This is most definitely an issue with The Bench website, not any user devices, please do not install anything on your computers thinking it is a problem on your end.
There may be multiple issues in play. The first is the malware detection that KC_Royals pointed out in the first post here. I get a similar Threat Warning from ESET when I load the site in MS Edge. I do not get the warning in Chrome while using AdBlock. So, I imagine one of the Ad providers includes the malware.
But the "hot"/CPU issue appears to be with a third party application called
cometchat. You can see in my browser's console (screenshot below), this script is being called repeatedly and will always throw a server error. If you look at the network tab, you can see this constant attempt to communicate with cometchat.
Since The Bench is not using Chat, the following two references should be removed from the pages being served up from The Bench:
href="/cometchat/cometchatcss.php" rel="stylesheet"
type="text/javascript" src="/cometchat/cometchatjs.php"
I'm pretty sure that would solve one of the problems unless there is some other use for this "cometchat" module that is unclear to me.
This next part is a guess, but I think the greater problem is that The Bench is still running on unsecure HTTP instead of HTTPS/SSL. Cometchat wants you to call their services using HTTPS and so references like the ones on The Bench are going to fail. Also, Google Chrome labels the site as "Not secure" and while that's not as important for a non-transactional site like The Bench, it will make first time visitors uneasy and less likely to register. Google also lowers the ranking of your site (in search results) if your site is not secure.