Auto question

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4.90 star(s)
Jan 29, 2007
Shreveport, Louisiana
I have, it IS NOT available...


My question is this...I got this signed by Mickey Mantle in person during a show back in the 90s in Texas. Back then certificates of authenticity weren't as huge as they are today so I don't believe I got one (If I did it's not with the auto now). Is there somewhere I can send it to to get it certified?

This may be a dumb question but I don't deal much with autographed memorabilia.

Thanks in advance!

there are plenty of agenices that will certify it for you. I suggest you look at prices for the three main ones. PSA JSA and GAI
You can also send in s pic(like the one you got) of the auto to PSA. They will send a quick opinion in about 24 to 48 hours


You know it's real and stated quite boldly it's not available. Why WASTE the money on certification.

Cool pose, by the way. It's not quite "action", but much better than a cheesy pose!

You know it's real and stated quite boldly it's not available. Why WASTE the money on certification.

Cool pose, by the way. It's not quite "action", but much better than a cheesy pose!

I like the picture as well, never seen one like it...I plan on this one staying in the collection forever...but one day I will go onto the great card collecting community in the sky and my kids will need the certification. Just like having that little slip of paper.

I follow you. I don't share the same philosophy, but I will probably one day leave a pile 'o' junk to someone in my family. They are probably going to be on their own at that point though!;)

My wife threatens to give away my stuff if I were to precede her in death. I simply laugh and tell her it would be her loss, not mine. I'D BE DEAD AND COULD CARE LESS WHAT HAPPENS TO IT!