Yes! Russell "Crazylegs" Patterson is a GREAT historian of the ***** Leagues.
His address is:
1012 East Sherwood Drive
Sumter, South Carolina 29153
He played in the late 50s and early 60s, but knows a ton about the history of the Leagues, and spends a good bit of time doing school presentations, etc. He would be very likely to probably give you a good response to your questions too!
Rev. Bill Greason is a fascinating man, he fought in the Marine Corps during WWII and was on Iwo Jima, returning home to play in the ***** Leagues. He later became an ordained Baptist minister, and is pastor of a church in Birmingham Alabama that Dr. King was at in the 50s and early 60s!
His address is:
4536 Hillman Dr SW
Birmingham, AL 35221
Rev. Greason is quite elderly, he turns 97 this year. He is a great signer, I am not sure how long of a letter he would write in return, though if your nephews were expressing an interest in the history of the ***** Leagues, he may be able to offer some answers!
Hope that helps, God bless!