New Look

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Bench Founder
5.00 star(s)
Bench Founder
Sep 30, 2002
New Jersey
We just finished installing a new STYLE for the site. Gives it a unique look.

You will need to edit your signature to have the text display. Old style had white background with black font. New style has dark background so you will need to change the font to be lighter colors.

If anyone see a problem please let me know...screen shots help.
Easier on the eyes somehow. Nice!

1987 Topps-ish! Does this mean Tim Carroll is cutting up the old website for his next art project?!

Since other people are saying the new format is easier on the eyes, I'm wondering if I'm seeing the same thing as others... so I'll attach a screenshot. I find the white text over the "wood grain" to be very difficult to read.


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Like the new design and the white is ok but I think black would be better. Now this maybe just my work PC but I have
overlaping writing over "New Post" and "Whats New" I will have to check my home PC later.
I kind of dig it. It'll take some time to get used to, but I think it will be better than it was previously.
Can anyone confirm whether what they're seeing looks like the screenshot that I have included in post #5 above?

Not sure why but the background for the text should be black transparent with the wood grain showing.

what browser are you using?
wow! i was kinda shocked, because i came on the site only about an hour or so ago, and now i come back and i thought i was in my kitchen cabinets, haha

looks good tho, i love the wood grain look.

now i just have to tinker with my text colors, maybe.

Can anyone confirm whether what they're seeing looks like the screenshot that I have included in post #5 above?

Your shot looks like the light colored wood I see on the outside, while the part where the text is I see a darker colored wood so it's easier to read.
My "Trade Manager" screen is messed up, too. The left edge of the attached image is the left edge of the screen -- note the "Navigation" links are mostly off-the-page to the left.

I personally do not like it and would rather go back to the old look. Makes it hard for me to read, not better. To be honest, probably will be on the site less due to this.
I personally do not like it and would rather go back to the old look. Makes it hard for me to read, not better. To be honest, probably will be on the site less due to this.

Unfortunately, I have to agree. I keep logging in to see whether it's been rolled back yet.
You can always choose the old one. Scroll down to the bottom of any screen and find the drop down menu. Select "blue" and that will be your custom setting.
Unfortunately, I have to agree. I keep logging in to see whether it's been rolled back yet.

I personally do not like it and would rather go back to the old look. Makes it hard for me to read, not better. To be honest, probably will be on the site less due to this.

You can always choose the old one. Scroll down to the bottom of any screen and find the drop down menu. Select "blue" and that will be your custom setting.
You my friend, are a GOD!