Hello folks. I believe this is my first post on The Bench. And as an ice breaker I'll regale you with my recent purchase of 1984 Topps Football Wax Box that I just finished going through (thought about saving a couple of packs that looked nice and had the perfect looking roller seals but I love opening packs so much that I couldn't help myself).. This was a good box, so I believe. I pulled two Marino RCs, one Elway RC, one Dickerson RC, One Long RC, one Craig RC, two Darrell Green RCs, as well as many of the other base stars like Payton, Montana, L.T. and Bradshaw. One of the Marinos I wouldn't grade because of a white circle that I've noticed on a few of the Marinos that shows up where black ink should be on part of the bottom. The Elway I don't think I'll grade because of the centering on the front and back. Not really bad, but I'm not sure if worth grading. But the other Marino when I pulled it and gave the front surface, corners, edges and centering a look I was almost taken aback. The centering on the front has to be 60/40, the corners are crisp as can be, I mean laser sharp, the image and design has no noticeable or even magnified discrepancies and the surface is nearly pristine throughout. The only thing deterring me from the grading might be the centering on the back. I'm not sure how bad it is as far as ratio (can't be more than 70/30 but may be a little more centered or a little less). Other than that and a barely noticeable under magnification strand of black ink that isn't completely straight on one of the stat lines, the card's a beauty. Your opinions in this would be greatly appreciated... I'll post these and forgive my low quality camera although I tried to get as close as possible without overshadowing the card too much from the light in the room.
<p>FYI, I turned up the light on these pics a little bit because they were originally darker. So yeah, any opinions on possible BGS grades or the back centering and if it's worth grading are immensely appreciated. P.S. A little disappointed with this year's 2009 UD Black Football although I had one great box bust, the others I've seen made me feel bad for those busting them.
<p>FYI, I turned up the light on these pics a little bit because they were originally darker. So yeah, any opinions on possible BGS grades or the back centering and if it's worth grading are immensely appreciated. P.S. A little disappointed with this year's 2009 UD Black Football although I had one great box bust, the others I've seen made me feel bad for those busting them.