Looking forward to getting more fellow benchers to the darkside! Best regards, David
I may be headed in that direction. I've been disappointed with hobby boxes lately as well. Maybe just a stretch of bad luck, but seems my hits are always of mediocre players or worse--pitching prospects I've never heard of. Meanwhile every time I bring up my twitter feed it seems like someone is getting a great pull out of a retail blaster. Of course I realize the successes naturally get more pub than the failures, but perception is reality to a certain degree.
I like to support my LCS and I do have the luxury of both options where I live, so right now I am doing a blend of hobby/retail.
I've actually had the best luck (best value for cost) buying 1-2 year old product at discount or sale prices from places like blowout cards or steel city collectibles. Almost all boxes are overpriced when released and about 1/10 end up skyrocketing even further while the rest can be had at a lower cost after a few months go by.
I'm always a bit behind in my collecting and this is one my frustrations with trading sites, even The Bench--by far my favorite trading site for its quality of people. But very few collectors seem interested in trading for cards older than the current year or for anything other than Trout, Harper, Bellinger, and Bryant. I wish there were more set collectors and team/player collectors and less folks just looking to flip hot players/RCs for a quick buck. The Bench has a good community of traders, but it is also very small and there is no meaningful social media presence which makes it very difficult to grow the community. I really don't know how people find out about The Bench other than word of mouth or by random chance (for me, I had to pro-actively do my own search and research for trading websites). Sorry, off topic, back to retail vs. hobby...