so you can have the 5.0 through 20 points and and get the MSF removed, but then you can go down hill after that and keep your own avatar?
This also can be answered in the FAQ. Please read them. If a trader's rating falls below 4.7, they will get a MSF avatar.
Traders who are required to send first will have one of the following two avatars:
The avatar on the left indicates a trader is a new member. The avatar on the right indicates that the mod team has some concerns about the trader, but is willing to give them the opportunity to prove themselves as a trader. When a trader who is new trades with a trader who is required to send first by the mod team, the trader who is trader who is required to send first by the mod team must send first.
Traders will be required to send first if any of the following is true:
1) Their overall trader rating has fallen below 4.7.
2) They have been banned from another trade site for reasons related to trading.
3) They are currently suspended from another trading site for reasons related to trading.
Additionally, The Bench mod team may opt to require a trader send first if they have generated trading complaints or participated in suspicious activity.
Once a trader completes actions such that these issues are no longer issues, The Bench mod team will re-evaluate their status on The Bench.
IMPORTANT ! The Mod Team will not assist in a bad trade if an established member decides to ignore these rules