I am curious how others approach lopsided trades. I dont mind someone making a lopsided proposal (in thier favor) but do mind when you make a reasonable (or at least more even) counter, and they respond all indignant like you're the unreasonable one. (like they were hoping I didnt have a clue on value???) Most recently had someone offer $25 worth of cards for a Cabrera rookie. ($25 was high for thiers and $80 was low for Cabrera rookie) I dont get wrapped up in the $ amount, but want to make fair/reasonable trades. To me the natural response is to simply move on, but have had enough lopsided offers to ask what others do/think.(and yes I looked at several diff sources and the lopsided results were the same...Ebay BIN, Beckett,Sold history on Ebay...so I think Im justified on how lopsided the offer was)