Building a following for certain print errors may never happen in most cases. It just depends on what it is, how many are available as well as demand for them and how much information is out there to even get people looking for them.
I have not seen those before, but would not have reason to seek them out or even find them by accident. They might be very limited having been issued that way or they could have been considered damaged goods and never issued. There was a day when those print errors were tossed and nobody cared a bit.
With the Topps blackless, those apparently were inserted in packs (i.e. actually issued). Many of the endless print cuts and variations we see today were never issued. Someone probably got a bunch of good or damaged/unfinished sheets and made "rare" variations or perhaps went dumpster diving outside a print shop or card maker and found some "gems". Most of those food issue cards were not distributed as widely as well. Not sure off the top of my head how they were distributed, but it may have been a mail in set. I don't see companies sending out redemption or pre-sold sets looking like that, even on accident.
As always though, it is fun for the true fanatic collector to find stuff like this of their player.
I'd like to add that perhaps many of these odd variations you see today were brought to market by player collectors who found something interesting and odd and ended up piecing it out for others. Word spreads and pretty soon it is a recognized issue!