Looking for Autos of Worley, Gallardo, Jimenez, Brach, Pedro Alvarez & Mike Wright
Looking for auto's of the following players
Vance Worley
Yovani Gallardo
Ubaldo Jimenez - preferably in O's uniform
Brad Brach
Mike Wright
Pedro Alvarez
If you have any let me know who (or what team) you are looking for in return and I will send you a list of what I have if any available. I am updating my trade list of Auto's so I do not have it posted online yet.
Looking for auto's of the following players
Vance Worley
Yovani Gallardo
Ubaldo Jimenez - preferably in O's uniform
Brad Brach
Mike Wright
Pedro Alvarez
If you have any let me know who (or what team) you are looking for in return and I will send you a list of what I have if any available. I am updating my trade list of Auto's so I do not have it posted online yet.