and another bad apple on ebay

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5.00 star(s)
Aug 4, 2008
newberry sc
ok...i still hate doing this , but this guy pretty much ticked me off today....

bought a small lot from a seller last month...his item specifically noted PRIORITY MAIL delivery....the item arrived in a basic 1st class bubble mailer with less than $1.00 postage but i didn't complain or post bad feedback....

fast forward a month and i buy from him again....6-card lot including a thick patch card....listing specifically states $4.99 for PRIORITY MAIL delivery.... the package arrives today , once again standard 1st class bubble mailer with $1.56 postage this time....

once was mildly annoying , twice was enough , so instead of leaving feedback , i wrote the seller :

"hi ....
just writing to let you know that while the cards are nice and arrived quickly , this shipping has me a bit displeased .....
the shipping charge stated in your auction was $4.99US for Postal Service Priority Mail and my package arrived in a plain first class bubble mailer....i generally limit my buys to items with shipping charges of under $3 for first class mail (i charge $2 myself)....that said , i don't mind paying $5 for PRIORITY shipping - as long as the package is actually sent via priority mail...i have not posted any feedback yet because i wanted to talk to you first to see if there is any way we reach an agreement that suits us both...

thanks ,

ps - looking back at our last transaction , i just noticed that listing also stated priority mail and that package arrived via standard first class mail too....i hope you don't take this the wrong way (intended solely as a helpful suggestion) , but you really should correct that in your future listings to avoid issues"

he sent me this reply :

"Thank you for contacting us.

Yes, we are very sorry for that was brought to our attention a short time back...and we made every effort to change over 300 listing and we continue to make every effort to correct any mistakes found.

We ship all items (First Class by USPS), we have only had one other displease person in the short time we have been a seller.

The shipping price we charge not only cover the mailing cost...but many other cost (time to list item, time to relist item, postal cost, envelops, penny sleeve, the cards cost, ebay fees, paypal fees), and I have still left some item cost out.

I will send you a second email that explain it more in detail.

We do our research by looking items up on ebay...and do our very best to price item low and fair.

We spend 10-12 on some days just trying to put together the best card lot for your money you will pay..we don't expect to get paid for every minute it take to bring the product to the buyer...but we are confuse and think that made the buyer don't stop and think about how much cost and time go into bring that product to the buyer...

I could go on and on and try to explain it more...but you mention you are a we feel you already should know the many cost...

Please contact us if you would like to talk more...

Your card lot cost $ time we deduct all the overhead cost to bring that product to you...we maybe made $4.00 off your card lot..."

that was followed by this one 2 minutes later :

"Hello Again

Here is the second email...

Hello Jason,

Thanks for your interest in our cards and question regarding shipping discounts.

We are a new sellers here and enjoy selling cards on ebay. We also make every effort to ensure our customers' satisfaction and to list our items at fair prices by doing research on ebay.

Due to the following costs (Ebay Insertion fee, Ebay final value fee, Paypal Fee), plus the cards cost and shipping & handling costs our profits are minimal at best. With any new business you don't expect to show an immediate profit... We are enjoying what we are doing but we are still learning about selling on ebay.

It's important for us to communicate in detail our costs and charges for those that inquire.

Example: One of the Greg Jennings Set you purchased has a total cost of $4.49

Breakdown the seller cost:

1. Ebay Insertion Fee: $0.15

2. Ebay Final Value Fee: $0.15(this cost varies)

3. Paypal Fee: $0.40 (this cost is 40-cents and up)

4. Shipping & Handling: $2.00 (this cost varies on location and number of cards )

We ship all cards six or more in plastic case, usually within 24 hours of payment, and handle the cards very carefully at all times.

The shipping amount that we list includes part of the actual shipping cost to mail but also the handling cost of bringing the product to the buyer.

Please take the time to read our feedback, because we make every effort to satisfy our customers.

Our discount is 25% and is listed under our shipping rules. This applies to all shipping & handling charges of each additional item purchased ( first item is full price ).

We hope to do business with you now, and for many years to come."

now i get a bit confused....i'm not jason...i also never bought anything of greg jennings from him (i only bought usc gamecock players jared cook , kenny mckinley , jamon meredith , and jasper brinkley)....he sends two full messages basically admitting he made a mistake , but instead of offering to provide a partial refund , he just rambled on and on about the costs associated with selling and how little he made on the cards.....

i then looked at more of his listings to see if he really had made changes...many still state priority mail (though he has now plainly told me he does not use that method)....he told me directly that he'd "made every effort to change over 300 listing"....i seriously doubt that since it can be done in just a few clicks (shipping cost/delivery method is an option that can be changed in bulk , taking only a few minutes to do hundreds of listings at once)....

i then got even madder when i saw THIS line in his current listings :
Enjoy bidding and shopping with (fair_deal**4**your_dollar ) and (card_sharkz), and please do visit our store(goodprice4yourdollar).

why does that tick me off ? he has now admitted OPENLY that he is using two ebay ID's ....

for those who think that line above is not PROOF , then there is THIS line in the listings of card_sharkz :
Also check our other ebay ID for feedback and cards:

in itself that is not a problem , but i did have a funny feeling so i checked the feedback of each account and sure enough he has posted multiple positive feedbacks from one account to the other....the card_sharkz id even has multiple negatives for his practice of charging high (priority) rates for shipping and then using a cheaper method... short , another scumball using multiple accounts to bid on his own items and then jack up his shipping rates on the premise of using a higher quality shipping method than he really uses....

tell me if i'm in the wrong here....i mean had the listing just said 4.99 shipping 1st class mail and i still bid i have no beef , but i think he should refund part of the s/h cost since i clearly bid with the foreknowledge his exorbitant rate was because he uses priority mail....

also , one final question : if you were in my position and he does not offer some form of compensation , what would you do regarding feedback ? neutral with a comment ? negative ? none ? suck it up and post positive anyway ? (i already know the stars would be dim if i do post)...

thanks again for listening to another rant ...
I agree with you 100%......Your message to the seller was polite and to the point.....He tries to cover up their mistake by giving you a detailed accounting of his expenses and cost......never mind that you paid for priorty mailing! If I was the seller, I would apologize for the mistake and offer you a refund for the different. I would probably leave netural feedback with information about paying for priority mailing and only getting a PWE! Happy Holidays, David PS Thanks for letting me know about this individual and the two eBay ID's.
quick update :

seller sent me another reply telling me the ONLY solution would be to ship everything back to him for a refund....

i replied that the only REAL option i saw was a partial refund since the mistake was his (i know when i've goofed i've at least TRIED to appease the offended customer) and i still wanted the cards....

i've also now e-mailed and called ebay to report his using the two accounts to bid on each other's items....they weren't very happy and also suggested i post negative or neutral feedback since he is overtly guilty of shill bidding , ebay fee avoidance , and false advertising (the words of the ebay rep , not me though i agree 100%)....

i'll give him one more day to offer a small refund , but if he still refuses to budge it's going to be another negative for him....

My question is why did you buy from him twice?

i actually mis-stated the date of the first bid....the first lot ARRIVED december 7th...the second lot was BID ON december 6th before i saw how he actually shipped....

but don't worry - it sure won't happen a third time ! :D
Drop the neg on him, he deserves it for being very shady and basically telling you lies. Glad you reported him as well.
Here is my 2 cents on your issue.

He (the seller) is trying to make a profit off of the shipping & handling and not his final sale price. In my book, S&H charges mean just that (the delivery of my package). Not paying for some joker to list cards and then I get stuck paying for his listing fees.

I have to agree with the other members here. You responded politely and he is just feeding you a line. Drop him a negative just so future buyers will see what is going on.

By the way, you are not wrong with your post. I think you should inform Ebay also. They have rules about overcharging for S&H.
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Zero tolerance for bozos!


I just dropped 40 on a seller! Made me file a palpal chargeback. Sad part is, I had won cards from him the month before and the transaction went fine. Had won cards after this batch too, but you can bet I won't be paying for those!
I've sold stuff before and made nothing off of it or lost money after happens from time to time if you are a seller depending on how you list your auctions...if he wanted more out of his stuff he should have started the bid at whatever he really wanted? It's the chance you take. I have something I want to buy right now that I'm talking with the seller before hand because they have a $14.95 shipping fee listed and I'm hoping that it's really $4.95 or else I won't be buying. I hate people who do this...even worse is when they charge $3 to $5 and don't even send in a bubble mailer and you get a PWE with a stamp on it and a card in a top loader half beat to pieces.

negative i say.
I thought it was against ebay policy to use shipping fees to recover any fees other than the cost to ship? Definitely deserves a negative.