So I only recently took the plunge and started sending out TTM requests. I've got a couple of areas I'm looking to collect including retired Dodgers players from the 70s-80s, retired and active players that appear in Topps Heritage sets, and minor league players that appear in prospect sets such as Pro Debut, Heritage Minors, and Bowman. I'm trying to mix and match between TTM autos and any IP autos I can get at games, spring training, fall league, etc.
I've started to receive my first returns a couple weeks after first sending out and I hope to get more spring training returns in the next couple of weeks.
Casey Blake c/o home
4/4 in 18 days
Burt Hooton c/o home
4/4 in 16 days
I've started to receive my first returns a couple weeks after first sending out and I hope to get more spring training returns in the next couple of weeks.
Casey Blake c/o home
4/4 in 18 days
Burt Hooton c/o home
4/4 in 16 days
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