I think how you pitch the item is ultimately where the result are.
most people browse 50-100 listings in several seconds, if your able
to catch them instead of blending in then atleast you get a view.
No one is going to buy something they cannot see and no one really
cares to trade with someone who has had several negatives within a
I get paid every other tuesday, Im up from 2 a.m. to 6.a.m. looking for
what I want on ebay as if someone put a maximum bid on something
and it wasnt high enough, most likely I'll avoid a bidding war over
just "not wanting to lose the item" and sneek away with something
while others are asleep.
I find that when its crazy peak times, I say to myself theres no way I'd bid
more than 5 dollars on that item and then i get out bid and bid again because
there no way im going to lose the item for .33 cents.. ultimately could end
up paying 10 dollars for the item all together just by the "stairway increment"
"well, im already at 7.50 whats .45 more cents"...
Your best bet is a 3 day auction, I always liked those because as a buyer,
I hated to look at something 7 days away, I wanted it closer to 24 hours
as possible, and to tell you the truth, I dont watch 7 day old items anymore.
they waste to much of my time.
I think starting on a tuesday or wednesday is always best, have it end thursday or friday, most people have things that tie up there weekend
and monday is typically a restart day that is a slow process, no one
wants to do anyhting on Monday because its the typical day to start
back work and is already disliked.
I think you got better luck in selling the item at a better price by
including the book value within the auction header.
"Greg Maddux serial # 31/31 HBV: $40.00"
"Greg Maddux serial # 31/31 free shipping!"
Im more likely to pay 35%-40% percent HBV for a semi-scarce card
than something that is already giving away free shipping, the mentality
of receiving something for free, makes me want to pay less for the item
because If the shipping is free, the card must not be worth more than that
im more likely to offer 10.00 max.
Crazy, I know some of this wasnt what you asked but, I wanted to
reaffirm that how you pitch the item and hook the few who will bid
is how well the item will do.