A very nice collection.
Your link to your wantlist is not working.
Was going to see if you need any of the autos I have.
Looking for these 7 cards......
2008 a&g
Mini card A&G backs needed (4 to go) (all are sps)
Mini card team orange #9
Non baseball relics needed (2 to go)
DK Dean Karnazes $25
JL Jeanette Lee $50
Your link to your wantlist is not working.
Was going to see if you need any of the autos I have.
Looking for these 7 cards......
2008 a&g
Mini card A&G backs needed (4 to go) (all are sps)
Mini card team orange #9
Non baseball relics needed (2 to go)
DK Dean Karnazes $25
JL Jeanette Lee $50