In part 2 of the Coming Soon series we're going to take a look at what to expect the site to look like, and a few new things to look forward to, after the upgrade.
Clicking on the following images will open them up to a larger size.
Obviously we can't upgrade to a new software and expect everything to look, and work, exactly the same as it did before. Let's first look at the forum home so you can get an idea of what the overall site will look like.

One big change that I'm sure a lot of you traders will appreciate will be the ability to upload images directly to your posts, as attachments. There will be some limitations here, to help conserve disk space, but we'll do our best to allow almost anything.

If you post a link to a YouTube video (I'm talking to you, Group Breakers), that video will automatically be embeded directly into your post. No more opening a new tab and loading an entirely new page...or, if you're like me, getting completely distracted and spending hours on YouTube forgetting what you originally came there for.
This also works for tweets from Twitter, videos from Facebook (that aren't private), Flickr, and many other sites.

Also, after the update, we'll now have member cards, which displays a lot of useful information about members. These can be seen by hovering over (or clicking on mobile) on a member's username or avatar just about anywhere on the site.

Finally, for those of you who mostly browse on mobile devices, you can put your Tapatalk away! The new site will be fully responsive, meaning it looks just as good on a mobile device as it does on a desktop. Things will look a little different on mobile, obviously, but everything will still work the same.
So that's it for today's Coming Soon. As always, if you have any questions or comments, let's hear 'em!
Clicking on the following images will open them up to a larger size.
Obviously we can't upgrade to a new software and expect everything to look, and work, exactly the same as it did before. Let's first look at the forum home so you can get an idea of what the overall site will look like.

One big change that I'm sure a lot of you traders will appreciate will be the ability to upload images directly to your posts, as attachments. There will be some limitations here, to help conserve disk space, but we'll do our best to allow almost anything.

If you post a link to a YouTube video (I'm talking to you, Group Breakers), that video will automatically be embeded directly into your post. No more opening a new tab and loading an entirely new page...or, if you're like me, getting completely distracted and spending hours on YouTube forgetting what you originally came there for.
This also works for tweets from Twitter, videos from Facebook (that aren't private), Flickr, and many other sites.

Also, after the update, we'll now have member cards, which displays a lot of useful information about members. These can be seen by hovering over (or clicking on mobile) on a member's username or avatar just about anywhere on the site.

Finally, for those of you who mostly browse on mobile devices, you can put your Tapatalk away! The new site will be fully responsive, meaning it looks just as good on a mobile device as it does on a desktop. Things will look a little different on mobile, obviously, but everything will still work the same.
So that's it for today's Coming Soon. As always, if you have any questions or comments, let's hear 'em!