I pulled the Acuna the other day from my inventory not sure if I'm going to use it or sell it - I'm only looking to make 5 or less card tradesSmallish, maybe mediumish. trade possibility:
To you (All 2023 Topps Update US-*):
Update base: 13, 182, 194, 221, 260, 279, 283, 325, BV 6.00
Update RCs: 201, 256. BV 2.50
Update RDs: 110, 163, 210, 298. BV 5.85
Total BV to you 14.35
To me (from your website):
2023 Topps S2 LG-17 C Jones 1.25
2023 Topps Chrome 39 Acuna 4.00
2023 Topps Chrome Pink Refract 65 Fried 2.00
2023 Topps Chrome Titans CT-7 Bichette 1.25
2023 Bowman Chrome ROYF-15 G Henderson (you list BV 3 but my OPG is+) 5.00
Total BV to me 13.50
I can trade you the Fried Pink Refractor $2.00 the Henderson Bowman Chrome $5.00 and the 23 Topps Chrome Titan Bichette $1.25 $8.25
the 23 Update RCs 201 256 and 23 Update RD 110 163 210 298 $8.35