10 years ago today is when the lights turned on and The Bench opened it's virtual doors.
For the Hobby a lot has happened in 10 years, both in real life and the hobby we love.
The hobby has had it's ups and downs during this time. We have card companies like
Fleer no longer in the picture and a hobby giant Upper Deck falling from grace. Panini
emerging as a big player and some small start ups In The Game trying to make a name
for themselves. In the end the collector will make his own decisions on where to take
his hobby be it set collector or player collector etc.. And that's what is great about
the hobby 100 members can have 100 different types of collections.
My set collection wouldn't be where it is without the help of you guys and gals. Not many
shops carry singles to complete sets anymore and shows are a dying breed. The online
communities is what's keeping the set collectors going. Without them we would be spending
a lot more money opening packs to finish our sets. 700+ trades and too many ebay transactions
later, I have no regrets.
For me I have gone from a single (in a relationship) guy, to a married man and now
I have a kid of my own. WHAT WAS I THINKING! Who am I kidding having a family is
great and watching my little one grow up and mold her into a mini me
is a joy.
Not everyone has been here since the beginning and that's ok. But share your story
from where you were on day one of joining the site and where you are today.
Stop in the Chat Room say hello. I'll be logged into it all day, but might not be in front of
the monitor the whole time.
For the Hobby a lot has happened in 10 years, both in real life and the hobby we love.
The hobby has had it's ups and downs during this time. We have card companies like
Fleer no longer in the picture and a hobby giant Upper Deck falling from grace. Panini
emerging as a big player and some small start ups In The Game trying to make a name
for themselves. In the end the collector will make his own decisions on where to take
his hobby be it set collector or player collector etc.. And that's what is great about
the hobby 100 members can have 100 different types of collections.
My set collection wouldn't be where it is without the help of you guys and gals. Not many
shops carry singles to complete sets anymore and shows are a dying breed. The online
communities is what's keeping the set collectors going. Without them we would be spending
a lot more money opening packs to finish our sets. 700+ trades and too many ebay transactions
later, I have no regrets.
For me I have gone from a single (in a relationship) guy, to a married man and now
I have a kid of my own. WHAT WAS I THINKING! Who am I kidding having a family is
great and watching my little one grow up and mold her into a mini me
Not everyone has been here since the beginning and that's ok. But share your story
from where you were on day one of joining the site and where you are today.
Stop in the Chat Room say hello. I'll be logged into it all day, but might not be in front of
the monitor the whole time.