Not related to your original question, but some feedback. I know you have sought feedback about selling on ebay, so here is my comment.
I preface this with the statement that I don't expect anything but the item I purchased. By that I mean I don't expect a new top loader, sleeve, team bag or any of the "extras" some people provide. I am happy with recycled supplies as long as they are properly protecting the card or item.
That said, I would suggest you mark your items on the sleeve rather than the top loader. In the last batch of items I won from you, it was a shame to see the new top loaders essentially ruined with the inventory stickers. Like I said, I don't expect new and it didn't affect my buying habits or what I personally thought of you as a seller, but if you are going to use new top loaders, I would suggest not putting stickers on them and just put the stickers on the soft sleeves. A new top loader may be that little extra that brings buyers back for more. Maybe the stickers come off with a little elbow grease, but at first attempt it didn't look promising so I tossed them into my recycled supplies bin. It is not worth the time to try to salvage.