Looking for these Frank Thomas cards, (trade list below). Please note that I need many more Frank Thomas,
and willing to look at lists of cards available to expand a trade. But must have at least one of these cards
to consider a trade. Thanks!
1991 Red Foley Stickers #111 Frank Thomas
1992 Classic Game #106 Frank Thomas
1992 Donruss Cracker Jack I #35 Frank Thomas
1992 Front Row Draft Picks Gold Cards #NNO Frank Thomas
1992 King B Discs #3 Frank Thomas
1992 Red Foley Stickers #93 Frank Thomas
1994 Panini Stickers #51 Frank Thomas
1994 U.S. Playing Cards Aces #3D Frank Thomas
1994 U.S. Playing Cards Aces #11C Frank Thomas
1994 Upper Deck All-Star Jumbos #40 Frank Thomas
1995 Bazooka Red Hot #RH22 Frank Thomas
1995 Collector's Choice Crash the Game #CG19 Frank Thomas
1995 King B Discs #22 Frank Thomas
1995 U.S. Playing Cards Aces #10D Frank Thomas
1995 U.S. Playing Cards Aces #11C Frank Thomas
1996 Collector's Choice Crash the Game #CG10 Frank Thomas
1996 Collector's Choice Crash the Game #CG10B Frank Thomas
1996 Collector's Choice You Make the Play #40 Frank Thomas
1996 King B Discs #14 Frank Thomas
1996 Pinnacle FanFest #4 Frank Thomas
1996-97 Topps Members Only 55 #46 Frank Thomas
1997 Donruss Team Sets #64 Frank Thomas
1997 Pinnacle Inside Cans #2 Frank Thomas
1997 Select Company #149 Frank Thomas CL R
1997 Upper Deck Memorable Moments #A4 Frank Thomas
1998 Collector's Choice Cover Glory 5x7 #8 Frank Thomas
1998 Collector's Choice Retail Jumbos #8 Frank Thomas
1998 Collector's Choice Retail Jumbos #60 Frank Thomas
1998 Donruss Signature #108 Frank Thomas CL
1998 Pinnacle Performers Swing for the Fences Shop Exchange #12 Frank Thomas
1998 Upper Deck 10th Anniversary Preview Retail #18 Frank Thomas
1999 UD Choice Preview #72 Frank Thomas
1999 Upper Deck MVP FanFest #AS10 Frank Thomas
1999 Upper Deck MVP Preview #45 Frank Thomas
1999 Upper Deck Victory #456 Frank Thomas RF
2000 APBA Superstars #28 Frank Thomas
2000 White Sox Lemon Chill #15 Frank Thomas
2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars #283 Frank Thomas 93 MVP
2003 Donruss Estrellas Poder De Cuadrangular #11 Frank Thomas
2003 MLB Stickers #30 Frank Thomas
2005 White Sox Topps World Series Champions #6 Frank Thomas
2007 Blue Jays Topps #TOR2 Frank Thomas
2012 Leaf National Convention #FT1 Frank Thomas
2013 Topps Stickers #53 Frank Thomas
2016 Topps Allen and Ginter The Numbers Game #NG16 Frank Thomas
Have these Frank Thomas cards for trade.
1990 Bowman #320
1990 Classic Yellow #93
1990 CMC #818
1990 Fleer Update #87
1990 Score #663
1990 Score Rookie/Traded #86
1990 Topps #414B Name on front
1991 Ballstreet #23
1991 Bazooka #7
1991 Bowman #366
1991 Classic Game #181
1991 Classic I #32
1991 Classic II #28
1991 Donruss #477
1991 Fleer #138
1991 Leaf #281
1991 O-***-Chee Premier #121
1991 Score #840
1991 Score #874
1991 Score 100 Rising Stars #78
1991 Score Hot Rookies #4
1991 Sports Educational #5
1991 Stadium Club #57
1991 Studio #40
1991 Topps #79
1991 Topps Rookies #28
1991 Ultra #85
1991 Upper Deck #246
1992 Bowman #114
1992 Bowman #551
1992 Donruss #592
1992 Donruss Diamond Kings #8
1992 Donruss McDonald's #2
1992 Fleer #100
1992 Fleer #701
1992 Fleer #712
1992 Fleer All-Stars #11
1992 Fleer Citgo the Performer #2
1992 Fleer Rookie Sensations #1
1992 Leaf #349
1992 Leaf #67
1992 MTV Rock n' Jock #2
1992 O-***-Chee Premier #59
1992 Pinnacle #1
1992 Pinnacle Slugfest #11
1992 Pinnacle Team 2000 #3
1992 Post #24
1992 Score #505
1992 Score #893
1992 Stadium Club #301
1992 Stadium Club #591
1992 Studio #159
1992 Topps #555
1992 Topps Gold Winners #555
1992 Topps Kids #99
1992 Triple Play #206
1992 Triple Play Gallery #12
1992 U.S. Playing Cards All-Stars #4D
1992 Ultra #44
1992 Ultra All-Stars #9
1992 Upper Deck #166
1992 Upper Deck #87
1992 Upper Deck Home Run Heroes #8
1992 Upper Deck Williams Best #19
1993 Bowman #555
1993 Donruss #7
1993 Donruss Spirit of the Game #18
1993 Donruss Spirit of the Game #6
1993 Duracell Power Players I #2
1993 Flair #189
1993 Fleer #210
1993 Fleer #714
1993 Fleer All-Stars #1
1993 Fleer Atlantic #23
1993 Fleer Team Leaders #5
1993 Fun Pack #197
1993 Fun Pack #202
1993 Fun Pack #21
1993 Fun Pack #225
1993 Fun Pack #27
1993 Fun Pack #36
1993 Fun Pack All-Stars #1
1993 Hostess #13
1993 Leaf #195
1993 Leaf Thomas #1
1993 Leaf Thomas #10
1993 Leaf Thomas #2
1993 Leaf Thomas #3
1993 Leaf Thomas #4
1993 Leaf Thomas #5
1993 Leaf Thomas #6
1993 Leaf Thomas #7
1993 Leaf Thomas #8
1993 Leaf Thomas #9
1993 Pacific Spanish #77
1993 Pinnacle #108
1993 Pinnacle Cooperstown #24
1993 Pinnacle Home Run Club #17
1993 Post #14
1993 Score #3
1993 Score #541
1993 Select #6
1993 SP #260
1993 Stadium Club #200
1993 Stadium Club #746
1993 Stadium Club Inserts #3
1993 Studio #139
1993 Studio Heritage #8
1993 Studio Superstars on Canvas #6
1993 Studio Thomas #4
1993 Topps #150
1993 Topps #401
1993 Topps Gold #150
1993 Topps Gold #401
1993 Triple Play #26
1993 Triple Play #77
1993 Triple Play Action #21
1993 Triple Play Nicknames #1
1993 Ultra #181
1993 Ultra All-Stars #19
1993 Upper Deck #105
1993 Upper Deck #51
1993 Upper Deck #555
1993 Upper Deck Clutch Performers #20
1993 Upper Deck Future Heroes #62
1993 Upper Deck On Deck #24
1994 Bowman #15
1994 Bowman Previews #1
1994 Bowman's Best #55
1994 Bowman's Best #91
1994 Collector's Choice #327
1994 Collector's Choice #354
1994 Collector's Choice #500
1994 Collector's Choice #640
1994 Donruss #341
1994 Donruss Diamond Kings #28
1994 Donruss Special Edition #61
1994 Finest #203
1994 Flair #36
1994 Flair Hot Numbers #10
1994 Flair Infield Power #9
1994 Fleer #96
1994 Fleer Lumber Company #9
1994 Fleer Sunoco #23
1994 Fun Pack #177
1994 Fun Pack #195
1994 Fun Pack #210
1994 Fun Pack #236
1994 Fun Pack #35
1994 Leaf #400
1994 Leaf Power Brokers #1
1994 Leaf Slideshow #1
1994 Leaf Statistical Standouts #1
1994 O-***-Chee #127
1994 O-***-Chee All-Star Redemptions #1
1994 Pinnacle #1
1994 Pinnacle The Naturals #1
1994 Pinnacle Tribute #14
1994 Post #21
1994 Score #41
1994 Score #631
1994 Score Gold Rush #41
1994 SP #193
1994 Sportflics #176
1994 Sportflics #70
1994 Stadium Club #267
1994 Stadium Club #285
1994 Stadium Club #528
1994 Stadium Club #718
1994 Stadium Club Dugout Dirt #9
1994 Stadium Club Finest #10
1994 Stadium Club Members Only 50 #29
1994 Stadium Club Team #121
1994 Studio #209
1994 Studio Heritage #2
1994 Topps #270
1994 Topps #384
1994 Topps #601
1994 Topps Black Gold #21
1994 Topps Gold #270
1994 Triple Play #269
1994 Triple Play Bomb Squad #1
1994 Ultra #39
1994 Ultra All-Stars #2
1994 Ultra Award Winners #19
1994 Ultra Hitting Machines #10
1994 Ultra Home Run Kings #3
1994 Upper Deck #284
1994 Upper Deck #300
1994 Upper Deck #55
1994 Upper Deck Electric Diamond #300
1994 Upper Deck Electric Diamond #55
1994 Upper Deck Mantle's Long Shots #18
1994-95 Sports Stars USA #104
1994-95 Sports Stars USA #110
1995 Bazooka #120
1995 Bowman #351
1995 Collector's Choice #64
1995 Collector's Choice #75
1995 Collector's Choice Crash the Game #19B
1995 Collector's Choice Crash the Game Exchange #19
1995 Collector's Choice SE #235
1995 Collector's Choice SE #29
1995 Collector's Choice Silver Signature #64
1995 Collector's Choice Silver Signature #75
1995 Donruss #275
1995 Donruss Diamond Kings #1
1995 Donruss Long Ball Leaders #1
1995 Emotion #29
1995 Emotion Masters #9
1995 Emotion N-Tense #10
1995 Flair #27
1995 Fleer #128
1995 Fleer All-Fleer #2
1995 Fleer All-Stars #2
1995 Fleer Award Winners #1
1995 Fleer Lumber Company #9
1995 Fleer Update Headliners #18
1995 Leaf #1
1995 Leaf Checklists #3
1995 Leaf Cornerstones #1
1995 Leaf Gold Stars #10
1995 Leaf Limited #1
1995 Leaf Limited Gold #1
1995 Leaf Slideshow #2A
1995 Leaf Thomas #3
1995 Leaf Thomas #4
1995 Leaf Thomas Akklaim #1
1995 National Packtime #1
1995 Pacific #97
1995 Pinnacle #226
1995 Pinnacle #302
1995 Pinnacle #446
1995 Pinnacle Red Hot #3
1995 Pinnacle Upstarts #1
1995 Score #1
1995 Score #571
1995 Select #22
1995 Select #242
1995 Select Certified #5
1995 Select Certified Checklists #2
1995 SP #140 Corrected
1995 SP #140A Error
1995 SP Championship #136
1995 SP Championship #140
1995 SP Platinum Power #18
1995 Sportflix #169
1995 Sportflix #20
1995 Sportflix Hammer Team #2
1995 Stadium Club #236
1995 Stadium Club #318
1995 Stadium Club #400
1995 Stadium Club #47
1995 Stadium Club Super Team World Series #400
1995 Stadium Club Virtual Reality #209
1995 Studio #1
1995 Studio Gold Series #1
1995 Summit #175
1995 Summit #194
1995 Summit #92
1995 Topps #1
1995 Topps #384
1995 Topps Cyberstats #1
1995 Topps Embossed #100
1995 Topps Traded #1
1995 UC3 #1
1995 UC3 #125
1995 UC3 Cyclone Squad #1
1995 Ultra #34
1995 Ultra Hitting Machines #10
1995 Upper Deck #105
1995 Upper Deck #435
1995 Zenith #33
1995 Zenith All-Star Salute #2
1996 Bazooka #61
1996 Bowman #54
1996 Bowman's Best #13
1996 Circa #200
1996 Circa #29
1996 Collector's Choice #105
1996 Collector's Choice #412
1996 Collector's Choice #759
1996 Collector's Choice #90
1996 Collector's Choice You Make the Play #40A
1996 Denny's Holograms #3
1996 Donruss #1
1996 Finest #322
1996 Finest #48
1996 Flair #60
1996 Fleer #77
1996 Fleer Checklists #8
1996 Fleer Golden Memories #9
1996 Leaf #150
1996 Leaf All-Star Game MVP Contenders #1
1996 Leaf Limited #23
1996 Leaf Limited Lumberjacks #4
1996 Leaf Preferred #13
1996 Leaf Preferred #147
1996 Leaf Preferred Steel #1
1996 Leaf Thomas Greatest Hits #6
1996 Metal Universe #40
1996 Metal Universe Heavy Metal #8
1996 Pacific #287
1996 Pinnacle #135
1996 Pinnacle #194
1996 Pinnacle #201
1996 Pinnacle #257
1996 Pinnacle #323
1996 Pinnacle #395
1996 Pinnacle Aficionado #59
1996 Score #21
1996 Score #272
1996 Score #373
1996 Score Dream Team #2
1996 Select #11
1996 Select #152
1996 Select #196
1996 Select Certified #1
1996 Select Team Nucleus #27
1996 SP #60
1996 SP Marquee Matchups #15
1996 SP Special FX #35
1996 Sportflix #13
1996 Sportflix #99
1996 Stadium Club #285
1996 Studio #93
1996 Studio Hit Parade #3
1996 Summit #198
1996 Summit #88
1996 Summit Ballparks #9
1996 Topps #100
1996 Topps #229
1996 Topps Classic Confrontations #5
1996 Topps Laser #92
1996 Ultra #44
1996 Ultra Checklists #10
1996 Ultra Checklists #9
1996 Ultra On-Base Leaders #9
1996 Ultra Power Plus #10
1996 Ultra RBI Kings #9
1996 Ultra RBI Kings Gold Medallion #9
1996 Upper Deck #300
1996 Upper Deck #387
1996 Upper Deck Gameface #2
1996 Upper Deck Predictor Retail #18
1996 Zenith #133
1996 Zenith #22
1997 Bowman #290
1997 Circa #396
1997 Circa #45
1997 Collector's Choice #300
1997 Collector's Choice #328
1997 Collector's Choice All-Star Connection #10
1997 Collector's Choice The Big Show #16
1997 Donruss #138
1997 Donruss #398
1997 Donruss Dominators #1
1997 Donruss Elite #3
1997 Donruss Limited #78
1997 Donruss Preferred #168
1997 E-X2000 #15
1997 Finest #29
1997 Flair Showcase Row 2 #35
1997 Fleer #500
1997 Fleer #718
1997 Fleer #72
1997 Fleer #726
1997 Fleer Goudey Greats #14
1997 Fleer Headliners #20
1997 Leaf #107
1997 Leaf #348
1997 Leaf #369
1997 Metal Universe #61
1997 New Pinnacle #118
1997 New Pinnacle #197
1997 Pinnacle #102
1997 Pinnacle Certified #148
1997 Pinnacle Certified #41
1997 Pinnacle Inside #13
1997 Pinnacle Mint #2
1997 Pinnacle Mint Bronze #2
1997 Pinnacle X-Press #140
1997 Pinnacle X-Press #5
1997 Pinnacle X-Press Swing for the Fences #54
1997 Score #26
1997 Score #508
1997 Score Premium Stock #26
1997 Select #144
1997 Select #149
1997 Sports Illustrated #148
1997 SPx #17
1997 Stadium Club #213
1997 Stadium Club #378
1997 Studio #1
1997 Studio #164
1997 Topps #108
1997 Topps All-Stars #3
1997 Topps Chrome #41
1997 Topps Hobby Masters #11
1997 Topps Season's Best #2
1997 Topps Stars #13
1997 Topps Sweet Strokes #14
1997 UD3 #16
1997 Ultra #44
1997 Ultra Checklists #A10
1997 Ultra Double Trouble #4
1997 Ultra Season Crowns #12
1997 Upper Deck #40
1997 Upper Deck Power Package #20
1998 Bowman's Best #6
1998 Circa Thunder #297
1998 Circa Thunder #45
1998 Circa Thunder Boss #19
1998 Collector's Choice #60
1998 Collector's Choice #8
1998 Collector's Choice StarQuest #41
1998 Crown Royale Pillars of the Game #10
1998 Donruss #12
1998 Donruss #157
1998 Donruss #369
1998 Donruss #407
1998 Donruss Elite #119
1998 Donruss Elite #2
1998 Donruss Preferred #169
1998 Donruss Signature #35
1998 E-X2001 #8
1998 Finest #151
1998 Flair Showcase Row 3 #3
1998 Fleer Tradition #337
1998 Fleer Tradition #35
1998 Leaf #106
1998 Leaf Fractal Foundations #157
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars #27
1998 Metal Universe #175
1998 Metal Universe #215
1998 Metal Universe Universal Language #2
1998 Pacific #63
1998 Pacific Omega #60
1998 Paramount #32
1998 Pinnacle #186
1998 Pinnacle Hit It Here #4
1998 Pinnacle Mint #22
1998 Pinnacle Mint Bronze #22
1998 Pinnacle Plus Yardwork #2
1998 Revolution #37
1998 Score #105
1998 SkyBox Dugout Axcess #59
1998 SkyBox Dugout Axcess Double Header #17
1998 SP Authentic #69
1998 Sports Illustrated #181
1998 Stadium Club #2
1998 Studio #200
1998 Studio #CL5
1998 Topps #20
1998 Topps #480
1998 Topps Chrome #20
1998 Topps Gallery #100
1998 Topps Gold Label Class 2 #46
1998 Topps Stars Bronze #150
1998 Topps Stars Silver #150
1998 Ultra #220
1998 Ultra #478
1998 Ultra #63
1998 Ultra Gold Medallion #249
1998 Ultra Gold Medallion #475
1998 Upper Deck #330
1998 Upper Deck #459
1998 White Sox Score #8
1999 Black Diamond #20
1999 Bowman Chrome #256
1999 Finest #25
1999 Flair Showcase Row 3 #35
1999 Fleer Mystique #67
1999 Fleer Tradition #34
1999 Pacific Omega #60
1999 Revolution #36
1999 SkyBox Premium #141
1999 SP Authentic #22
1999 Sports Illustrated Headliners #9
1999 SPx #29
1999 Stadium Club #50
1999 Topps #423
1999 Topps Chrome #423
1999 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #87
1999 Topps Lords of the Diamond #4
1999 UD Choice #72
1999 UD Choice Homerun Heroes #8
1999 UD Choice StarQuest #17
1999 UD Choice StarQuest Green #17
1999 Ultra #64
1999 Ultra RBI Kings #21
1999 Upper Deck #337
1999 Upper Deck Challengers for 70 #8
1999 Upper Deck Challengers for 70 Challengers Inserts #8
1999 Upper Deck HoloGrFX #15
1999 Upper Deck HoloGrFX Launchers #14
1999 Upper Deck MVP #45
1999 Upper Deck MVP Swing Time #8
1999 Upper Deck Ovation #14
1999 Upper Deck Retro #19
1999 Upper Deck Victory #91
1999 Upper Deck Victory #92
2000 Black Diamond #20
2000 Black Diamond Diamonation #9
2000 Black Diamond Might #6
2000 Black Diamond Rookie Edition #37
2000 Crown Royale Feature Attractions #8
2000 Finest #155
2000 Fleer Focus #168
2000 Fleer Focus Focal Points #12
2000 Fleer Gamers #35
2000 Fleer Showcase #41
2000 Fleer Tradition #129
2000 Fleer Tradition Dividends #6
2000 Metal #109
2000 Pacific Invincible Kings of the Diamond #8
2000 SkyBox #109
2000 SkyBox Dominion #73
2000 SP Authentic #34
2000 SP Authentic Midsummer Classics #6
2000 SPx #84
2000 Topps #470
2000 Topps #55
2000 Topps Power Players #13
2000 UD Ionix #56
2000 UD Ionix BIOrhythm #9
2000 Ultimate Victory #35
2000 Ultra #140
2000 Upper Deck #349
2000 Upper Deck Hit Brigade #13
2000 Upper Deck Hitter's Club #47
2000 Upper Deck Legends #84
2000 Vanguard #13
2001 Absolute Memorabilia #7
2001 Donruss #7
2001 Donruss Class of 2001 #15
2001 Donruss Classics #7
2001 E-X #34
2001 Finest #85
2001 Fleer Focus #53
2001 Fleer Futures #91
2001 Fleer Game Time #66
2001 Fleer Genuine #4
2001 Fleer Legacy #59
2001 Fleer Platinum #146
2001 Fleer Premium #26
2001 Fleer Showcase #99
2001 Fleer Tradition #397
2001 Fleer Tradition Diamond Tributes #28
2001 Leaf Rookies and Stars #82
2001 Pacific #103
2001 SP Authentic #32
2001 SPx #33
2001 Stadium Club #145
2001 Studio #7
2001 Topps #240
2001 Topps Chrome #187
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #33
2001 Topps Golden Anniversary #47
2001 Topps Heritage Classic Renditions #7
2001 Topps Noteworthy #10
2001 Topps Reserve #99
2001 UD Reserve #73
2001 Upper Deck #356
2001 Upper Deck Big League Beat #16
2001 Upper Deck e-Card #3
2001 Upper Deck Evolution #33
2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove #35
2001 Upper Deck Legends #36
2001 Upper Deck Ovation #23
2001 Upper Deck Pros and Prospects #37
2001 Upper Deck Vintage #137
2001 Upper Deck Vintage #395
2001 Upper Deck Vintage Matinee Idols #17
2002 Absolute Memorabilia #35
2002 Diamond Kings #66
2002 Donruss #145
2002 Donruss Best of Fan Club #15
2002 Donruss Classics #7
2002 Donruss Fan Club #15
2002 Donruss Originals #384
2002 Donruss Originals #46
2002 E-X #77
2002 Flair #80
2002 Fleer #342
2002 Fleer Authentix #20
2002 Fleer Box Score #41
2002 Fleer Box Score Amazing Greats #19
2002 Fleer Genuine #94
2002 Fleer Genuine Touch Em All #21
2002 Fleer Maximum #32
2002 Fleer Platinum #64
2002 Fleer Showcase #3
2002 Fleer Tradition #369
2002 Fleer Triple Crown #146
2002 Leaf #62
2002 Leaf Certified #108
2002 Playoff Piece of the Game #31
2002 SP Authentic #34
2002 Topps #425
2002 Topps 206 Relics #FT1
2002 Topps Opening Day #142
2002 UD Piece of History #34
2002 Ultra #59
2002 Upper Deck #619
2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection #32
2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection Bat Around Quads #TGTD
2002 Upper Deck MVP #123
2002 Upper Deck Ovation #23
2002 Upper Deck Superstar Summit II #15
2002 Upper Deck Vintage #107
2002 Upper Deck Vintage Night Gamers #7
2003 Absolute Memorabilia #93
2003 Bowman #137
2003 Diamond Kings #18
2003 Donruss #107
2003 Donruss Champions #58
2003 Donruss Classics #33
2003 Flair #85
2003 Fleer Authentix #11
2003 Fleer Box Score #52
2003 Fleer Focus JE #51
2003 Fleer Genuine #32
2003 Fleer Patchworks #58
2003 Fleer Platinum #68
2003 Fleer Splendid Splinters #79
2003 Fleer Tradition #270
2003 Hot Prospects #5
2003 Leaf #256
2003 Leaf #29
2003 Studio #193
2003 Studio #20
2003 Topps #109
2003 Topps 205 #68
2003 Topps Heritage #159
2003 Topps Opening Day #99
2003 Topps Total #734
2003 Ultra #173
2003 Upper Deck #359
2003 Upper Deck 40-Man #302
2003 Upper Deck Game Face #29
2003 Upper Deck Honor Roll #63
2003 Upper Deck Honor Roll #64
2003 Upper Deck MVP #44
2003 Upper Deck Play Ball #18
2003 Upper Deck Victory #134
2003 Upper Deck Victory #182
2003 Upper Deck Victory #26
2003 Upper Deck Vintage #202
2004 Classic Clippings #71
2004 Donruss World Series #44
2004 Finest #91
2004 Flair #56
2004 Fleer Genuine Insider #28
2004 Fleer Patchworks #68
2004 Fleer Sweet Sigs #2
2004 Fleer Tradition #352
2004 Leaf Second Edition #22
2004 Leather and Lumber #36
2004 SkyBox Autographics #62
2004 SP Authentic #59
2004 SPx #31
2004 Studio #52
2004 Throwback Threads #47
2004 Topps #366
2004 Topps #49
2004 Topps Total #240
2004 Upper Deck Etchings #36
2004 Upper Deck Vintage #49
2005 Flair #49
2005 Fleer Patchworks #8
2005 Leaf #269
2005 Leather and Lumber #43
2005 Reflections #22
2005 Topps #75
2005 Topps Cracker Jack #79
2005 Topps Opening Day #75
2005 Topps Turkey Red #144
2005 Upper Deck #477
2005 Upper Deck ESPN #23
2005 Upper Deck Pro Sigs #23
2005 Zenith #179
2006 Fleer #375
2006 Topps #580
2006 Topps Heritage #140
2006 Topps Turkey Red #361
2007 Bowman #143
2007 Topps Flashback Fridays #20
2007 UD Masterpieces #39
2007 Ultra #195
2008 Legendary Cuts #42
2008 Sweet Spot #39
2008 Topps Opening Day #95
2008 Upper Deck #38
2008 Upper Deck Star Quest #25
2008 Upper Deck Timeline #44
2008 Upper Deck X #73
2008 Upper Deck X Xponential #FT
2009 Topps Legends of the Game #FT
2011 Topps Lineage #181
2012 Panini Prizm #121
2012 Topps Gypsy Queen #262
2012 Topps Timeless Talents #7
2013 Pinnacle Awaiting the Call #8
2013 Topps Allen and Ginter #251
2013 Topps Chasing History #25
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen #46
2013 USA Baseball Champions #15
2014 Bowman '89 Bowman is Back Silver Diamond Refractors #FT
2014 Classics #48
2014 Classics Home Run Heroes #11
2014 Donruss #197
2014 Panini Prizm #162
2015 Bowman Chrome Rookie Recollections #FT
2015 Diamond Kings Also Known As #2
2015 Donruss #185A Name on front
2015 Leaf Heroes of Baseball #22
2015 Panini Contenders Collegiate Connections #2
2015 Panini Contenders Old School Colors #5
2015 Panini Prizm #162
2015 Panini Prizm Field Pass #13
2015 Panini Prizm Fireworks #17
2015 Topps Archives #153
2015 Topps Inspired Play #12
2016 Berger's Best #40
2016 Diamond Kings DK Originals #18
2016 Donruss #180
2016 Donruss '82 #49
2016 Donruss Masters of the Game #4
2016 Panini National Convention College Legends #8
2016 Stadium Club #38
2016 Topps Archives #151
2016 Topps Gypsy Queen Power Alley #4
2016 Topps Hallowed Highlights #4
Looking for these Frank Thomas cards, (trade list below). Please note that I need many more Frank Thomas,
and willing to look at lists of cards available to expand a trade. But must have at least one of these cards
to consider a trade. Thanks!
1991 Red Foley Stickers #111 Frank Thomas
1992 Classic Game #106 Frank Thomas
1992 Donruss Cracker Jack I #35 Frank Thomas
1992 Front Row Draft Picks Gold Cards #NNO Frank Thomas
1992 King B Discs #3 Frank Thomas
1992 Red Foley Stickers #93 Frank Thomas
1994 Panini Stickers #51 Frank Thomas
1994 U.S. Playing Cards Aces #3D Frank Thomas
1994 U.S. Playing Cards Aces #11C Frank Thomas
1994 Upper Deck All-Star Jumbos #40 Frank Thomas
1995 Bazooka Red Hot #RH22 Frank Thomas
1995 Collector's Choice Crash the Game #CG19 Frank Thomas
1995 King B Discs #22 Frank Thomas
1995 U.S. Playing Cards Aces #10D Frank Thomas
1995 U.S. Playing Cards Aces #11C Frank Thomas
1996 Collector's Choice Crash the Game #CG10 Frank Thomas
1996 Collector's Choice Crash the Game #CG10B Frank Thomas
1996 Collector's Choice You Make the Play #40 Frank Thomas
1996 King B Discs #14 Frank Thomas
1996 Pinnacle FanFest #4 Frank Thomas
1996-97 Topps Members Only 55 #46 Frank Thomas
1997 Donruss Team Sets #64 Frank Thomas
1997 Pinnacle Inside Cans #2 Frank Thomas
1997 Select Company #149 Frank Thomas CL R
1997 Upper Deck Memorable Moments #A4 Frank Thomas
1998 Collector's Choice Cover Glory 5x7 #8 Frank Thomas
1998 Collector's Choice Retail Jumbos #8 Frank Thomas
1998 Collector's Choice Retail Jumbos #60 Frank Thomas
1998 Donruss Signature #108 Frank Thomas CL
1998 Pinnacle Performers Swing for the Fences Shop Exchange #12 Frank Thomas
1998 Upper Deck 10th Anniversary Preview Retail #18 Frank Thomas
1999 UD Choice Preview #72 Frank Thomas
1999 Upper Deck MVP FanFest #AS10 Frank Thomas
1999 Upper Deck MVP Preview #45 Frank Thomas
1999 Upper Deck Victory #456 Frank Thomas RF
2000 APBA Superstars #28 Frank Thomas
2000 White Sox Lemon Chill #15 Frank Thomas
2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars #283 Frank Thomas 93 MVP
2003 Donruss Estrellas Poder De Cuadrangular #11 Frank Thomas
2003 MLB Stickers #30 Frank Thomas
2005 White Sox Topps World Series Champions #6 Frank Thomas
2007 Blue Jays Topps #TOR2 Frank Thomas
2012 Leaf National Convention #FT1 Frank Thomas
2013 Topps Stickers #53 Frank Thomas
2016 Topps Allen and Ginter The Numbers Game #NG16 Frank Thomas
Have these Frank Thomas cards for trade.
1990 Bowman #320
1990 Classic Yellow #93
1990 CMC #818
1990 Fleer Update #87
1990 Score #663
1990 Score Rookie/Traded #86
1990 Topps #414B Name on front
1991 Ballstreet #23
1991 Bazooka #7
1991 Bowman #366
1991 Classic Game #181
1991 Classic I #32
1991 Classic II #28
1991 Donruss #477
1991 Fleer #138
1991 Leaf #281
1991 O-***-Chee Premier #121
1991 Score #840
1991 Score #874
1991 Score 100 Rising Stars #78
1991 Score Hot Rookies #4
1991 Sports Educational #5
1991 Stadium Club #57
1991 Studio #40
1991 Topps #79
1991 Topps Rookies #28
1991 Ultra #85
1991 Upper Deck #246
1992 Bowman #114
1992 Bowman #551
1992 Donruss #592
1992 Donruss Diamond Kings #8
1992 Donruss McDonald's #2
1992 Fleer #100
1992 Fleer #701
1992 Fleer #712
1992 Fleer All-Stars #11
1992 Fleer Citgo the Performer #2
1992 Fleer Rookie Sensations #1
1992 Leaf #349
1992 Leaf #67
1992 MTV Rock n' Jock #2
1992 O-***-Chee Premier #59
1992 Pinnacle #1
1992 Pinnacle Slugfest #11
1992 Pinnacle Team 2000 #3
1992 Post #24
1992 Score #505
1992 Score #893
1992 Stadium Club #301
1992 Stadium Club #591
1992 Studio #159
1992 Topps #555
1992 Topps Gold Winners #555
1992 Topps Kids #99
1992 Triple Play #206
1992 Triple Play Gallery #12
1992 U.S. Playing Cards All-Stars #4D
1992 Ultra #44
1992 Ultra All-Stars #9
1992 Upper Deck #166
1992 Upper Deck #87
1992 Upper Deck Home Run Heroes #8
1992 Upper Deck Williams Best #19
1993 Bowman #555
1993 Donruss #7
1993 Donruss Spirit of the Game #18
1993 Donruss Spirit of the Game #6
1993 Duracell Power Players I #2
1993 Flair #189
1993 Fleer #210
1993 Fleer #714
1993 Fleer All-Stars #1
1993 Fleer Atlantic #23
1993 Fleer Team Leaders #5
1993 Fun Pack #197
1993 Fun Pack #202
1993 Fun Pack #21
1993 Fun Pack #225
1993 Fun Pack #27
1993 Fun Pack #36
1993 Fun Pack All-Stars #1
1993 Hostess #13
1993 Leaf #195
1993 Leaf Thomas #1
1993 Leaf Thomas #10
1993 Leaf Thomas #2
1993 Leaf Thomas #3
1993 Leaf Thomas #4
1993 Leaf Thomas #5
1993 Leaf Thomas #6
1993 Leaf Thomas #7
1993 Leaf Thomas #8
1993 Leaf Thomas #9
1993 Pacific Spanish #77
1993 Pinnacle #108
1993 Pinnacle Cooperstown #24
1993 Pinnacle Home Run Club #17
1993 Post #14
1993 Score #3
1993 Score #541
1993 Select #6
1993 SP #260
1993 Stadium Club #200
1993 Stadium Club #746
1993 Stadium Club Inserts #3
1993 Studio #139
1993 Studio Heritage #8
1993 Studio Superstars on Canvas #6
1993 Studio Thomas #4
1993 Topps #150
1993 Topps #401
1993 Topps Gold #150
1993 Topps Gold #401
1993 Triple Play #26
1993 Triple Play #77
1993 Triple Play Action #21
1993 Triple Play Nicknames #1
1993 Ultra #181
1993 Ultra All-Stars #19
1993 Upper Deck #105
1993 Upper Deck #51
1993 Upper Deck #555
1993 Upper Deck Clutch Performers #20
1993 Upper Deck Future Heroes #62
1993 Upper Deck On Deck #24
1994 Bowman #15
1994 Bowman Previews #1
1994 Bowman's Best #55
1994 Bowman's Best #91
1994 Collector's Choice #327
1994 Collector's Choice #354
1994 Collector's Choice #500
1994 Collector's Choice #640
1994 Donruss #341
1994 Donruss Diamond Kings #28
1994 Donruss Special Edition #61
1994 Finest #203
1994 Flair #36
1994 Flair Hot Numbers #10
1994 Flair Infield Power #9
1994 Fleer #96
1994 Fleer Lumber Company #9
1994 Fleer Sunoco #23
1994 Fun Pack #177
1994 Fun Pack #195
1994 Fun Pack #210
1994 Fun Pack #236
1994 Fun Pack #35
1994 Leaf #400
1994 Leaf Power Brokers #1
1994 Leaf Slideshow #1
1994 Leaf Statistical Standouts #1
1994 O-***-Chee #127
1994 O-***-Chee All-Star Redemptions #1
1994 Pinnacle #1
1994 Pinnacle The Naturals #1
1994 Pinnacle Tribute #14
1994 Post #21
1994 Score #41
1994 Score #631
1994 Score Gold Rush #41
1994 SP #193
1994 Sportflics #176
1994 Sportflics #70
1994 Stadium Club #267
1994 Stadium Club #285
1994 Stadium Club #528
1994 Stadium Club #718
1994 Stadium Club Dugout Dirt #9
1994 Stadium Club Finest #10
1994 Stadium Club Members Only 50 #29
1994 Stadium Club Team #121
1994 Studio #209
1994 Studio Heritage #2
1994 Topps #270
1994 Topps #384
1994 Topps #601
1994 Topps Black Gold #21
1994 Topps Gold #270
1994 Triple Play #269
1994 Triple Play Bomb Squad #1
1994 Ultra #39
1994 Ultra All-Stars #2
1994 Ultra Award Winners #19
1994 Ultra Hitting Machines #10
1994 Ultra Home Run Kings #3
1994 Upper Deck #284
1994 Upper Deck #300
1994 Upper Deck #55
1994 Upper Deck Electric Diamond #300
1994 Upper Deck Electric Diamond #55
1994 Upper Deck Mantle's Long Shots #18
1994-95 Sports Stars USA #104
1994-95 Sports Stars USA #110
1995 Bazooka #120
1995 Bowman #351
1995 Collector's Choice #64
1995 Collector's Choice #75
1995 Collector's Choice Crash the Game #19B
1995 Collector's Choice Crash the Game Exchange #19
1995 Collector's Choice SE #235
1995 Collector's Choice SE #29
1995 Collector's Choice Silver Signature #64
1995 Collector's Choice Silver Signature #75
1995 Donruss #275
1995 Donruss Diamond Kings #1
1995 Donruss Long Ball Leaders #1
1995 Emotion #29
1995 Emotion Masters #9
1995 Emotion N-Tense #10
1995 Flair #27
1995 Fleer #128
1995 Fleer All-Fleer #2
1995 Fleer All-Stars #2
1995 Fleer Award Winners #1
1995 Fleer Lumber Company #9
1995 Fleer Update Headliners #18
1995 Leaf #1
1995 Leaf Checklists #3
1995 Leaf Cornerstones #1
1995 Leaf Gold Stars #10
1995 Leaf Limited #1
1995 Leaf Limited Gold #1
1995 Leaf Slideshow #2A
1995 Leaf Thomas #3
1995 Leaf Thomas #4
1995 Leaf Thomas Akklaim #1
1995 National Packtime #1
1995 Pacific #97
1995 Pinnacle #226
1995 Pinnacle #302
1995 Pinnacle #446
1995 Pinnacle Red Hot #3
1995 Pinnacle Upstarts #1
1995 Score #1
1995 Score #571
1995 Select #22
1995 Select #242
1995 Select Certified #5
1995 Select Certified Checklists #2
1995 SP #140 Corrected
1995 SP #140A Error
1995 SP Championship #136
1995 SP Championship #140
1995 SP Platinum Power #18
1995 Sportflix #169
1995 Sportflix #20
1995 Sportflix Hammer Team #2
1995 Stadium Club #236
1995 Stadium Club #318
1995 Stadium Club #400
1995 Stadium Club #47
1995 Stadium Club Super Team World Series #400
1995 Stadium Club Virtual Reality #209
1995 Studio #1
1995 Studio Gold Series #1
1995 Summit #175
1995 Summit #194
1995 Summit #92
1995 Topps #1
1995 Topps #384
1995 Topps Cyberstats #1
1995 Topps Embossed #100
1995 Topps Traded #1
1995 UC3 #1
1995 UC3 #125
1995 UC3 Cyclone Squad #1
1995 Ultra #34
1995 Ultra Hitting Machines #10
1995 Upper Deck #105
1995 Upper Deck #435
1995 Zenith #33
1995 Zenith All-Star Salute #2
1996 Bazooka #61
1996 Bowman #54
1996 Bowman's Best #13
1996 Circa #200
1996 Circa #29
1996 Collector's Choice #105
1996 Collector's Choice #412
1996 Collector's Choice #759
1996 Collector's Choice #90
1996 Collector's Choice You Make the Play #40A
1996 Denny's Holograms #3
1996 Donruss #1
1996 Finest #322
1996 Finest #48
1996 Flair #60
1996 Fleer #77
1996 Fleer Checklists #8
1996 Fleer Golden Memories #9
1996 Leaf #150
1996 Leaf All-Star Game MVP Contenders #1
1996 Leaf Limited #23
1996 Leaf Limited Lumberjacks #4
1996 Leaf Preferred #13
1996 Leaf Preferred #147
1996 Leaf Preferred Steel #1
1996 Leaf Thomas Greatest Hits #6
1996 Metal Universe #40
1996 Metal Universe Heavy Metal #8
1996 Pacific #287
1996 Pinnacle #135
1996 Pinnacle #194
1996 Pinnacle #201
1996 Pinnacle #257
1996 Pinnacle #323
1996 Pinnacle #395
1996 Pinnacle Aficionado #59
1996 Score #21
1996 Score #272
1996 Score #373
1996 Score Dream Team #2
1996 Select #11
1996 Select #152
1996 Select #196
1996 Select Certified #1
1996 Select Team Nucleus #27
1996 SP #60
1996 SP Marquee Matchups #15
1996 SP Special FX #35
1996 Sportflix #13
1996 Sportflix #99
1996 Stadium Club #285
1996 Studio #93
1996 Studio Hit Parade #3
1996 Summit #198
1996 Summit #88
1996 Summit Ballparks #9
1996 Topps #100
1996 Topps #229
1996 Topps Classic Confrontations #5
1996 Topps Laser #92
1996 Ultra #44
1996 Ultra Checklists #10
1996 Ultra Checklists #9
1996 Ultra On-Base Leaders #9
1996 Ultra Power Plus #10
1996 Ultra RBI Kings #9
1996 Ultra RBI Kings Gold Medallion #9
1996 Upper Deck #300
1996 Upper Deck #387
1996 Upper Deck Gameface #2
1996 Upper Deck Predictor Retail #18
1996 Zenith #133
1996 Zenith #22
1997 Bowman #290
1997 Circa #396
1997 Circa #45
1997 Collector's Choice #300
1997 Collector's Choice #328
1997 Collector's Choice All-Star Connection #10
1997 Collector's Choice The Big Show #16
1997 Donruss #138
1997 Donruss #398
1997 Donruss Dominators #1
1997 Donruss Elite #3
1997 Donruss Limited #78
1997 Donruss Preferred #168
1997 E-X2000 #15
1997 Finest #29
1997 Flair Showcase Row 2 #35
1997 Fleer #500
1997 Fleer #718
1997 Fleer #72
1997 Fleer #726
1997 Fleer Goudey Greats #14
1997 Fleer Headliners #20
1997 Leaf #107
1997 Leaf #348
1997 Leaf #369
1997 Metal Universe #61
1997 New Pinnacle #118
1997 New Pinnacle #197
1997 Pinnacle #102
1997 Pinnacle Certified #148
1997 Pinnacle Certified #41
1997 Pinnacle Inside #13
1997 Pinnacle Mint #2
1997 Pinnacle Mint Bronze #2
1997 Pinnacle X-Press #140
1997 Pinnacle X-Press #5
1997 Pinnacle X-Press Swing for the Fences #54
1997 Score #26
1997 Score #508
1997 Score Premium Stock #26
1997 Select #144
1997 Select #149
1997 Sports Illustrated #148
1997 SPx #17
1997 Stadium Club #213
1997 Stadium Club #378
1997 Studio #1
1997 Studio #164
1997 Topps #108
1997 Topps All-Stars #3
1997 Topps Chrome #41
1997 Topps Hobby Masters #11
1997 Topps Season's Best #2
1997 Topps Stars #13
1997 Topps Sweet Strokes #14
1997 UD3 #16
1997 Ultra #44
1997 Ultra Checklists #A10
1997 Ultra Double Trouble #4
1997 Ultra Season Crowns #12
1997 Upper Deck #40
1997 Upper Deck Power Package #20
1998 Bowman's Best #6
1998 Circa Thunder #297
1998 Circa Thunder #45
1998 Circa Thunder Boss #19
1998 Collector's Choice #60
1998 Collector's Choice #8
1998 Collector's Choice StarQuest #41
1998 Crown Royale Pillars of the Game #10
1998 Donruss #12
1998 Donruss #157
1998 Donruss #369
1998 Donruss #407
1998 Donruss Elite #119
1998 Donruss Elite #2
1998 Donruss Preferred #169
1998 Donruss Signature #35
1998 E-X2001 #8
1998 Finest #151
1998 Flair Showcase Row 3 #3
1998 Fleer Tradition #337
1998 Fleer Tradition #35
1998 Leaf #106
1998 Leaf Fractal Foundations #157
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars #27
1998 Metal Universe #175
1998 Metal Universe #215
1998 Metal Universe Universal Language #2
1998 Pacific #63
1998 Pacific Omega #60
1998 Paramount #32
1998 Pinnacle #186
1998 Pinnacle Hit It Here #4
1998 Pinnacle Mint #22
1998 Pinnacle Mint Bronze #22
1998 Pinnacle Plus Yardwork #2
1998 Revolution #37
1998 Score #105
1998 SkyBox Dugout Axcess #59
1998 SkyBox Dugout Axcess Double Header #17
1998 SP Authentic #69
1998 Sports Illustrated #181
1998 Stadium Club #2
1998 Studio #200
1998 Studio #CL5
1998 Topps #20
1998 Topps #480
1998 Topps Chrome #20
1998 Topps Gallery #100
1998 Topps Gold Label Class 2 #46
1998 Topps Stars Bronze #150
1998 Topps Stars Silver #150
1998 Ultra #220
1998 Ultra #478
1998 Ultra #63
1998 Ultra Gold Medallion #249
1998 Ultra Gold Medallion #475
1998 Upper Deck #330
1998 Upper Deck #459
1998 White Sox Score #8
1999 Black Diamond #20
1999 Bowman Chrome #256
1999 Finest #25
1999 Flair Showcase Row 3 #35
1999 Fleer Mystique #67
1999 Fleer Tradition #34
1999 Pacific Omega #60
1999 Revolution #36
1999 SkyBox Premium #141
1999 SP Authentic #22
1999 Sports Illustrated Headliners #9
1999 SPx #29
1999 Stadium Club #50
1999 Topps #423
1999 Topps Chrome #423
1999 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #87
1999 Topps Lords of the Diamond #4
1999 UD Choice #72
1999 UD Choice Homerun Heroes #8
1999 UD Choice StarQuest #17
1999 UD Choice StarQuest Green #17
1999 Ultra #64
1999 Ultra RBI Kings #21
1999 Upper Deck #337
1999 Upper Deck Challengers for 70 #8
1999 Upper Deck Challengers for 70 Challengers Inserts #8
1999 Upper Deck HoloGrFX #15
1999 Upper Deck HoloGrFX Launchers #14
1999 Upper Deck MVP #45
1999 Upper Deck MVP Swing Time #8
1999 Upper Deck Ovation #14
1999 Upper Deck Retro #19
1999 Upper Deck Victory #91
1999 Upper Deck Victory #92
2000 Black Diamond #20
2000 Black Diamond Diamonation #9
2000 Black Diamond Might #6
2000 Black Diamond Rookie Edition #37
2000 Crown Royale Feature Attractions #8
2000 Finest #155
2000 Fleer Focus #168
2000 Fleer Focus Focal Points #12
2000 Fleer Gamers #35
2000 Fleer Showcase #41
2000 Fleer Tradition #129
2000 Fleer Tradition Dividends #6
2000 Metal #109
2000 Pacific Invincible Kings of the Diamond #8
2000 SkyBox #109
2000 SkyBox Dominion #73
2000 SP Authentic #34
2000 SP Authentic Midsummer Classics #6
2000 SPx #84
2000 Topps #470
2000 Topps #55
2000 Topps Power Players #13
2000 UD Ionix #56
2000 UD Ionix BIOrhythm #9
2000 Ultimate Victory #35
2000 Ultra #140
2000 Upper Deck #349
2000 Upper Deck Hit Brigade #13
2000 Upper Deck Hitter's Club #47
2000 Upper Deck Legends #84
2000 Vanguard #13
2001 Absolute Memorabilia #7
2001 Donruss #7
2001 Donruss Class of 2001 #15
2001 Donruss Classics #7
2001 E-X #34
2001 Finest #85
2001 Fleer Focus #53
2001 Fleer Futures #91
2001 Fleer Game Time #66
2001 Fleer Genuine #4
2001 Fleer Legacy #59
2001 Fleer Platinum #146
2001 Fleer Premium #26
2001 Fleer Showcase #99
2001 Fleer Tradition #397
2001 Fleer Tradition Diamond Tributes #28
2001 Leaf Rookies and Stars #82
2001 Pacific #103
2001 SP Authentic #32
2001 SPx #33
2001 Stadium Club #145
2001 Studio #7
2001 Topps #240
2001 Topps Chrome #187
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #33
2001 Topps Golden Anniversary #47
2001 Topps Heritage Classic Renditions #7
2001 Topps Noteworthy #10
2001 Topps Reserve #99
2001 UD Reserve #73
2001 Upper Deck #356
2001 Upper Deck Big League Beat #16
2001 Upper Deck e-Card #3
2001 Upper Deck Evolution #33
2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove #35
2001 Upper Deck Legends #36
2001 Upper Deck Ovation #23
2001 Upper Deck Pros and Prospects #37
2001 Upper Deck Vintage #137
2001 Upper Deck Vintage #395
2001 Upper Deck Vintage Matinee Idols #17
2002 Absolute Memorabilia #35
2002 Diamond Kings #66
2002 Donruss #145
2002 Donruss Best of Fan Club #15
2002 Donruss Classics #7
2002 Donruss Fan Club #15
2002 Donruss Originals #384
2002 Donruss Originals #46
2002 E-X #77
2002 Flair #80
2002 Fleer #342
2002 Fleer Authentix #20
2002 Fleer Box Score #41
2002 Fleer Box Score Amazing Greats #19
2002 Fleer Genuine #94
2002 Fleer Genuine Touch Em All #21
2002 Fleer Maximum #32
2002 Fleer Platinum #64
2002 Fleer Showcase #3
2002 Fleer Tradition #369
2002 Fleer Triple Crown #146
2002 Leaf #62
2002 Leaf Certified #108
2002 Playoff Piece of the Game #31
2002 SP Authentic #34
2002 Topps #425
2002 Topps 206 Relics #FT1
2002 Topps Opening Day #142
2002 UD Piece of History #34
2002 Ultra #59
2002 Upper Deck #619
2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection #32
2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection Bat Around Quads #TGTD
2002 Upper Deck MVP #123
2002 Upper Deck Ovation #23
2002 Upper Deck Superstar Summit II #15
2002 Upper Deck Vintage #107
2002 Upper Deck Vintage Night Gamers #7
2003 Absolute Memorabilia #93
2003 Bowman #137
2003 Diamond Kings #18
2003 Donruss #107
2003 Donruss Champions #58
2003 Donruss Classics #33
2003 Flair #85
2003 Fleer Authentix #11
2003 Fleer Box Score #52
2003 Fleer Focus JE #51
2003 Fleer Genuine #32
2003 Fleer Patchworks #58
2003 Fleer Platinum #68
2003 Fleer Splendid Splinters #79
2003 Fleer Tradition #270
2003 Hot Prospects #5
2003 Leaf #256
2003 Leaf #29
2003 Studio #193
2003 Studio #20
2003 Topps #109
2003 Topps 205 #68
2003 Topps Heritage #159
2003 Topps Opening Day #99
2003 Topps Total #734
2003 Ultra #173
2003 Upper Deck #359
2003 Upper Deck 40-Man #302
2003 Upper Deck Game Face #29
2003 Upper Deck Honor Roll #63
2003 Upper Deck Honor Roll #64
2003 Upper Deck MVP #44
2003 Upper Deck Play Ball #18
2003 Upper Deck Victory #134
2003 Upper Deck Victory #182
2003 Upper Deck Victory #26
2003 Upper Deck Vintage #202
2004 Classic Clippings #71
2004 Donruss World Series #44
2004 Finest #91
2004 Flair #56
2004 Fleer Genuine Insider #28
2004 Fleer Patchworks #68
2004 Fleer Sweet Sigs #2
2004 Fleer Tradition #352
2004 Leaf Second Edition #22
2004 Leather and Lumber #36
2004 SkyBox Autographics #62
2004 SP Authentic #59
2004 SPx #31
2004 Studio #52
2004 Throwback Threads #47
2004 Topps #366
2004 Topps #49
2004 Topps Total #240
2004 Upper Deck Etchings #36
2004 Upper Deck Vintage #49
2005 Flair #49
2005 Fleer Patchworks #8
2005 Leaf #269
2005 Leather and Lumber #43
2005 Reflections #22
2005 Topps #75
2005 Topps Cracker Jack #79
2005 Topps Opening Day #75
2005 Topps Turkey Red #144
2005 Upper Deck #477
2005 Upper Deck ESPN #23
2005 Upper Deck Pro Sigs #23
2005 Zenith #179
2006 Fleer #375
2006 Topps #580
2006 Topps Heritage #140
2006 Topps Turkey Red #361
2007 Bowman #143
2007 Topps Flashback Fridays #20
2007 UD Masterpieces #39
2007 Ultra #195
2008 Legendary Cuts #42
2008 Sweet Spot #39
2008 Topps Opening Day #95
2008 Upper Deck #38
2008 Upper Deck Star Quest #25
2008 Upper Deck Timeline #44
2008 Upper Deck X #73
2008 Upper Deck X Xponential #FT
2009 Topps Legends of the Game #FT
2011 Topps Lineage #181
2012 Panini Prizm #121
2012 Topps Gypsy Queen #262
2012 Topps Timeless Talents #7
2013 Pinnacle Awaiting the Call #8
2013 Topps Allen and Ginter #251
2013 Topps Chasing History #25
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen #46
2013 USA Baseball Champions #15
2014 Bowman '89 Bowman is Back Silver Diamond Refractors #FT
2014 Classics #48
2014 Classics Home Run Heroes #11
2014 Donruss #197
2014 Panini Prizm #162
2015 Bowman Chrome Rookie Recollections #FT
2015 Diamond Kings Also Known As #2
2015 Donruss #185A Name on front
2015 Leaf Heroes of Baseball #22
2015 Panini Contenders Collegiate Connections #2
2015 Panini Contenders Old School Colors #5
2015 Panini Prizm #162
2015 Panini Prizm Field Pass #13
2015 Panini Prizm Fireworks #17
2015 Topps Archives #153
2015 Topps Inspired Play #12
2016 Berger's Best #40
2016 Diamond Kings DK Originals #18
2016 Donruss #180
2016 Donruss '82 #49
2016 Donruss Masters of the Game #4
2016 Panini National Convention College Legends #8
2016 Stadium Club #38
2016 Topps Archives #151
2016 Topps Gypsy Queen Power Alley #4
2016 Topps Hallowed Highlights #4
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