This is what I have from the '17 Tek
2017 Topps High Tek pattern #1 $2.50
2017 Topps High Tek pattern #1 Blackout (2) $3.75 each
2017 Topps High Tek pattern #7 Greg Maddux SP $7.50
2015 Topps Tek Greg Maddux #HT-GM Waves $4
Can you use any of these ?
1983 topps 163 $10
1984 donruss 106 $12
1984 fleer 17 $10
1986 fleer all-star 5 $10
1992 fleer team leaders 17 $12
1993 leaf heading for the hall 5 $10
1992 pinnacle team pinn 7 w/ larkin * $8
1994 finest 235 $10
1994 sp holoviews 32 $15
1994 stadium super teams 15 $8
1994 triple play nicknames 6 $15
1994 ud diamond collection E9 $20
1995 collector's choice se gold 155 $60
1995 flair ripken enduring 287th HR 9 $10
1995 promint
1995 score hall of gold 6 $10
1996 assets $1000 phone card
1996 classic $100 phone card
1996 classic $21.31 phone card
1996 fleer team leaders 1 $10
1996 metal universe mother lode 8 $12
1996 pinnacle aficionado rivals w/ griffey * 5 $20
1996 pinnacle aficionado rivals w/ mo vaughn 12 $15
1996 pinnacle team pinnacle 4 w/ larkin * $25
1996 pinnacle CR1 $15
1996 score 2131 $20
1996 sp marquee matchups mm9 $10
1996 sportflics hit parade 2 $12
1996 studio masterstrokes 5 samples $10
1996 topps mystery finest refractor M23 $50
1997 donruss ripken the only way i know 4 565/5000
1997 donruss ripken the only way i know 6 3257/5000 $12
1997 donruss ripken the only way i know 7 0172/5000 $12
1997 circa super boss 15 $20
1997 pinnacle passort to majors 4 $20
1997 topps inter-league finest ilm12 w/ jefferies $12
1997 tronto fall expo - 1997 pacific embossed 29
1997 tronto fall expo - 1993 pacific spanish embossed 24
1998 leaf rookies & stars great american heroes 2 438/2500 $20
1998 spx finite 145 5613/7000 $10
1998 spx finite radiance 64 3928/4500 $15
1998 stadium royal court 6 $25
1998 topps etch a sketch 7 $10
1998 topps stars silver 51 3954/4399 $12
1999 finest split screen refractor right w/ gwynn 5
1999 metal universe boyz with the wood 13 $10
1999 pacific dynagon diamond 1 $10
1999 ud ionix tecmo 66 $12
1999 ud hologrfx future fame 2 $12
1999 ud ovation curtain calls 6 $10
2000 black diamond rc edition diamonation 8 $10
2000 bowman chrome meteoric rise 7 $10
2000 skybox higher level 1 $10
2000 topps chrome combos tc10 w/ boggs and gwynn $8
2000 topps chrome refractor 4 $40
2000 ud ionix atomic 7 $10
2000 ud legends reflections in time 8 w/gehric $10
2001 donruss rookie reprints RR1 188/1982 $25
2003 donruss diamond kings 168 $10
2004 donruss elite teams * w/ palmer & murray 1 4727/1500 $10
2004 leaf limited lumberjacks 8 332/431 $15
2004 leaf limited lumberjacks 42 * w/ banks 338/500 $15
2005 leather & lumber naturals 4 47/2000 $10
2004 playoff honors prime signature 32 487/2500 $15
2004 studio spirit of the game 20 999/999*
2004 throwback generations 25 * w/ banks & alex rodriguez 631/1500 $8
2004 ud famous quotes 5 $10
2005 fleer national pastime historical record 10 1030/1996 $12
2005 leaf cornerstones 13 * w/ eddie murray $10
2005 ud baseball heroes 13.
2006 topps rookie of the week 14 $12
2008 playoff contenders legendary rookies 3 1305/1500 $10
2008 donruss threads baseball americana 7 390/500 $10
2008 ud masterpieces 101 sp
2011 topps lineage diamond anniversary refractor 13 $12
2012 topps gypsy queen framed gold 253 $15