I was having my local hobby store sell the Moniak auto from 2016 bowman draft and a boxloader of Senaz serial 3/5 on ebay.......came back from watching Star War Rogue one! The auto of Moniak auto sold for $79.90....so I purchased a Jumbo box and one pack from an opened jumbo box for my Christmas present to myself .....pack was $14.00....Opened it and the auto was another Moniak base auto!! They listed that one for me ......again for $79.90 on ebay......dropped off the jumbo box and bird seed at my house......then went shopping at win co and came home with my dinner......pizzia.....after eating a few slices.....opened the jumbo box and opened my first pack........Noticed a Orange refractor...slowly moved it to see who the player was........It was Orange auto refractor #21/25 of ......Mickey Moniak!!! Last one sold on ebay for $1,100.00!!! Best regards, David
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