refractors 49 /100
1999 Bowman Chrome Refractors 49
1999 Bowman Gold 49 /99
1999 Bowman International 49
1999 Crown Royale 53
1999 Crown Royale Limited 53 /99
1999 Crown Royale Opening Day 53 /72
1999 Finest 76
1999 Finest Gold Refractors 76 /100
1999 Finest Refractors 76
1999 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 1 54 /99
1999 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 2 54 /99
1999 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 3 54 /99
1999 Flair Showcase Masterpiece 54
1999 Flair Showcase Row 1 54 /3000
1999 Flair Showcase Row 2 54
1999 Flair Showcase Row 3 54
1999 Fleer Brilliants 24-Karat Gold 91 /24
1999 Fleer Brilliants Blue 91B
1999 Fleer Brilliants Gold 91 /99
1999 Fleer Tradition Millenium 190 /5000
1999 Fleer Tradition Starting 9 190 /9
1999 Fleer Tradition Warning Track 190W
1999 Metal Universe 87
1999 Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems 87 /50
1999 Pacific 166
1999 Pacific Crown Collection Team Checklists 11
1999 Pacific Invincible 56
1999 Pacific Invincible Opening Day 56 /69
1999 Pacific Invincible Platinum Blue 56 /67
1999 Pacific Invincible Red 56
1999 Pacific Omega 90
1999 Pacific Omega Copper 90 /99
1999 Pacific Omega Gold 90 /299
1999 Pacific Omega Platinum Blue 90 /75
1999 Pacific Omega Premiere Date 90 /50
1999 Pacific Platinum Blue 166
1999 Pacific Prism 58
1999 Pacific Prism Holographic Blue 58 /80
1999 Pacific Prism Holographic Gold 58 /480
1999 Pacific Prism Holographic Mirror 58 /160
1999 Pacific Prism Red 58
1999 Pacific Red 166
1999 Paramount 89
1999 Paramount Copper 89
1999 Paramount Gold 89
1999 Paramount Holo-Gold 89 /199
1999 Paramount Holo-Silver 89 /99
1999 Paramount Opening Day 89 /74
1999 Paramount Platinum Blue 89
1999 Paramount Red 89
1999 Private Stock 99
1999 Private Stock PS-206 99
1999 Private Stock PS-206 Red 99
1999 Revolution 55
1999 Revolution Premiere Date 55 /49
1999 Revolution Red 55 /299
1999 Revolution Shadow Series 55 /99
1999 Skybox Molten Metal Xplosion 17
1999 Skybox Premium 56
1999 Skybox Premium Star Rubies 56 /50
1999 Skybox Thunder 191
1999 Skybox Thunder Rant 191
1999 Skybox Thunder Rave 191 /150
1999 Skybox Thunder Super Rave 191 /25
1999 Sports Illustrated 113
1999 Stadium Club First Day Issue 195 /170
1999 Stadium Club One of a Kind /150
1999 Topps Chrome 348
1999 Topps Chrome Refractors 348
1999 Topps MVP Promotion 348 /100
1999 Topps Opening Day 153
1999 Topps Stars 144
1999 Topps Stars Foil 144 /299
1999 Upper Deck Exclusives Level 1 367 /100
1999 Upper Deck Exclusives Level 2 367 /10
1999 Upper Deck MVP Gold Script 78 /100
1999 Upper Deck MVP Silver Script 78
1999 Upper Deck MVP Super Script 78 /25
2000 Fleer Focus Masterpiece Mania 17 /300
2000 Fleer Mystique 103
2000 Fleer Mystique Gold 103
2000 Fleer Tradition Glossy 76
2000 Metal Emerald 98
2000 MLB Showdown 1st Edition 164
2000 MLB Showdown Unlimited 164
2000 Pacific 163
2000 Pacific Copper 163 /99
2000 Pacific Emerald Green 163 /99
2000 Pacific Gold 163 /199
2000 Pacific Omega 52
2000 Pacific Omega Copper 52 /45
2000 Pacific Omega Gold 52 /120
2000 Pacific Omega Platinum Blue 52 /55
2000 Pacific Omega Premiere Date 52 /77
2000 Pacific Platinum Blue 163 /75
2000 Pacific Premiere Date 163 /37
2000 Pacific Ruby 163
2000 Paramount Copper 89
2000 Paramount Gold 89
2000 Paramount Green 89
2000 Paramount Holographic Gold 89 /199
2000 Paramount Holographic Green 89 /99
2000 Paramount Holographic Silver 89 /99
2000 Paramount Platinum Blue 89 /67
2000 Paramount Premiere Date 89 /50
2000 Paramount Ruby 89
2000 SP Authentic 176
2000 Topps Chrome 87
2000 Topps Chrome Refractors 87
2000 Topps MVP Promotion 87 /100
2000 Topps MVP Promotion Exchange MVP11
2000 Ultra Fresh Ink 29 /975 Auto
2000 Ultra Platinum Medallion 139 /50
2000 Upper Deck Exclusives Silver 380 /100
2000 Upper Deck Gold Reserve 93
2000 Upper Deck Pros and Prospects 173
2001 Bowman Heritage 413
2001 Bowman's Best 80
2001 Fleer Authority Prominence 60 /125
2001 Fleer Focus Green 150 /300
2001 Fleer Futures 132
2001 Fleer Futures Black Gold 132 /499
2001 Fleer Game Time 26
2001 Fleer Legacy 37
2001 Fleer Legacy Ultimate 37 /250
2001 Fleer Platinum 180
2001 Fleer Platinum Parallel 180 /201
2001 Fleer Premium Star Ruby 66 /125
2001 Fleer Tradition 350
2001 Fleer Tradition 444
2001 Fleer Triple Crown 14
2001 Fleer Triple Crown Blue 14 /30
2001 Fleer Triple Crown Green 14 /102
2001 Fleer Triple Crown Purple 14
2001 Fleer Triple Crown Red 14 /300
2001 Fleer White Rose 8
2001 Leaf Limited 143
2001 Leaf Limited Chicago Collection 143 /5
2001 MLB Showdown 1st Edition 164
2001 MLB Showdown Diamond Star Promos 9
2001 MLB Showdown Unlimited 164
2001 Pacific 157
2001 Pacific Extreme LTD 157 /45
2001 Pacific Hobby LTD 157 /70
2001 Pacific Premiere Date 157 /36
2001 Pacific Retail LTD 157 /85
2001 SP Authentic Limited 28 /50
2001 SP Game Bat Edition 32
2001 SP Game Bat Milestone 31
2001 SPx Spectrum 30 /50
2001 Topps Employee 458
2001 Topps Fusion 20
2001 Topps Gold 458 /2001
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 1 14
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 2 14
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 2 Gold 14 /699
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 3 14
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 3 Gold 14 /299
2001 Topps Home Team Advantage 458
2001 Topps Limited 458 /3085
2001 Topps Reserve 19
2001 Topps Stars Elimination 8 /100
2001 Topps Stars Gold 8 /499
2001 Topps Stars Onyx 8 /99
2001 Topps Stars Player's Choice Awards PCA6
2001 Ultra Platinum Medallion 70 /50
2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove 29
2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove Finite 29 /25
2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove Limited 29 /100
2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove Official Issue Game Ball OIHC /160
2001 Upper Deck MVP 112
2001 Upper Deck Victory 186
2001 Upper Deck Victory 199
2002 Absolute Memorabilia 58
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Chicago National 58 /5
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum 58 /100
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum Chicago National 58 /5
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandems Gold 12
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandems Materials 12 Bat
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandems Materials Gold 12 /50 Bat
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandems Spectrum 12
2002 Bowman Chrome 39
2002 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors 39 /50
2002 Bowman Chrome Refractors 39 /500
2002 Bowman Chrome X-Fractors 39 /250
2002 Bowman Gold 39
2002 Donruss Best of Fan Club 146
2002 Donruss Best of Fan Club Chicago National 146 /5
2002 Donruss Best of Fan Club Spotlight 146 /100
2002 Donruss Chicago Collection 123 /5
2002 Donruss Chicago National 123
2002 Donruss Elite Chicago National 65 /5
2002 Donruss Elite Samples 65
2002 Donruss Elite Samples Gold 65
2002 Donruss Elite Status 65 /96
2002 Donruss Elite Status Chicago National 65 /5
2002 Donruss Fan Club Credits 146 /100
2002 Donruss Fan Club Die-Cuts 146
2002 Donruss Samples 123
2002 Donruss Samples Gold 123
2002 Donruss Stat Line Career 123 /281
2002 Donruss Stat Line Season 123 /71
2002 E-X Essential Credentials 79 /107
2002 E-X Essential Credentials Now 79 /79
2002 Finest 34
2002 Finest Refractors 34 /499
2002 Finest X-Fractors 34 /299
2002 Finest X-Fractors Protectors 34 /99
2002 Fleer 71
2002 Fleer Authentix Front Row 98 /150
2002 Fleer Authentix Second Row 98 /250
2002 Fleer Box Score First Edition 94 /100
2002 Fleer Focus JE Century Parallel 74 /104
2002 Fleer Focus JE Jersey Parallel 74 /4
2002 Fleer Gold Backs 71
2002 Fleer Maximum to the Max 168 /320
2002 Fleer Mini 71 /50
2002 Fleer Platinum Parallel 241 /202
2002 Fleer Premium Star Ruby 175 /125
2002 Fleer Showcase Legacy 21 /175
2002 Fleer Tiffany 71 /200
2002 Fleer Tradition 40
2002 Fleer Tradition Glossy 40 /200
2002 Fleer Triple Crown 175
2002 Fleer Triple Crown Batting Average Parallel 175 /277
2002 Fleer Triple Crown Home Run Parallel 175 /17
2002 Fleer Triple Crown RBI Parallel 175 /71
2002 Leaf Chicago National 114 /5
2002 Leaf Game Collection BHB Bat
2002 Leaf Lineage 114
2002 Leaf Lineage Century 114 /100
2002 Leaf National 114
2002 Leaf Press Proofs Blue 114
2002 Leaf Press Proofs Platinum 114 /25
2002 Leaf Press Proofs Red 114
2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars 38
2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity 38 /100
2002 Leaf Samples 114
2002 Leaf Samples Gold 114
2002 MLB Showdown 127
2002 SP Authentic Limited 29 /125
2002 SP Authentic Limited Gold 29 /50
2002 Topps 206 109
2002 Topps 206 Cycle 109
2002 Topps 206 Polar Bear 109
2002 Topps 206 Tolstoi 109
2002 Topps 206 Tolstoi Red 109
2002 Topps Chrome Black Refractors 180 /50
2002 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors 180
2002 Topps Gallery 140
2002 Topps Gold 180 /2002
2002 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Gold 21 /500
2002 Topps Gold Label Class 2 Platinum 21 /250
2002 Topps Gold Label Class 3 Titanium 21 /100
2002 Topps home Team Advantage 180
2002 Topps Limited 180 /1950
2002 Topps Opening Day 91
2002 Topps Pristine 138
2002 Topps Pristine Gold 138 /70
2002 Topps Pristine Refractors 138 /149
2002 Topps Reserve 126
2002 Topps Reserve Parallel 126 /150
2002 UD Authentics 63
2002 UD Authentics Reverse Negatives 63
2002 UD Piece of History 29
2002 Ultra 242
2002 Ultra Gold Medallion 62
2002 Ultra Gold Medallion 242
2002 Upper Deck 40-Man 332
2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric 332
2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric Rainbow 332 /40
2002 Upper Deck Ballpark Idols 67
2002 Upper Deck Ballpark Idols Bronze 67 /100
2002 Upper Deck Ballpark Idols Gold 67 /25
2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection 27
2002 Upper Deck MVP Gold 103 /25
2002 Upper Deck MVP Silver 103 /100
2002 Upper Deck UD Plus Hobby UD29 /1125
2002 Upper Deck UD Plus Retail UD29 /1125
2003 Diamond Kings Atlantic City National 27 /5
2003 Diamond Kings Bronze Foil 27
2003 Diamond Kinds Chicago Collection 27 /5
2003 Diamond Kings Gold Foil 27 /100
2003 Diamond Kings Samples 27
2003 Diamond Kings Samples Gold 27
2003 Diamond Kings Silver Foil 27 /400
2003 Donruss Atlantic City National 127 /5
2003 Donruss Champions 101
2003 Donruss Champions Atlantic City National 101 /5
2003 Donruss Champions Holo-Foil 101 /25
2003 Donruss Champions Metalized 101 /100
2003 Donruss Chicago Collection 127 /5
2003 Donruss Elite Aspirations 27 /96
2003 Donruss Elite Atlantic City National 27 /5
2003 Donruss Elite Status 27 /4
2003 Donruss Elite Status Gold 27 /24
2003 Donruss Samples 127
2003 Donruss Samples Gold 127
2003 Donruss Stat Line Career 127 /281
2003 Donruss Stat Line Season 127 /63
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Atlantic City National 187 /5
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Chicago Collection 187 /5
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Glossy 187
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Master 187 /20
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Samples 187
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Samples Gold 187
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Stat Line 187 /125
2003 Fleer Authentix Balcony 96 /250
2003 Fleer Authentix Club Box 96 /100
2003 Fleer Authentix Standing Room Only 96 /25
2003 Fleer Box Score First Edition 99 /150
2003 Fleer Focus JE Century Parallel 144 /104
2003 Fleer Hardball 134
2003 Fleer Hardball Gold 134
2003 Fleer Hardball Platinum 134 /50
2003 Fleer Patchworks Star Ruby 4 /100
2003 Fleer Platinum Finish 128 /100
2003 Fleer Tradition 89
2003 Fleer Tradition Glossy 89 /100
2003 Leaf 41A
2003 Leaf Atlantic City National 41 /5
2003 Leaf Chicago Collection 41 /5
2003 Leaf Green 41 /25
2003 Leaf Orange County 41 /5
2003 Leaf Press Proofs Blue 41 /50
2003 Leaf Press Proofs Red 41
2003 Leaf Samples Gold 41
2003 MLB Showdown 120
2003 MLB Stickers 41
2003 Playoff Prestige Atlantic City National 30 /5
2003 Playoff Prestige Samples 30
2003 Playoff Prestige Samples Gold 30
2003 Playoff Prestige Xtra Points Green 30 /150
2003 Playoff Prestige Xtra Points Purple 30 /150
2003 Studio Atlantic City National 33 /5
2003 Studio Proofs 33 /100
2003 Studio Samples 33
2003 Topps 205 71
2003 Topps 205 Bazooka Red 71 /5
2003 Topps 205 Drum 71
2003 Topps 205 Polar Bear 71
2003 Topps 205 Sovereign 71
2003 Topps 205 Sovereign Green 71
2003 Topps 205 Sweet Caporal 71
2003 Topps 205 Sweet Caporal Purple 71
2003 Topps Black 52 /52
2003 Topps Chrome 134
2003 Topps Chrome Black Refractors 134 /199
2003 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors 134 /449
2003 Topps Chrome Refractors 134 /699
2003 Topps Chrome Uncirculated X-Fractors 134 /50
2003 Topps Gold 52 /2003
2003 Topps Heritage 370
2003 Topps Home Team Advantage 52
2003 Topps Pristine 85
2003 Topps Pristine Gold Refractors 85 /69
2003 Topps Pristine Plates 85 /4
2003 Topps Pristine Refractors 85 /99
2003 Topps Total 324
2003 Topps Total Silver 324
2003 Ultra Gold Medallion 118
2003 Upper Deck 40-Man 253
2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Rainbow 253 /40
2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Red White and Blue 253
2003 Upper Deck MVP Black 78 /50
2003 Upper Deck MVP Silver 78
2003 Upper Deck Post 11
2004 Donruss Elite 26
2004 Donruss Elite Aspirations 26 /96
2004 Donruss Elite Status 26 /4
2004 Donruss Elite Status Gold 26 /24
2004 Donruss Elite Turn of the Century 26 /750
2004 Donruss Orange County 117 /5
2004 Donruss Press Proofs Black 117 /10
2004 Donruss Press Proofs Blue 117 /100
2004 Donruss Press Proofs Gold 117 /25
2004 Donruss Press Proofs Red 117
2004 Donruss Stat Line Career 117 /276
2004 Donruss Stat Line Season 117 61
2004 Donruss Team Heroes 144
2004 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Bronze 144 /150
2004 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Gold 144 /10
2004 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Silver 144 /50
2004 Fleer Patchworks Star Ruby 54 /50
2004 Leaf Orange County 34 /5
2004 Leaf Press Proofs Blue 34 /100
2004 Leaf Press Proofs Gold 34 /25
2004 Leaf Press Proofs Red 34
2004 Leaf Press Proofs Silver 34 /150
2004 MLB Showdown 123
2004 MBL Sportsclix A70
2004 Playoff Prestige 69
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Black 69 /75
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Green 69 /150
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Purple 69 /150
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Red 69 /25
2004 Topps Black 24 /53
2004 Topps Chrome 24
2004 Topps Chrome Black Refractors 24
2004 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors 24
2004 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors 24 /63
2004 Topps Chrome Refractors 24
2004 Topps Total Silver 499
2004 Upper Deck 109
2004 Upper Deck First Pitch 109
2004 Upper Deck Glossy 109
2004 Upper Deck Vintage 162
2004 Upper Deck Vintage Black and White 162
2004 Upper Deck Vintage Black and White Color Variation 162
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Six 33 /100
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Six Spectrum 33 /50
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Six Swatch Single 33 /150 JSY
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandems 58 /250
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandems Spectrum 58 /150
2005 Donruss 25th Anniversary 177 /25
2005 Donruss Champions 408
2005 Donruss Champions 412
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions 408
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions 412
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Black 408 /5
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Black 412 /5
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Blue 408 /100
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Blue 412 /100
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Gold 408 /50
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Gold 412 /50
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Green 408 /25
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Green 412 /25
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Materials 408 /1200 Bat
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Materials 412 /800 Bat
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Orange 408 /75
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Orange 412 /75
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Red 408 /250
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Red 412 /250
2005 Donruss Press Proofs Black 177 /10
2005 Donruss Press Proofs Blue 177 /100
2005 Donruss Press Proofs Gold 177 /25
2005 Donruss Press Proofs Red 177 /200
2005 Donruss Stat Line Career 177 /187
2005 Donruss State Line Season 177 /63
2005 Donruss Team Heroes 115
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Blue 115
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Bronze 115 /100
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Gold 115 /10
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Red 115
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Silver 115 /50
2005 Fleer Tradition Gray Backs 141
2005 Fleer Tradition Gray Backs Gold Letter 141
2005 Leaf Black 70
2005 Leaf Green 70
2005 Leaf Orange 70
2005 Leaf Press Proofs Blue 70 /75
2005 Leaf Press Proofs Gold 70 /25
2005 Leaf Press Proofs Red 70
2005 Topps 1st Edition 137
2005 Topps Black 137 /54
2005 Topps Chrome 137
2005 Topps Chrome Black Refractors 137 /225
2005 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors 137 /25
2005 Topps Chrome Refractors 137
2005 Topps Gold 137 /2005
2005 Topps Heritage 280
2005 Topps Heritage White Backs 280
2005 Topps Total Silver 209
2005 Upper Deck 71
2005 Upper Deck American Flag 71 /15
2005 Upper Deck First Pitch 71
2005 Upper Deck Flyball 198
2005 Upper Deck Retro 71