I have these 2020 Heritage from your list (BV $14.50):
13, 27, 82, 102, 111, 121, 133, 257, 275, 481 Austin Meadows [SP]
Could use these (BV $14):
2020 Topps Update 20 Years of The Captain YOC-00, YOC-01, YOC-09
2019 Topps 1984 Topps Silver Series 2 T84-28
2019 Topps Evolution EO-13
2019 Topps Now Review TN-4
2019 Topps Update 1984 Topps 84-22
2019 Topps Update Perennial All-Stars PAS-24
Found those 2019s on your site, so if anything's unavailable let me know. Or if it works for you you can post it.