Not trading until January besides the people I am in the middle of a trade with.
Only looking for serial numbers and game used that books under $20
Looking for Carlos Ruiz, Chase Utley, Cole Hamels, Jimmy Rollins, Ryan Howard.
Ryan Howard serial numbers
2004 Donruss Classics #186 Ryan Howard ROO #1999
2004 Fleer Genuine Insider #114 Ryan Howard UP #799
2004 SkyBox Autographics #89 Ryan Howard PR #1500
2005 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Red #163 Ryan Howard #150
2005 Upper Deck Pros and Prospects #194 Ryan Howard T3 #199
2006 Bowman Blue #57 Ryan Howard #500
2006 Finest Refractors #11 Ryan Howard #399
2006 Finest X-Fractors #11 Ryan Howard #250
2006 Finest Refractors Green #11 Ryan Howard #199
2006 Topps Gold #265 Ryan Howard ROY #2006
2006 Topps Gold #398 Ryan Howard #2006
2006 Topps Update Gold #273 Ryan Howard AS #2006
2006 Topps Update Gold #283 Ryan Howard HRD
2006 Topps Update Gold #292 R.Howard/T.Gordon TL
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Blue #21A Ryan Howard/Jimmy Rollins #125
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Blue #21B Ryan Howard/Pat Burrell #125
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces HyperSilver Bronze #21B Ryan Howard/Pat Burrell #75
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Bronze #21C Ryan Howard/Bobby Abreu #150
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Blue #21C Ryan Howard/Bobby Abreu #125
2006 Upper Deck Future Stars Purple #52 Ryan Howard #1799
2006 Upper Deck Future Stars Red #52 Ryan Howard #299
2006 Upper Deck Future Stars Blue #52 Ryan Howard #99
2007 Bowman Blue #50 Ryan Howard #500
2007 Bowman Orange #50 Ryan Howard #250
2007 Bowman Chrome Blue Refractors #50 Ryan Howard #150
2007 Ultra Retail Gold #141 Ryan Howard
2007 Finest Ryan Howard Finest Moments Ryan Howard haves 2 5 6 11 14 27 28 35 38 39 43 50 51 55 #459
2007 Finest Ryan Howard Finest Moments Refractors Ryan Howard 13 56 57 #149
Game Used Cole Hamels
2007 topps turkey red
2007 bowman heritage
2007 bowman sterling
2007 spx x #199
2008 a piece of history timeless moments
2008 masterpieces captured on canvas
2008 a piece of history carpenter/Johnson/hamels #99
2008 spx spx x #150
2008 spx mlb ml #20
2008 a piece of history stadium scenes
2008 baseball heroes #200
2008 sp legendary cuts generations carlton/hamels
2009 upper deck ud game jersey j
2009 upper deck icons future foundations
2012 topps heritage clubhouse collection
Serial numbers Cole Hamels
2006 ovation #999
2007 topps update #2007
2007 topps triple threads #1350
2008 baseball heroes #299
2008 baseball heroes #199
2008 topps opening day #2199
2008 a piece of history cut from the same cloth liriano #799
2009 topps triple threads #1350
2009 topps triple threads #525
2009 topps triple threads #240
2009 a piece of history franchise history #999
2009 a piece of history franchise history #75
2009 bowman #500
2009 topps #2009
2010 bowman #250
2010 topps #2010
2011 bowman #500
2012 topps chrome #199
Chase Utley game used
2006 upper deck special fx sm-cu
2006 artifacts silver limited #250
2006 artifacts gold limited mlb-cu #150
2006 artifacts nl artifacts nl-cu #150
2006 bazooka rewind br-cu
2006 bowman heritage pg-cu
2006 ultra fine fabrics fm-cu
2006 topps allen and ginter agr-cu
2006 ultimate ensemble materials Roberts/Utley/iguchi #25
2007 upper deck game materials ud-cu
2007 topps all star stitches ascu
2007 ud masterpiece captured on canvas cc-cu
2007 ud premier #26 #32
2007 spx x #199
2007 spx Utley/rowand/rollins #75
2007 bowman heritage pieces of greatness pg-cu
2007 ud spectrum #199
2007 elements ee-cu
2007 ultra faces of the game gf-cu
2007 spx chase Utley dan uggla ian kinsler #75
2007 spx chase Utley cole hamels aaron rowand #75
2008 ballpark collection brian Roberts rickie weeks chase Utley dan uggla
2008 goudey
2008 bowman sterling bs-cu #199
2008 sweet spot ss-cu
2008 sp legendary cuts rogers Hornsby chase Utley gen-hu
2008 spx x #150
2008 a piece of history timeless moments tm-39
2008 a piece of history timeless moments tm-39 #25
2008 heroes #200
2008 heroes
2008 heroes #125
2008 spectrum #35
2009 sp legendary cuts destination stardom dsm-cu
2009 allen and ginter agr-cu
2009 spectrum ss-cu
2009 topps triple threads ttr-93 #36
2009 topps unique solo shots ssr-cu #275
2010 topps triple threads ttr-6 #36
2010 topps triple threads ttr-4 #27
2010 topps triple threads ttr-5 #27
2010 upper deck ud game jersey udgj-cu
2011 topps allen and ginter agr-cu
2011 topps tribute howard/Utley/rollins ttrc-8 #36
2012 topps heritage club house collection ccr-cu
2012 topps museum collection primary pieces ppqr-cu #99
2012 topps triple threads ttur-169 #36
Chase Utley serial numbers
2003 fleer genuine 125 #799
2003 topps gold 682 #2003
2006 upper deck future stars 54 #1799
2006 upper deck future stars 54 #499
2006 upper deck future stars 54 #299
2007 finest 106 #399
2007 topps chrome 131 #660
2008 bowman 125 #250
2008 topps chrome trading card history tchc28 #400
2008 topps co signers 24 #200
2008 topps opening day 75 #2199
2008 topps triple threads 24 #240
2008 topps triple threads 24 #1350
2008 baseball heroes 135 #399
2008 baseball heroes 135 #299
2008 baseball heroes 135 #99
2008 a piece of history timeless moments tm-39 #699
2008 cut from the same cloth csc-ru #799
2008 ud timeline 285 #100
2008 spectrum #399
2008 spectrum #199
2009 sp authentic faces of the game 177 #99
2009 sp authentic 26 #99
2009 topps 200 #2009
2009 topps uh71 #2009
2009 topps triple threads 63 #1350
2009 topps triple threads 63 #525
2009 topps triple threads 63 #240
2009 finest 26 #399
2009 a piece of history 71 #50
2010 bowman 90 #520
2010 bowman 90 #250
2010 bowman plantium 97 #999
2010 topps 300 #2010
2010 topps heritage c50 #1961
2010 topps national chicle cc44 #999
2010 topps national chicle cc44 #499
2010 topps tribute 58 #399
2010 topps triple threads 95 #525
2010 topps triple threads95 #240
2011 bowman 111 #500
2011 bowman chrome 97 #150
2011 topps 214 #2011
2011 topps heritage c151 #1962
2011 topps heritage c151 #562
2012 bowman chrome 197 #199
2012 bowman chrome 197 #25
2012 topps gold 361 #2012
2012 topps triple threads 8 #25
2013 topps 26 #2013
2010 topps moments and milestones
60 #10 XBHs
20 33 40 44 69
61 #10 HBPs
Only looking for serial numbers and game used that books under $20
Looking for Carlos Ruiz, Chase Utley, Cole Hamels, Jimmy Rollins, Ryan Howard.
Ryan Howard serial numbers
2004 Donruss Classics #186 Ryan Howard ROO #1999
2004 Fleer Genuine Insider #114 Ryan Howard UP #799
2004 SkyBox Autographics #89 Ryan Howard PR #1500
2005 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Red #163 Ryan Howard #150
2005 Upper Deck Pros and Prospects #194 Ryan Howard T3 #199
2006 Bowman Blue #57 Ryan Howard #500
2006 Finest Refractors #11 Ryan Howard #399
2006 Finest X-Fractors #11 Ryan Howard #250
2006 Finest Refractors Green #11 Ryan Howard #199
2006 Topps Gold #265 Ryan Howard ROY #2006
2006 Topps Gold #398 Ryan Howard #2006
2006 Topps Update Gold #273 Ryan Howard AS #2006
2006 Topps Update Gold #283 Ryan Howard HRD
2006 Topps Update Gold #292 R.Howard/T.Gordon TL
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Blue #21A Ryan Howard/Jimmy Rollins #125
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Blue #21B Ryan Howard/Pat Burrell #125
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces HyperSilver Bronze #21B Ryan Howard/Pat Burrell #75
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Bronze #21C Ryan Howard/Bobby Abreu #150
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Blue #21C Ryan Howard/Bobby Abreu #125
2006 Upper Deck Future Stars Purple #52 Ryan Howard #1799
2006 Upper Deck Future Stars Red #52 Ryan Howard #299
2006 Upper Deck Future Stars Blue #52 Ryan Howard #99
2007 Bowman Blue #50 Ryan Howard #500
2007 Bowman Orange #50 Ryan Howard #250
2007 Bowman Chrome Blue Refractors #50 Ryan Howard #150
2007 Ultra Retail Gold #141 Ryan Howard
2007 Finest Ryan Howard Finest Moments Ryan Howard haves 2 5 6 11 14 27 28 35 38 39 43 50 51 55 #459
2007 Finest Ryan Howard Finest Moments Refractors Ryan Howard 13 56 57 #149
Game Used Cole Hamels
2007 topps turkey red
2007 bowman heritage
2007 bowman sterling
2007 spx x #199
2008 a piece of history timeless moments
2008 masterpieces captured on canvas
2008 a piece of history carpenter/Johnson/hamels #99
2008 spx spx x #150
2008 spx mlb ml #20
2008 a piece of history stadium scenes
2008 baseball heroes #200
2008 sp legendary cuts generations carlton/hamels
2009 upper deck ud game jersey j
2009 upper deck icons future foundations
2012 topps heritage clubhouse collection
Serial numbers Cole Hamels
2006 ovation #999
2007 topps update #2007
2007 topps triple threads #1350
2008 baseball heroes #299
2008 baseball heroes #199
2008 topps opening day #2199
2008 a piece of history cut from the same cloth liriano #799
2009 topps triple threads #1350
2009 topps triple threads #525
2009 topps triple threads #240
2009 a piece of history franchise history #999
2009 a piece of history franchise history #75
2009 bowman #500
2009 topps #2009
2010 bowman #250
2010 topps #2010
2011 bowman #500
2012 topps chrome #199
Chase Utley game used
2006 upper deck special fx sm-cu
2006 artifacts silver limited #250
2006 artifacts gold limited mlb-cu #150
2006 artifacts nl artifacts nl-cu #150
2006 bazooka rewind br-cu
2006 bowman heritage pg-cu
2006 ultra fine fabrics fm-cu
2006 topps allen and ginter agr-cu
2006 ultimate ensemble materials Roberts/Utley/iguchi #25
2007 upper deck game materials ud-cu
2007 topps all star stitches ascu
2007 ud masterpiece captured on canvas cc-cu
2007 ud premier #26 #32
2007 spx x #199
2007 spx Utley/rowand/rollins #75
2007 bowman heritage pieces of greatness pg-cu
2007 ud spectrum #199
2007 elements ee-cu
2007 ultra faces of the game gf-cu
2007 spx chase Utley dan uggla ian kinsler #75
2007 spx chase Utley cole hamels aaron rowand #75
2008 ballpark collection brian Roberts rickie weeks chase Utley dan uggla
2008 goudey
2008 bowman sterling bs-cu #199
2008 sweet spot ss-cu
2008 sp legendary cuts rogers Hornsby chase Utley gen-hu
2008 spx x #150
2008 a piece of history timeless moments tm-39
2008 a piece of history timeless moments tm-39 #25
2008 heroes #200
2008 heroes
2008 heroes #125
2008 spectrum #35
2009 sp legendary cuts destination stardom dsm-cu
2009 allen and ginter agr-cu
2009 spectrum ss-cu
2009 topps triple threads ttr-93 #36
2009 topps unique solo shots ssr-cu #275
2010 topps triple threads ttr-6 #36
2010 topps triple threads ttr-4 #27
2010 topps triple threads ttr-5 #27
2010 upper deck ud game jersey udgj-cu
2011 topps allen and ginter agr-cu
2011 topps tribute howard/Utley/rollins ttrc-8 #36
2012 topps heritage club house collection ccr-cu
2012 topps museum collection primary pieces ppqr-cu #99
2012 topps triple threads ttur-169 #36
Chase Utley serial numbers
2003 fleer genuine 125 #799
2003 topps gold 682 #2003
2006 upper deck future stars 54 #1799
2006 upper deck future stars 54 #499
2006 upper deck future stars 54 #299
2007 finest 106 #399
2007 topps chrome 131 #660
2008 bowman 125 #250
2008 topps chrome trading card history tchc28 #400
2008 topps co signers 24 #200
2008 topps opening day 75 #2199
2008 topps triple threads 24 #240
2008 topps triple threads 24 #1350
2008 baseball heroes 135 #399
2008 baseball heroes 135 #299
2008 baseball heroes 135 #99
2008 a piece of history timeless moments tm-39 #699
2008 cut from the same cloth csc-ru #799
2008 ud timeline 285 #100
2008 spectrum #399
2008 spectrum #199
2009 sp authentic faces of the game 177 #99
2009 sp authentic 26 #99
2009 topps 200 #2009
2009 topps uh71 #2009
2009 topps triple threads 63 #1350
2009 topps triple threads 63 #525
2009 topps triple threads 63 #240
2009 finest 26 #399
2009 a piece of history 71 #50
2010 bowman 90 #520
2010 bowman 90 #250
2010 bowman plantium 97 #999
2010 topps 300 #2010
2010 topps heritage c50 #1961
2010 topps national chicle cc44 #999
2010 topps national chicle cc44 #499
2010 topps tribute 58 #399
2010 topps triple threads 95 #525
2010 topps triple threads95 #240
2011 bowman 111 #500
2011 bowman chrome 97 #150
2011 topps 214 #2011
2011 topps heritage c151 #1962
2011 topps heritage c151 #562
2012 bowman chrome 197 #199
2012 bowman chrome 197 #25
2012 topps gold 361 #2012
2012 topps triple threads 8 #25
2013 topps 26 #2013
2010 topps moments and milestones
60 #10 XBHs
20 33 40 44 69
61 #10 HBPs
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