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Yeah that contract is nuts he did put up some "ok" numbers but not for what he is getting paid.

I offered a contract extension to Jeremy Cunningham 19.5 mil for 3 years he want 20 mil for 5 years he said my offer was fair and is discussing it with his family.

Oliver Perez is Arb eligible and wanted 6.2 million for 3 years i countered with 5.8 million for 1 year he is currently considering my offer.

I had 33 million available for contract extensions..if those two contracts are signed it leaves me with just over 13 million for extensions ..I want to offer John Higgins a contract extension but can't because he is demanding 19.3 million for 6 years and it will leave me -5+ mil in the hole.
Yeah that contract is nuts he did put up some "ok" numbers but not for what he is getting paid.

I offered a contract extension to Jeremy Cunningham 19.5 mil for 3 years he want 20 mil for 5 years he said my offer was fair and is discussing it with his family.

Oliver Perez is Arb eligible and wanted 6.2 million for 3 years i countered with 5.8 million for 1 year he is currently considering my offer.

I had 33 million available for contract extensions..if those two contracts are signed it leaves me with just over 13 million for extensions ..I want to offer John Higgins a contract extension but can't because he is demanding 19.3 million for 6 years and it will leave me -5+ mil in the hole.

Cunningham, is that per year? DON'T DO IT!!!! He had a great year but is 32 and if you just offer him arbitration he will go for one year for around that and if he goes free agent you get Type A compensation. Oliver Perez is another matter, the game has a expected award of $5.8m, so try $5m arbitration and the worse that happens is he beats you for $6.2m, but if you are just going to give him $5.8m you might as well go to arbitration with just under that and win.
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Cunningham, is that per year? DON'T DO IT!!!! Oliver Perez is another matter, the game has a expected award of $5.8m, so try $5m arbitration and the worse that happens is he beats you for $6.2m, but if you are just going to give him $5.8m you might as well go to arbitration with just under that and win.

Alright i withdrew the offer for Cunningham so what your saying is i should let him walk and then try to sign him as a free agent because he may sign for less money?
will we know what cash we can keep without getting hit with revenue sharing?

Pat, Revenue Sharing has already been processed (the day after the World Series)

You can always figure out what you will owe to revenue sharing at any time based on your financials page:

On your "Advanced FInancials page you can see the "League Average Payroll"

League AVG Payroll + 20% is the soft cap

Any team over the "Soft cap" will owe to revenue sharing

Taking current offseason numbers (with the Cubs)

Current League AVG Payroll is 81 Million (roughly) + 20% (16.2 Milliom) = 97.2 Million as the soft cap.

The CUbs current Player Payroll (pre arb hearings ) = 93.5 Million which puts us under the soft cap, we would not currently owe to revenue sharing.

Now lets look at Detroits current Player payroll of 112 Million

They are currently 14.8 Million over the sft cap, so if the 08 season ended today they would owe 14.8 Million x 20% = 2.96 Million to the revenue sharing program
Alright i withdrew the offer for Cunningham so what your saying is i should let him walk and then try to sign him as a free agent because he may sign for less money?

On the arbitration page there is a box you check to offer arbitration, do this and if he walks you will get a 1st RD pick as compensation or at least an early 2nd RD. You probably will have about a $90m budget next year and if you pay the people in arbitration what is expected you will have already spent $77m before you even get a free agent to replace those players lost, but if you sign Cunningham for around $20m you will eat into your cash and your long term commitment to expensive players is troubling, especially since you have Burrell on the roster.

If you haven't found the arbitration page, it's under the BSL pulldown menu. Look at the year's performances to determine if you can save money by withdrawing offers to poor performers to then offer them less. Players are greedy, but a huge raise over the prior year is not practical and if it follows real life it will be a reality check for them. Perez had a nice 15-4 record with a low ERA, so he might beat you, but so what it'd be for one year. Too many owners are bidding against themselves in both extensions. At some point you take the hit of losing a player but if you spend so freely that it inhibits you from keeping the really good players or signing budget conscious replacements you will find you no longer have the flexibiliy because of the budget in out years.
Thanks Nick thats what I meant Rule 5 protected.

Now one last question. I have a FA leaving town and I can choose to offer arb to him do I get to make that offer or is it something the computer does itself?
Pat, Revenue Sharing has already been processed (the day after the World Series)

You can always figure out what you will owe to revenue sharing at any time based on your financials page:

On your "Advanced FInancials page you can see the "League Average Payroll"

League AVG Payroll + 20% is the soft cap

Any team over the "Soft cap" will owe to revenue sharing

Taking current offseason numbers (with the Cubs)

Current League AVG Payroll is 81 Million (roughly) + 20% (16.2 Milliom) = 97.2 Million as the soft cap.

The CUbs current Player Payroll (pre arb hearings ) = 93.5 Million which puts us under the soft cap, we would not currently owe to revenue sharing.

Now lets look at Detroits current Player payroll of 112 Million

They are currently 14.8 Million over the sft cap, so if the 08 season ended today they would owe 14.8 Million x 20% = 2.96 Million to the revenue sharing program

thanks Nick, great explanation. the Rockies are at 95 mil. payroll. So we would not owe to the revenue sharing for this off season then? Appreciate all the help. Pat
Thanks Nick thats what I meant Rule 5 protected.

Now one last question. I have a FA leaving town and I can choose to offer arb to him do I get to make that offer or is it something the computer does itself?

If you are referring to either Redmond C or Belliard 2B you can offer arb But cannot set the arb offer, If you check Offer arb, The game will offer arb thru a hearing and if the player accepts will be signed to that contract for one year, Neither of those players are Type A or B, so if you offer them Arb and they refuse and sign elsewhere you will not recieve Compensatory draft pick for them
thanks Nick, great explanation. the Rockies are at 95 mil. payroll. So we would not owe to the revenue sharing for this off season then? Appreciate all the help. Pat

Pat - sort off. The league Average payroll right now of 81 Million is kind of a false average becasue we are pre arbitration and free agency signing.

So we wont know the true league Average Payroll for 2008 until after th free agency period is complete ( and that number can move around slightly during a year) but once we get past free agency the number should be pretty close. So right now if the 08 season ended - no you wouldnt owe any to revenue sharing, however I would expect the League Avg Payroll to be closer to 90 Million with a soft Cap closer to 102-105 Million

The 2007 Revenue Sharing has already been run, if you look on your financials page (in game or Website The website is currently uploading but the team pages should all be updated by now) you will see if you paid or received revenue Sharing for the 07 Season
Pat - sort off. The league Average payroll right now of 81 Million is kind of a false average becasue we are pre arbitration and free agency signing.

So we wont know the true league Average Payroll for 2008 until after th free agency period is complete ( and that number can move around slightly during a year) but once we get past free agency the number should be pretty close. So right now if the 08 season ended - no you wouldnt owe any to revenue sharing, however I would expect the League Avg Payroll to be closer to 90 Million with a soft Cap closer to 102-105 Million

ok , gotcha, so it is the 2008 salary we are looking at. Thanks man. Pat
Manny exercising his "22m option" was a shock!! Thought I'd clear that money off payroll and could use elsewhere. Back to the drawing board.
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