Honestly guys, outside of maybe 4 players, there is just as good going to be out there as free agents. Yes, you might have to bid on them, but still, I don't see the huge to do. And believe me, as most of you know, I am always in an uproar if I feel there is some bias. But outside of Augusto Martinez, Gilberto Gonzalez, Dan Reed, Matt Anderson, and possibly Connor Gillespie, there isn't much. Maybe a few prospects, but that is about it. Everything else is just filler for even most teams. So other than Toronto and San Deigo, you have Boston, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia all getting a shot at improving. But honestly, does this 1 player make those teams head and shoulders above everyone else? If anything, the two big winners in this to me are Toronto (thats a given) and David, going from Anaheim to Boston. But also for David, he will lose Matt Anderson. But still, I understand some feeling shunned or maybe there would have been a better way, but really, I don't know that there was. Because then, you would have a different set of owners upset.
Maybe I am completely missing something, but to be honest, I don't want the BSL to fold. I did that once, and hated it. That is why I didn't rejoin until this late in the game. Didn't like a lot of the stuff back then, and when I felt I had made a team to my liking, it was shut down. Guys and gals, please, in the BSL 1.0, I LOST over 100 games in my 1st season. And I won it all the following year. It just takes the right chemistry and the right vision. Owners cannot just live in the know, and Heath will attest to this, I am always talking about how a player he wants fits into my FUTURE plans. But again, I am one of the owners that others complained about that puts in a lot of time, but I get a lot of enjoyment from the game.
But this game is a game, it isn't a science. Injuries happen, ratings decrease, and players just don't perform. What has helped me has been being able to replace injured players from my minor league sysytem, and really, not having a ton of injuries. I know Cory has made mention of it, and I know I get blamed for targeting them, but prospects are the key to winning. They offer you a low priced talented player that you can build around. Too many teams buy players, only to have them underperform, and thus sell them off. And wether there is anything to it or not, I am not sure, but I don't make a ton of MLB moves. I think it works for me, but Heath has shown it doesn't really matter.
But all in all, let's have fun. I don't think this is a big deal, but that is me. I have blown my stack on other things that other owners didn't think was a big deal. But I don't think the amount of players and where they are going is a huge difference maker, other than San Diego and Toronto. So we have one in the AL and one in the NL getting better. I am sure that the rest of the AL East isn't happy to hear that Toronto got the pick, but also bet Steph, Todd, and the Rays are looking forward to the chance to keep Toronto from winning the division regardless. And David with taking over the Red Sox will be eager to not be the whipping boy of the AL East (as he has been in the AL West. lol - had to take that jab).