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5.00 star(s)
Oct 19, 2005
Duluth, MN
Now that the league file is ready, Our next stopping point is Arbitration hearings on 11/20/07 - Current game date is 10-30-07.

Please make your arbitration offers before exporting. I would like to run up to arbitration tomorrow - Wednesday 3/28/12 at 2:00 PM central time.

I NEED AN EXPORT FROM ALL OWNERS HERE, you do not want ME making your arbitration decisions for you

I will run the sim to 11-19(the day before the arbitration hearings so owners have a last chance to make adjustments) which will then give us a list of actually available Free agents.


Thursday 3/29/12 I will run Arbitration and thru 11/23/07 so Free Agents are posted


Friday 3/30/12 I will run 5 days of free agency Which will take us to 11/28/07

Saturday 3/31/12 I will run a 3 day sim which will take us to 12/1/07 In Game

Sunday 4/1/12 we will hold the Rule 5 Draft in The Bench Chat Room at 6:00 PM Central Time ( more info to follow on Rule 5 draft as we get closer to it)

Also For the offseason please try not to have players stuck in the DFA as some of the sims will need to be run more than 16 days
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Question, Marvin came up as a super 2 and now is arv eligible. I offered a contract extension to control his arv years, should I still offer him arv or let him accept the offer (which I think he will). I don't want to offer arb and he ignores the offer or the arb supercedes the offer in the game.
I am Not 100% sure how to answer that yet, I will be doing some reading today, and possibly Cory will interject on this.
Since we are simming up to arb processing, you will need to offer arb numbers only to arb eligibles....only offer extensions to players not listed on arb page or pending fa. Keep in mind the number listed on arb page is player can offer lower number and game decides ...will post more later this afternoon
Well Marcum was a surprise as he became a super two, so I wasn't expecting him to be an arb player. I don't mind offering him arb, but my ext off was well below the arb offer and allows me to control those now arb yr. He seemed "pleased" with the offer, but I don't want him to accept arb and negate the ext offer. Since its about 20 days that will be simmed I'm assuming he'll sceptic the offer before the sim days end.... I guess the real question is of I don't offer him arb and he doesn't accept the ext, would he just be awarded what he asks for?
Since we are simming up to arb processing, you will need to offer arb numbers only to arb eligibles....only offer extensions to players not listed on arb page or pending fa. Keep in mind the number listed on arb page is player can offer lower number and game decides ...will post more later this afternoon

Oops, I read Nick's post and then went to work making my arb offers. I offered some extensions to most of my players that were arb eligible and I just now saw Cory's post. I guess there's nothing I can do to change it now since it's already done.

Hold on, Let me talk to Cory About how he ran the offseason and if I should seperate this into multiple sims.
The players MIGHT sign extensions in the middle of the sim, but make sure to offer an arb number unlesd you want to pay them their figure if they deny the extension.
Giants have made arbitration offers and have exported.

Is this the last sim for us to resign possible FA?

On the arbitration page it will show you an opportunity to offer arbitration to those potential free agents, you need to click the box to get compensation if they are Type A or B rated.
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I have a question i have Pat Burrell he is signed through 2011 at 11.5 million a year if i was to release him outright what happens to the money what are the positives and negatives of doing this ?
If you release him, It would take his 08,09,10, and 11 salary right out of your cash so you would instantly lose 46 Million dollars
So i shouldn't release him ?


You only release a salaried player for two reasons, you need the roster spot, either on the 25 man or 40 man roster, or you can take the full financial hit in that year such as if you would be losing money by being over the cap ($40m cash cap or salary cap subject to penalty).

Why did you trade an expiring contract and a 4 star prospect to get Burrell and a two star 1B guy who you now have a to pay a big raise to? While Cory thinks you could get a taker for him by placing him waivers, I don't think anyone wants a sub-par LF who eats up eight figure contracts for 4 years.
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No, You only have a current Balance of 30 Million after the offseason financials ran so Releasing him outright would put you about 16 Million negative in cash

Guh, You really got screwed with that contract 57 Million guarenteed over 5 years, and his expected role is "bench player" I am not sure why the software generated such an insane contract for him. Thats gotta be one of the worst ones in the whole league.

Unfortunately it appears you are stuck with him unless you can trade off that contract.
The players MIGHTgn extensions in the middle of the sim, but make sure to offer an arb number unlesd you want to pay them their figure if they deny the extension.

That's what I thought but wanted to bounce it off the brains, thanks!
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