I need vintage cards 1949-1968 baseball

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5.00 star(s)
Mar 20, 2009
I have a trader I work with who has vintage set needs...If you have any you are willing to trade let me know and I can post my wantlist...not opposed to adding cash in the right deal thanks
I have a vintage collection with some traders available for years 1960 to 1968. If you PM me the want list then I will check for matches. Also include condition requirements If any.
I have a vintage collection with some traders available for years 1960 to 1968. If you PM me the want list then I will check for matches. Also include condition requirements If any.
ok here is the wantlist...these are all Have lists, except where it says need...I need what is NOT listed...an * means I need an upgrade...as far as condition not super picky as long as the cards are priced accordingly...lmk thanks

60F: NEED: 3Ruth 5Alexander 28Gehrig 72Ted

60T:Have:1-3 5-7* 8-9 11-15 17 19-25 27* 29-32 34-43* 44 46-49 51-54-60 62-63 65-71 73-85 87-99 102-14 116-17 120 122-26 128-32* 133-47 149-50 152-59 161-63 165-70 172 174 -75 177-86 188-99 201-07 209 211-27 229-39 242-57* 258 260-81 283-89* 290 292*-93 295-97 299 301-02 304-10 312-15 317-25 327*-31 333-34 336-41 344-49 351-54 356-62 364-442 444 446-48* 449 451-56 458-75 477-78 481-89 491-95 496*-501 503 505-08 510 512-13 515 518-22* 524 527-28 530-38 540-46* 552 555-57 559 565 571-72

61F:(154) NEED ONLY: 89*CL- Sisler/Traynor 111*Hadley 120Lajoie

61T:Have: 1 3-9 11-17* 18-34 36-40 42 44-53 55-56 58-72 74-89* 90-94 98-104 107-08 112-13 115-17-19 121-28* 129-32 134-40 142-47 151 153 155 157-63 165-67 169-79 182-85 187-89 190*-94 196-99 201-03 205-07 209-10* 211-13* 214-23 226-28*-29 231-34 235-41 245-50 252-59 261-62 266-67 269-74 275*-77 279 281-86 288-92 294 296-98 301-03 306 308-10 313-19 321-22 325-28* 329 332-333 335-40 342-43* 344*-45* 348 351-58 361 363-68 370-71 374 376-84 386 391-92 393*-95 397-98 403-04 407-08* 411 413-14 416 419-20 422-25 427-32 436-40 442 445 447-49 451-53* 454 457-63 466 468-70 475-77 478*-79 481-82 487-88 490-91 493-94 497-98 500-03 505*-06 508-11 513-14 518 520 540 549 556 560

62T:have:1-4 6-24 26-72 74-109 111-33 134A/B-35* 136-38 141-49 150*-193 194*-99 201-07 209-17 219*-33 235 238-50 252-62 264 266-78 279*-94 295*-314 319-24 326-40 341*-49 351-60* 361 363-86 388-98 400-04 405*-13* 414-22 424 426-58B 459-62A/B 463-66 467*-69 472-76 477*-83 484*-99 501-29 531-49 551-74 576-78 580-90 595 597

63F:Have: 7 10-11 14 18 24 27 29*-30* 33 35 38 48*-49 53 55 63 65-66

63T(576) NEED ONLY: 200 Mantle 300 Mays 537 Rookies/Rose 540 Clemente

64T:Have:1-2 4-8* 11 13-20 22-28 30-49 50*-54 56-68 71-102 104-35 137-40* 141-145 147-66 167*-74 176-77* 178-99 201-04 206-10* 211-24 226-42 244-79 280*-84 286-99 301-05 307-18 320-23 325-30 332-41 343-45 347-49 351-70 372 374 376-77 379 382-83 385-86 388-99 401-02 404-06 408-09 411-12 414-16 418-22 424-27 429*-32 434 436-37 441-45 447-59 464*-67 469 471-72 474*-77* 478-81 483 485-86 488 490-92 494 496-500* 502-06 508 510-11 515-21 523-29-30 533 535*-39 543-47 549 551-60 562--66 568-69 571-72* 573-75 577-78* 582 584 586-87

65T: Have:1 6-7 9-12* 13-15* 17-18 20-22 24-25 27-29 32 36-39 41 42*-43 49-51 53-55* 57 60-61 63-65 67 71 73-76-77 79 81 83-84 86-87 89-91 95 99-100 102 105-06* 108 112-13 115 117-19 123 125-27 132-33 135-38* 139-41 144 147 149 151-54 159-60 162-64 166-67* 168 171-73 178* 180-81 184-85 187 189* 190-92 195-98* 199-201 203-06* 208-09 211-14* 217 219* 224 226-27 234-36 238 240-41 243 248-49 252 258 260264-65 267-69 271 273-74 276-77 279 282 284 285*-86 288-89 291 293-96 299 301-02 306-07 313 316* 318 321 324-25 327-28 331 335-40 345 349 353-54 359* 361-365* 366-68* 370-72 373*-74 376 379-81* 384 387-88 390-91 393-94 397 401*-02 404 406-08 412-13 415-17 419-20 422-25 427-28 432-33 435-36 440-43 445 447-49* 451 454-55 457-60 462-64 468-69 471-73 476 479-80 483-84 489-90 492 498 500-03 506 508-09 511-12* 514 516 518-20* 522-24 530* 533 538 541 544 547-49 551-52 556 *-558 560 562 564 567-69 572-73 576-77 584-85 587-88 589*-91 593-95

66T:Have:3-5 6 8 11*-17 18*-21 25-26 28* 30-32 34-36 40-44 46 48-54 56-62 64 67-68 69*-70 73-74 76 78 80-83 87-88 90-91* 95 98-99 101-05 107-08 111 114-15 118 121-22 124 127-29 131-35 137-38 141 143 147-53* 154-56* 157 159 163-64 166-68 170-74 176 179 181 184-89 191-92 194-95* 197-98 201-02* 204 206-14 222 224*-26* 228-30 232-34 236-37 239-40 242 244 246-250 252 255* 257-59 261 263 265 267 272 274 276-78 279*-80 284 286-87 289 291-92* 295-99 302-04 306-08 311-12 314-19 321 323 325-29 331-33 335 337 340-42 344-45 347-48 350-54 357-63 365* 370-71* 373-74 376-77 378*-79 381-84* 386*-89 392-96 398-401 403-09 412-19 421-29 431 434 437-38 440-42 444 446-47 452 454 456 458 461* 463-64 466* 471 476-77 480 486 489 493 495*-96 503 505-06 507*-08 512-15* 518 520-21 526 539* 556 585

67T:Have: 1*-25* 26-29 31-32 33*-36 38- 40-43* 44 46-55 56 57*-59 61-63* 64-69 71-72 74-79 81-84 85*-97 98-101* 102-03* 104 106-07* 108-10 112-19* 120-23 124*-30 132-36* 137-40* 142 144-49 151-55 157-58* 159-63 164*-65 167-69* 170*--79 180*-83* 184-91 192*-93 194*-95 197-209* 211-13* 215-16 218-20* 221-22 224* 226-27 229* 231 233-34 237 241 244*-46 248* 252* 255*-57* 260 262-63 265*-67 268*-69 273*-74 275*-76* 277-78 280-81* 282*-83* 284 287-89* 291 293-94 298-99*-301 303* 306-07 311-12 313-15* 316* 318* 320-22* 326* 328*-30 332 334-37 339-40 342 344 345*-46* 347 349* 351 354* 355*-57 361 364* 369 372* 375* 376-78 380*-81 382*-83* 384 389-90 392* 394*-97 399 401-07 409 411-18 421 424-25 427-28 431-32 434-36 438-42* 443-44 447-51 453 455-56* 461 464* 472* 477*-78 483 485* 489 499*-500 502 520 525* 560 603* 609

68T:Have1 3-4 :6-19 20*-26 28-36 37*-39* 40* 41-49 50*-53-64 66-85 87-93-95 97-100 102-03 104-09* 111-14* 118-23 124*-25 127* 129*-31 134 136*-40 143*-44 146 148-49 151 154* 158-59* 160-62* 163-64 167-69 171 175-76 177*-85* 186-88 190 192-93* 195*-96* 197 198*-99 201*-06 207*-14 216-19 221-28* 229 231-34 236-39 241-46 248-49 252-53 255-60 261*-63* 264-73 275-79 281-82 284*-86* 287 289 291-301 303*-09 311-16 318-25* 326-29 331 333*-38* 339-43 345-46 347*-48* 350*-52* 353-54 356-61 363-64 367 371* 374-78* 380-81* 382 384* 386-96 398-400 403*-05 407*-09 410*-11* 412-19 421 423-29 432-33* 434-39 441-49 450*-54* 455-56 458-60* 461-63* 464 466 468-70* 471-74 476*-79 481-85* 486-89 491-94* 496*-99 501-03 507-08 511-19 521-22 523*-25 527-28 530-32 534-38* 540-42 544*-48 550-51 552*-54* 555 557-68 570-74 576-88 590-91 593-94 596 598
Depending on the condition needs. I just picked up some 1949 Bowmans and have about 30 or so doubles for trade.
Depending on the condition needs. I just picked up some 1949 Bowmans and have about 30 or so doubles for trade.

interested...can use as long as they are priced correctly...here is my have list...need anything not on the list ty

49B:HAVE: 8 42 56 80 107 116 120 123 129 136 138*141 222 228/ 50B:Have:4 7-8 12 14-15 17 24 26 38 42 47 50-51 59 63 66-68 70-71 73-74 76 83 86* 90-92* 97 99-100 102-03* 104* 105*-06 110-11 118 120*-32 136 139 143 145-46 148 150-52 159-62 164 170-71 173 177 179-81 184 185-92 194-96* 199-203 205 207-11 213 218 220 223 225-28 230 231*-32 234-35 237-44* 245-47 249 -52 258 283
I"m working on the '63 Fleer and only have a few '60 Topps left, here is my want list, below that is what I have f/t....

I need 1960 Topps (EXMT & up)
35 509

I need 1963 FLEER (EXMT & up)
1 4 5 9 10 12 14 25 26 30 31 34 36 40 42 46 56 63 65 66 + checklist

I have f/t....
1952 Bowman -215(g)

1952 Mothers -22W.McCawley SF Seals

1953 TOPPS(g) -2 56

1954 Bowman(ex) - 179

1954 Red Heart -Jim Gilliam(ex) Sherman Lollar(emt)

1955 TOPPS -15 62 90 96 98 103 113

1956 TOPPS -7 12 16 17 18 19 21 26 29 34 36 37 38 39 42 44 46 47 52 66 133 170 204

1957 TOPPS -148 230 240 365

1958 TOPPS -16 26 158 214 226 233 268

1959 TOPPS #5 26 31 83 84 85 86 93 96 98 115 165 171 187 210 214 216 228 234 253 285 325K.Boyer 350E.Banks 386 401 406 422 423 458 462
1960 Fleer -19 69

1960 TOPPS #6L.Berberet 12M.Pappas 13W.Post 15P.Runnels 46J.Fisher 54M.Fornieles 58 60G.Triandos 65 75V.Power 83 92W.Herzog 100N.Fox 103D.Farrell 110C.McLish 119C.CardenasRC 152G.Hopkins 173B.Martin 186D.Sisler 235 236 237 243 245E.Yost 266J.Jay 269G.Green 270 273N.Chisley 281 302 308 310 322TasbyRC 323RomanoRC 330 335 345D.Newcombe 365 367 370 375D.Long 382T.Bowsfield 396S.Bilko 397D.Blasingame 414 416 419G.Crowevg 432 463 470 505T.Kluszewski 526 530M.McCormick 535 548D.Mincer

1961 TOPPS #8 15 18 21 32 36 37 60 134 148 185 186 206 212 213 232 241 244 247 249 251 292 294 313 317 375 382 412 447 455

1962 TOPPS -48 60Kofax S.O.Ldrs 113 117 137 142 148 224 408

1963 FLEER -10g 16 17 18 38 58

1963 TOPPS -26 40 43 57 60 73 87 90 101 116 125 137 168 170 216 222 238 257 318 364 418

1964 TOPPS -22 30 37SmokyB 77 90 111 114 121 141 145 167 170 172 209 217 227 228 232 236 245 249 259 261 263 266 275 283 290 291 294 296 297 302 307 309 313 315 323 355 356 357 363 366 376 394 425N.Cash 501

1965 TOPPS -27 29 32 45 57 66 75 86 94 102 105 109 135 141 184 206 211 214 221 242 245J.Pepitone 265 295 301 332 337 422 431 438 442 447 452 458 471 483 498 522

1965 TOPPS embossed AS cards NL blue -20M.Pappas crease 24D.Segui 31L.Wagner 39J.Fregosi

1966 Topps EX unless noted
2 6 14 17 19 20emt 21 23 32 38 41 43B 46 55 59 62 65 68 77 83 84 90Aparicio 97 102 105 129 134 147 150 154 155 159 162 166 178 180 189 192 197 204 205 211 231 240 251 283 316 328 331 348 355 379 391 399 404 406 412 418 421 428 429 431 438 439 464 477 480 481 494 513.

1967 -2 9 11 15 20Cepeda 23 44 48 49 59 61 69 73 78 79 80 83 88 95 97 105 107 116 119 129 131 133 141 160 173 196 198 201 208 221 222 224 230 233 245 249 257 259 260 280 284 295 298 309 373 386 390 424 425 426 455 513 551

1968 Topps
10 12 28 29 38 64 72 83 84 85Gaylord 95 137 167 171 176 185 188 191 193 195 205Marichal/crease 206 207 208 221 242 256Cash 257P.Niekro 259 263 264 274 278CepedaCL 284 300 318 333 345 349 358 360 364JoeMorganAS 373F.RobinsonAS 375 390Mazeroski 423 424 446 481 552
I"m working on the '63 Fleer and only have a few '60 Topps left, here is my want list, below that is what I have f/t....

I need 1960 Topps (EXMT & up)
35 509

I need 1963 FLEER (EXMT & up)

1 4 5 9 10 12 14 25 26 30 31 34 36 40 42 46 56 63 65 66 + checklist

I have f/t....
1952 Bowman -215(g)

1952 Mothers -22W.McCawley SF Seals

1953 TOPPS(g) -2 56

1954 Bowman(ex) - 179

1954 Red Heart -Jim Gilliam(ex) Sherman Lollar(emt)

1955 TOPPS -15 62 90 96 98 103 113

1956 TOPPS -7 12 16 17 18 19 21 26 29 34 36 37 38 39 42 44 46 47 52 66 133 170 204

1957 TOPPS -148 230 240 365

1958 TOPPS -16 26 158 214 226 233 268

1959 TOPPS #5 26 31 83 84 85 86 93 96 98 115 165 171 187 210 214 216 228 234 253 285 325K.Boyer 350E.Banks 386 401 406 422 423 458 462
1960 Fleer -19 69

1960 TOPPS #6L.Berberet 12M.Pappas 13W.Post 15P.Runnels 46J.Fisher 54M.Fornieles 58 60G.Triandos 65 75V.Power 83 92W.Herzog 100N.Fox 103D.Farrell 110C.McLish 119C.CardenasRC 152G.Hopkins 173B.Martin 186D.Sisler 235 236 237 243 245E.Yost 266J.Jay 269G.Green 270 273N.Chisley 281 302 308 310 322TasbyRC 323RomanoRC 330 335 345D.Newcombe 365 367 370 375D.Long 382T.Bowsfield 396S.Bilko 397D.Blasingame 414 416 419G.Crowevg 432 463 470 505T.Kluszewski 526 530M.McCormick 535 548D.Mincer

1961 TOPPS #8 15 18 21 32 36 37 60 134 148 185 186 206 212 213 232 241 244 247 249 251 292 294 313 317 375 382 412 447 455

1962 TOPPS -48 60Kofax S.O.Ldrs 113 117 137 142 148 224 408

1963 FLEER -10g 16 17 18 38 58

1963 TOPPS -26 40 43 57 60 73 87 90 101 116 125 137 168 170 216 222 238 257 318 364 418

1964 TOPPS -22 30 37SmokyB 77 90 111 114 121 141 145 167 170 172 209 217 227 228 232 236 245 249 259 261 263 266 275 283 290 291 294 296 297 302 307 309 313 315 323 355 356 357 363 366 376 394 425N.Cash 501

1965 TOPPS -27 29 32 45 57 66 75 86 94 102 105 109 135 141 184 206 211 214 221 242 245J.Pepitone 265 295 301 332 337 422 431 438 442 447 452 458 471 483 498 522

1965 TOPPS embossed AS cards NL blue -20M.Pappas crease 24D.Segui 31L.Wagner 39J.Fregosi

1966 Topps EX unless noted
2 6 14 17 19 20emt 21 23 32 38 41 43B 46 55 59 62 65 68 77 83 84 90Aparicio 97 102 105 129 134 147 150 154 155 159 162 166 178 180 189 192 197 204 205 211 231 240 251 283 316 328 331 348 355 379 391 399 404 406 412 418 421 428 429 431 438 439 464 477 480 481 494 513.

1967 -2 9 11 15 20Cepeda 23 44 48 49 59 61 69 73 78 79 80 83 88 95 97 105 107 116 119 129 131 133 141 160 173 196 198 201 208 221 222 224 230 233 245 249 257 259 260 280 284 295 298 309 373 386 390 424 425 426 455 513 551

1968 Topps
10 12 28 29 38 64 72 83 84 85Gaylord 95 137 167 171 176 185 188 191 193 195 205Marichal/crease 206 207 208 221 242 256Cash 257P.Niekro 259 263 264 274 278CepedaCL 284 300 318 333 345 349 358 360 364JoeMorganAS 373F.RobinsonAS 375 390Mazeroski 423 424 446 481 552
I checked and I do not have those few vintage that you need...if there is anything else you can use , I can use these from your list...ty

1956 TOPPS -7 12 16 17 18 19 21 26 29 34 36 37 38 39 42 44 46 47 52 66 133 170 204 are these white or gray back?

1958 TOPPS -233

1959 TOPPS #350E.Banks

1960 TOPPS 73B.Martin upgrade only

1961 TOPPS #148 292 upgrade only, 375 455

1963 FLEER -16 17 58 upgrade only

1965 TOPPS -94 221 242 245J.Pepitone 431
I checked and I do not have those few vintage that you need...if there is anything else you can use , I can use these from your list...ty

1956 TOPPS -7 12 16 17 18 19 21 26 29 34 36 37 38 39 42 44 46 47 52 66 133 170 204 are these white or gray back?

1958 TOPPS -233

1959 TOPPS #350E.Banks

1960 TOPPS 73B.Martin upgrade only

1961 TOPPS #148 292 upgrade only, 375 455

1963 FLEER -16 17 58 upgrade only

1965 TOPPS -94 221 242 245J.Pepitone 431
I know you listed only up to '68 in needs, but would you have any '69, '70, '71 trade cards? I would consider trading those older cards if you had high #s of the years I listed....
I know you listed only up to '68 in needs, but would you have any '69, '70, '71 trade cards? I would consider trading those older cards if you had high #s of the years I listed....

the only thing I have is those years in a 1969 topps #566 Ron Hansen graded PGA 8 NM-MT...let me know if you can use it thanks