FT: BGS 9.5 GEM MINT Derek Jeter Rookies

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I have the cards below for the Palmer auto. thanks

2014 Panini Hall of Fame Signatures #34 Jim Palmer BV $20

82 kmart #43 .50
83 donruss hof heroes #34(2) .75ea = $1.50
89 topps #663 .25
90 collect-a-books #22 $1
94 upper deck the American epic #gm1 (2) .50ea = $1

91 donruss #682 .15
92 donruss 58 .15
92 donruss mcdonald’s #g1 (3) $2ea = $6
92 pinnacle team 2000 #48 .75
93 fleer atlantic #1 .40
93 pinnacle cooperstown #29 .40
93 stadium club members only #142 .75
93 stadium club members only #596 .50
93 upper deck 5th anniversary #a3 .75
93 upper deck clutch performers #r1(2) .75ea = $1.50
93 upper deck future heroes #55 (2) .75ea = $1.50
93 upper deck on deck #d2 .75
94 coll choice silver signature #321 .75
94 fleer Sunoco #1 .25
94 pinnacle the naturals #8 ,40
94 stadium club members only 50 #33 .60
94 stadium club rainbow #110 (2) $ea = $2
94 ultra all-star #3 .75
94 ultra award winners #3 (2) .75ea = $1.50
94 ultra hitting machines #1 .75
95 leaf limited gold #14 .75
95 leaf great gloves #2 (3) .50ea = $1.50
95 sp silver #201 (2) $1.50ea = $3
95 studio gold #17 .75
96 coll choice silver signature #463 (3) .75ea = $2.25
96 ultra rawhide #1 $1
97 ultra leather shop #8 .60
98 aurora pennant fever #28 .60
99 upper deck 10th anniversary team #x3 $1ea = $2
00 fleer tradition glossy #306 (2) $1ea = $2
00 topps all-topps #at14 .60
00 upper deck pennant driven #pd2 (2) .75ea = $1.50
01 donruss retro 2000 #71 $1
01 upper deck midsummer classic moments #cm17 $1.25
02 ultra gold medallion #66 $1.50
02 upper deck championship caliber #cc2 (2) $1.50ea = $3
04 bazooka mini #32 $1.25
04 bazooka red chunks #32 $1.25
14 topps min 89 #tmra $1

85 topps Woolworth #3 .20
87 nestle dream team #26 .50
90 pacific legends #5 .50
98 uppe deck retro #16 $1
99 topps hall of fame collection #hof7 (3) $2ea = $6
99 upper deck retro #108 (2) .75ea = $1.50
01 post #2 $1
01 upper deck hall of famers #12 .60
01 upper deck legends #60 .75
04 playoff honors #46 $1
08 upper deck heroes #41 $1.25
09 upper deck 20th anniversary #1336 (2) $1ea = $2
12 panini cooperstown #115 $1
12 topps gypsy queen #264 (2) $1 ea = $2
12 topps timeless talents #tt20 (3) $1.50ea = $4.50

92 score impact players #22 .50
95 score gold rush #423 $1.50
95 sp silver #61 (2) $1.50ea = $3
98 skybox dugout access frequent flyers #ff6 (2) .40ea = .80
98 upper deck 10th anniversary preview edition retail #30 (2) .40ea = .80
99 crown royale pivotal players #10 .75
99 upper deck 10th anniversary team #x14 (2) $1ea = $2
00 pacific invincible kings of the diamond #15 .50
00 sp authentic #42 .50
00 spx #6 (2) .75ea = $1.50
00 topps all-topps #at4 .60
00 upper deck hit brigade #h11 $1.50
00 upper deck mvp pure grit #g3 (2) .75ea = $1.50
00 upper deck statitude #s15 (2) $1ea = $2
01 donruss retro 2000 #75 $1
01 ultra decade of dominance #12 $1
06 topps opening day sports illustrated for kids #23 (2) $1ea = $2
06 ultra gold #12 $2
07 topps hit parade #hp21 $1.50

84 topps #30 $1.50
86 topps #510 .25
86 topps mini leadrs #3 .50
87 topps #150 .15
87 topps #608 .10
87 topps glossy send-ins 15 .50
88 donruss 153 .15
88 fleer all-stars #8 ,75
88 fleer baseball mvp #2 .40
88 kaybee #2 .50
88 kmart 2 .40
88 tops all star glossy send-ins 4 .50
89 donruss 68 .15
89 fleer 81 .15
89 fleer 633 .10
89 fleer baseball exciting stars #2 .40
89 fleer for the record 1 1.00
89 fleer league leaders #2 .40
89 fleer baseball mvp #3 .40
89 fleer super stars #4 .40
89 score 175 .15
90 score scoremasters 17 (2) .15ea = .30
89 sportflics #221 .50
89 topps 2 .10
89 topps 389 .10
89 topps 600 .15
89 topps all-stars glossy send-ins 4 .30
89 topps mini leaders #45 .40
89 upper deck 389 .60
89 upper deck #687 .40
90 classic blue #26 .15
90 donruss #712 .10
90 fleer 268 .15
90 fleer #632 .10
90 fleer baseball mvp #3 .40
90 fleer league leaders #4 .40
90 king b disc 9 $2
90 kmart #19 .40
90 pacific candy #NNO (3) $2ea = $6
90 post #17 .50
90 starline long john silver #6, 17, 22 .40ea = $1.20
90 score #245 .15
90 scoe #683 .10
90 scoe #704 .10
90 topps 387 .10
90 topps #760 .15
90 upper deck 555 .30
91 donruss #55 .10
91 donruss #178 .10
91 fleer 86 .15
91 leaf #273 .30
91 score #12 .15
91 score #393 .10
91 topps #450 .15
91 ultra #27 .30
91 upper deck #546 .15
91 upper deck final edition #84f .10
92 donruss #23 .10
92 donruss 210 .15
92 donruss diamond kings #dk9 (3) $1.25ea = $3.75
92 fleer team leaders #13 $2.50
92 high 5 #6 $1.25
92 pinnacle #175 .30
92 post #19 .60
92 score #434 .10
92 score proctor & gamble #4 (3) .40ea = $1.20
92 studio #131 .25
92 topps #10 .10
92 upper deck team mvp holograms #10 .75
93 donruss spirit of the game #sg7 $1.50
93 upper deck #556 .30
94 fleer all-stars #4 .60
95 coll choice silver signature se #245 $1.50
95 fleer all-stars #4 .60
95 leaf limited bat patrol #3 .75
95 score hall of gold #hg96 $2
95 sp silver #180 $1.50
95 topps cyberstats #199 $1.25
95 ultra award winner gold medallion #4 $1.50
97 select tools of the trade #17 $2
98 aurora on deck laser cuts #18 $2
98 score #221 .30
99 upper deck #210 .50
00 skybox dominion highlights #20 .30
00 upper deck hitters club epic performance #ep11 (2) .60ea = $1.20
03 donruss anniversary 1983 #17 $1.50
06 topps rookie of the week #23 $2
10 topps cards mom threw out #cmt148 $1.50
11 topps diamond duos #dd-by $1

82 kamrt #38 .40
86 sportflics #63 .60
90 post #4 $1
90 score #140 (2) .60ea = $1.20
91 upper deck #525 .60
92 post #11 .75
92 stadium club members only #7 $1
92 topps gold winner #620(2) $2ea = $4
93 duracell #5 .50
93 fleer diamond tribute #2 (2) $2ea = $4
93 post #25 .75
93 topps micro 397 .75
93 upper deck sp5 (2) $1ea= $2
94 donruss #107 (2) $2ea = $4
00 upper deck hitters club epic performance #ep9 $2es = $4
05 threads #284 $2

82 kmart #10 .50
87 kmart #2 $1
87 topps #313 .25
90 collect-a-book #35 $1
94 upper deck the American epic #2 (3) .75ea = $2.25
98 topps clemente tribute #rc1, rc2 $2ea = $4
01 topps combos #tc8 $1.50
01 upper deck hall of famers #28 $1.50

Total $200.40 x 10 = $20
I have the cards below for the Jenkins auto. thanks

2014 Panini Hall of Fame Signatures Red #23 Fergie Jenkins #'d 35/50 BV $25

Murray Eddie
83 topps glossy send-ins #37 $1.25
84 fleer stickers #23 (2) .50ea = $1
85 topps #700 .60
87 topps #120 (2) .25ea = .50
87 topps glossy send-ins #12 (2) .75ea = $1.50
88 score #18 (3) .20ea = .60
88 topps 4a .50
89 fleer #611 .25
89 fleer update #u92 .25
89 score 94 (3) .25ea = .75
89 topps #625 (3) .25ea = .75
89 topps mini leaders #44 (2) .50ea = $1
90 donruss 77 (3) .25ea = .75
90 fleer 404 (3) .25ea = .75
90 score 80 (3) .25ea = .75
90 topps 305 (3) .25ea = .75
90 topps ames all-stars #7 (2) .40ea = .80
90 upper deck 277 (3) .50ea = $1.50
91 donruss 502 (3) .25ea = .75
91 fleer 214 (3) .25ea = .75
91 score 310 (3) .25ea = .75
91 topps 397 (2) .15ea = .30
91 topps #590 (3) .25ea = .75
91 upper deck 237 (3) .25ea = .75
91 upper deck silver sluggers #ss6 $2
92 donruss 392 (3) .25ea = .75
92 fleer 466 (3) .25ea = .75
92 pinnacle #424 (3) .50ea = $1.50
92 topps 780 (3) .25ea = .75
92 upper deck 32 .15
93 denny’s #15 $1
93 stadium club members only #23 (2), 24 .50ea = $1.50
93 topps micro 430 (2) .20ea = .40
95 select certified #32 .75
95 SP Silver #148 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
97 bowman international #32 (3) $2ea = $6
97 flair showcase row 1 seat 100 $2
97 fleer goudey greats #9 $1.25
97 leaf 124 (2) .75ea = $1.50
97 score premium stock #46 $1
97 score premium stock #328 .60
97 sports illustrated #48 .50

88 donruss bc3 (2) .10ea = .30
88 donruss 7 (3) .50ea = 1.50
88 donruss 249 (3) .10ea = .30
88 fleer 169 (3) .15ea = .45
89 donruss 291 (3) .10ea = .30
89 fleer 193 .10
89 score 565 (2) .10ea = .20
89 topps 110 .10
90 donruss bc15 (3) .10ea = .30
90 donruss 103 (3) .10ea = .30
90 fleer 330 (3) .10ea = .30
90 score #460 (2) .10ea = .20
90 topps 360 (3) .10ea = .30
90 upper deck 254 (3) .20ea = .60
91 donruss 85 .10
91 fleer 591 .10
91 leaf 302 (3) .20ea = .60
91 score 49 (3) .10ea = .30
91 upper deck #324 (3) .10ea= .30
92 donruss 51 (3) .10ea = .30
92 fleer 702 (2) .10ea = .20
92 pinnacle #8 .20
92 studio #194 (3) .15ea = .45
93 topps 207 .20
93 upper deck 43 .50
93 upper deck 333 .20
94 pinnacle 27 (3) .20ea = .60

90 leaf #426 (3) winfield .60ea = $1.80
90 leaf #63 blyleven (3) .60ea = $1.80
90 leaf #134 carter (3) .60ea = $1.80

2010 legendary lineage
$1.25 each #’s ll8(3), ll14(3), ll22(3), ll36(3), ll46(3), ll47(3), ll49(3), ll56(2), $1.25ea x 23 = $28.75
$2.00 each #’s ll9(3), ll18(2), ll20(3), ll21(2), ll31(3), ll40(3), ll41(2), ll50(3), ll67(3), ll71(3) $2.00ea x 27 = $54
$2.50 each #’s ll12(2), ll58(3) $2.50 x 5 = $12.50

86 fleer future hall of famers #3 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
86 quaker granola #32 .50
92 kellogg’s #5 $1.50
01 topps golden greats #ga6 (2) $1.50ea = $3.00
01 upper deck the endless summer #es6 $2
01 upper deck hall of fame gallery #g2 $1.25
05 diamond kings hof heroes #hh12 $2
06 topps rookie of the week #15 (3) $2ea = $6
12 allen ginter what’s in a name #win74 (2) .60ea = $1.20

86 true value #9 $1.25
88 donruss #263 (3) .30ea = .90
90 classic blue #18 .40
90 collect-a-book #5 .75
90 donruss 201 (2) .40ea = .80
90 donruss #710 (3) .25ea = .75
90 post #6 .75
90 upper deck #225 (3) .75ea = $2.25
91 fleer #646 .40
91 ultra .30
91 upper deck #162 (2) .40ea = .80
92 topps gold winners #760 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
93 fun pack #74 (2) .75ea = $1.50
93 topps black gold #20 $1.25
93 topps micro #40 .50
93 upper deck #146 .75
93 upper deck looss collection #wi7 (2) $2.50ea = $5.00
95 leaf great gloves #13 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
02 heroes of baseball #’s os2, os4 $2ea = $4
10 topps peak performance #pp80 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
10 turkey red #tr16 $2.50
10 topps vintage legends #vl28 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50

90 donruss 8 (2) .25ea = .50
90 leaf #59 (2) $1.50ea = $3
90 score #370 (3) .25ea = .75
90 topps #535 (2) .25ea = .50
90 upper deck #84 (3) .30ea = .90
90 upper deck #535 (3) .50ea = $1.50
91 fleer #704 (3) .15ea = .45
91 upper deck #264 (3) .15ea = .45
93 stadium club members only #463 .75
93 topps #35 (3) .30ea = .90
93 topps micro #35 .10
93 ultra strike out kings #5 $2
94 fleer all stars #50 (2) .60ea = $1.20
94 stadium club golden rainbow #405 $1.50
97 choice the big show #4 .30
97 fleer headliners #19 (3) .30ea = .90
01 donruss retro 2000 #78 $1
03 bazooka mini #124 $2
08 upper deck starquest #sq50 $2.50 ea = $5
15 topps inspired play #i-13 $1.25
14 topps fond farewells #ff-js (3) $1ea = $3

GRAND TOTAL $250.80 x 10 = $25

I have the cards below for the Palmer auto. thanks

2014 Panini Hall of Fame Signatures #34 Jim Palmer BV $20

82 kmart #43 .50
83 donruss hof heroes #34(2) .75ea = $1.50
89 topps #663 .25
90 collect-a-books #22 $1
94 upper deck the American epic #gm1 (2) .50ea = $1

91 donruss #682 .15
92 donruss 58 .15
92 donruss mcdonald’s #g1 (3) $2ea = $6
92 pinnacle team 2000 #48 .75
93 fleer atlantic #1 .40
93 pinnacle cooperstown #29 .40
93 stadium club members only #142 .75
93 stadium club members only #596 .50
93 upper deck 5th anniversary #a3 .75
93 upper deck clutch performers #r1(2) .75ea = $1.50
93 upper deck future heroes #55 (2) .75ea = $1.50
93 upper deck on deck #d2 .75
94 coll choice silver signature #321 .75
94 fleer Sunoco #1 .25
94 pinnacle the naturals #8 ,40
94 stadium club members only 50 #33 .60
94 stadium club rainbow #110 (2) $ea = $2
94 ultra all-star #3 .75
94 ultra award winners #3 (2) .75ea = $1.50
94 ultra hitting machines #1 .75
95 leaf limited gold #14 .75
95 leaf great gloves #2 (3) .50ea = $1.50
95 sp silver #201 (2) $1.50ea = $3
95 studio gold #17 .75
96 coll choice silver signature #463 (3) .75ea = $2.25
96 ultra rawhide #1 $1
97 ultra leather shop #8 .60
98 aurora pennant fever #28 .60
99 upper deck 10th anniversary team #x3 $1ea = $2
00 fleer tradition glossy #306 (2) $1ea = $2
00 topps all-topps #at14 .60
00 upper deck pennant driven #pd2 (2) .75ea = $1.50
01 donruss retro 2000 #71 $1
01 upper deck midsummer classic moments #cm17 $1.25
02 ultra gold medallion #66 $1.50
02 upper deck championship caliber #cc2 (2) $1.50ea = $3
04 bazooka mini #32 $1.25
04 bazooka red chunks #32 $1.25
14 topps min 89 #tmra $1

85 topps Woolworth #3 .20
87 nestle dream team #26 .50
90 pacific legends #5 .50
98 uppe deck retro #16 $1
99 topps hall of fame collection #hof7 (3) $2ea = $6
99 upper deck retro #108 (2) .75ea = $1.50
01 post #2 $1
01 upper deck hall of famers #12 .60
01 upper deck legends #60 .75
04 playoff honors #46 $1
08 upper deck heroes #41 $1.25
09 upper deck 20th anniversary #1336 (2) $1ea = $2
12 panini cooperstown #115 $1
12 topps gypsy queen #264 (2) $1 ea = $2
12 topps timeless talents #tt20 (3) $1.50ea = $4.50

92 score impact players #22 .50
95 score gold rush #423 $1.50
95 sp silver #61 (2) $1.50ea = $3
98 skybox dugout access frequent flyers #ff6 (2) .40ea = .80
98 upper deck 10th anniversary preview edition retail #30 (2) .40ea = .80
99 crown royale pivotal players #10 .75
99 upper deck 10th anniversary team #x14 (2) $1ea = $2
00 pacific invincible kings of the diamond #15 .50
00 sp authentic #42 .50
00 spx #6 (2) .75ea = $1.50
00 topps all-topps #at4 .60
00 upper deck hit brigade #h11 $1.50
00 upper deck mvp pure grit #g3 (2) .75ea = $1.50
00 upper deck statitude #s15 (2) $1ea = $2
01 donruss retro 2000 #75 $1
01 ultra decade of dominance #12 $1
06 topps opening day sports illustrated for kids #23 (2) $1ea = $2
06 ultra gold #12 $2
07 topps hit parade #hp21 $1.50

84 topps #30 $1.50
86 topps #510 .25
86 topps mini leadrs #3 .50
87 topps #150 .15
87 topps #608 .10
87 topps glossy send-ins 15 .50
88 donruss 153 .15
88 fleer all-stars #8 ,75
88 fleer baseball mvp #2 .40
88 kaybee #2 .50
88 kmart 2 .40
88 tops all star glossy send-ins 4 .50
89 donruss 68 .15
89 fleer 81 .15
89 fleer 633 .10
89 fleer baseball exciting stars #2 .40
89 fleer for the record 1 1.00
89 fleer league leaders #2 .40
89 fleer baseball mvp #3 .40
89 fleer super stars #4 .40
89 score 175 .15
90 score scoremasters 17 (2) .15ea = .30
89 sportflics #221 .50
89 topps 2 .10
89 topps 389 .10
89 topps 600 .15
89 topps all-stars glossy send-ins 4 .30
89 topps mini leaders #45 .40
89 upper deck 389 .60
89 upper deck #687 .40
90 classic blue #26 .15
90 donruss #712 .10
90 fleer 268 .15
90 fleer #632 .10
90 fleer baseball mvp #3 .40
90 fleer league leaders #4 .40
90 king b disc 9 $2
90 kmart #19 .40
90 pacific candy #NNO (3) $2ea = $6
90 post #17 .50
90 starline long john silver #6, 17, 22 .40ea = $1.20
90 score #245 .15
90 scoe #683 .10
90 scoe #704 .10
90 topps 387 .10
90 topps #760 .15
90 upper deck 555 .30
91 donruss #55 .10
91 donruss #178 .10
91 fleer 86 .15
91 leaf #273 .30
91 score #12 .15
91 score #393 .10
91 topps #450 .15
91 ultra #27 .30
91 upper deck #546 .15
91 upper deck final edition #84f .10
92 donruss #23 .10
92 donruss 210 .15
92 donruss diamond kings #dk9 (3) $1.25ea = $3.75
92 fleer team leaders #13 $2.50
92 high 5 #6 $1.25
92 pinnacle #175 .30
92 post #19 .60
92 score #434 .10
92 score proctor & gamble #4 (3) .40ea = $1.20
92 studio #131 .25
92 topps #10 .10
92 upper deck team mvp holograms #10 .75
93 donruss spirit of the game #sg7 $1.50
93 upper deck #556 .30
94 fleer all-stars #4 .60
95 coll choice silver signature se #245 $1.50
95 fleer all-stars #4 .60
95 leaf limited bat patrol #3 .75
95 score hall of gold #hg96 $2
95 sp silver #180 $1.50
95 topps cyberstats #199 $1.25
95 ultra award winner gold medallion #4 $1.50
97 select tools of the trade #17 $2
98 aurora on deck laser cuts #18 $2
98 score #221 .30
99 upper deck #210 .50
00 skybox dominion highlights #20 .30
00 upper deck hitters club epic performance #ep11 (2) .60ea = $1.20
03 donruss anniversary 1983 #17 $1.50
06 topps rookie of the week #23 $2
10 topps cards mom threw out #cmt148 $1.50
11 topps diamond duos #dd-by $1

82 kamrt #38 .40
86 sportflics #63 .60
90 post #4 $1
90 score #140 (2) .60ea = $1.20
91 upper deck #525 .60
92 post #11 .75
92 stadium club members only #7 $1
92 topps gold winner #620(2) $2ea = $4
93 duracell #5 .50
93 fleer diamond tribute #2 (2) $2ea = $4
93 post #25 .75
93 topps micro 397 .75
93 upper deck sp5 (2) $1ea= $2
94 donruss #107 (2) $2ea = $4
00 upper deck hitters club epic performance #ep9 $2es = $4
05 threads #284 $2

82 kmart #10 .50
87 kmart #2 $1
87 topps #313 .25
90 collect-a-book #35 $1
94 upper deck the American epic #2 (3) .75ea = $2.25
98 topps clemente tribute #rc1, rc2 $2ea = $4
01 topps combos #tc8 $1.50
01 upper deck hall of famers #28 $1.50

Total $200.40 x 10 = $20

Both trades have been posted. Thanks again!


Last edited:
Have the following for: 2014 Panini Hall of Fame Signatures #81 Fergie Jenkins BV $20

10x in your favour

08 Topps Heritage Chrome Aaron Rowand/1959 $2.50
08 Topps Heritage Chrome J.Saltalamacchia/1959 $2.50
08 Topps Heritage Chrome O.Cabrera/1959 $2.50
08 Topps Heritage Chrome Mike Lowell/1959 $2.50
08 Topps Heritage Chrome K.Matsui/1959 $2.50
08 Topps CoSigners Silver Blue P.Konerko/250 $1.50
08 Topps CoSigners Silver Blue D.Lowe/J.Schmidt/250 $1.00
08 Topps CoSigners Silver Red J.Blanton/400 $1.00
08 Topps CoSigners Silver Green D.Young/200 $1.25
08 Topps CoSigners Hyper Plaid Red B.Sheets/100 $1.50
08 Topps CoSigners Bronze J.Smoltz/300 $2.50
08 Topps Triple Threads B.Jenks/1350 $1.50
08 Topps Triple Threads J.Chamberlain/1350 $1.50
08 Topps Triple Threads Sepia F.Cordero/525 $1.25
08 Topps Triple Threads Sepia B.Penny/525 $1.25
08 UD Baseball Heroes Charcoal P.Hughes/399 $2.50
08 UD Baseball Heroes Charcoal K.Johnson/399 $1.00
08 UD Baseball Heroes Beige D.Willis/299 $1.00
08 UD Baseball Heroes Beige J.Reyes/299 $1.50
08 UD Baseball Heroes Red K.Johjima/249 $1.25
08 UD Baseball Heroes Red M.Mulder/249 $1.25
08 UD Baseball Heroes Red T.Gorzelanny/249 $1.25
08 UD Baseball Heroes Navy Blue J.Loney/199 $1.25
08 UD Baseball Heroes Navy Blue D. Matsuzaka/199 $2.00
08 UD Baseball Heroes Brown D.Lee/149 $1.25
08 UD Piece of History Franchise History A.Dunn/699 $2.00
08 UD Piece of History Franchise History Red A.Jones/149 $1.50
08 UD Piece of History Red B.McCann/149 $2.00
08 UD Piece of History Red B.Buckner/149 $2.50
08 UD Piece of History Red J.Maxwell/149 $2.50
08 UD Piece of History Cut from the Same Cloth M.Young/J.Hardy/799 $1.00

$54.50/10= $5.45

8x in your favour

06 Bowman Chrome Prospects Xfractor A.Heether $4.00
07 Bowman Chrome Prospects Blue Refractor C.Douglass $8.00
07 Bowman Chrome Prospects Refractor W.Venable $6.00
07 Bowman Prospects Blue R.Brignac $4.00
08 Bowman Chrome Prospects Xfractor R.Strieby $6.00
08 Bowman Chrome Prospects Xfractor M.Innouye $4.00
08 Bowman Chrome Prospects Blue Refractor M.Hilligoss (listed as Hilligross in Beckett) $6.00
08 Topps Heritage Chrome R.Detwiler $4.00
08 Topps Heritage Chrome Refractor H.Okajima $4.00
08 UD Baseball Heroes Light Blue J.Chamberlain $3.00
08 UD Piece of History Red F.Paulino $4.00

$53.00/8= $6.63

5x in your favour

08 Bowman Chrome Prospects Gold Refractor D.Cortes $40.00

$40.00/5= $8.00

Total = $20.08
Hi Jb
Here is a list for the Sutton auto.

2014 Panini Hall of Fame Signatures #18 Don Sutton BV $20

10 topps tales of the game #tog-1 cobb $2
01 upper deck minors centennial #44 dimaggio #44, 96 $1ea = $2
02 ud piece of history #39 dimaggio $1.50

89 topps glossy send-ins #16 .60
90 kmart #29 .40
90 mother’s #7 $1.50
92 mother’s #7 $1.50
92 pinnacle team pinnacle #11 $1
93 fleer golden moments B1 $1
93 hostess #11 .50
93 karft #6 $1.50
93 select stat leaders #67 .10
93 topps commanders of the hill #1 .50
93 ultra award winners #23 $1.25
93 ultra Eckersley #’s 5,6,8,9,10 .50ea = $2.50
93 upper deck on deck with #d10 .50
93 upper deck then & now #tn10 .75
94 donruss special edition #18 (3) .60ea = $1.80
94 upper deck electric diamond #365 .60
99 upper deck 10th anniversary #x11 .60
04 topps retired signatures #68 $1
10 topps cards your mom threw out #cmt83 $1
12 topps golden moments #gm23 .60
12 topps timeless talents #tt21 .60
12 topps mound dominance #md5 .60

83 topps topps glossy send-ins #17 $1.25
86 fleer league leaders #12 .40
86 fleer limited edition #15 .40
86 topps glossy all-stars #9 ,40
86 topps glossy send-ins #28 ,75
87 fleer record setters #8 .40
90 kay bee #12 .40
91 stadium club members only #14 .50
11 topps 60 years of topps #60you-22 fisk $1.25
13 topps archives all-stars #83-cf $1

89 pacific legends #210 .25
94 upper deck all time heroes #146 .30
94 upper deck all time heroes #157 (3) .20ea = .60
99 topps hall of fame collection #hof6 (2) $2ea = $4
01 upper deck hall of famers #47 .40
02 fleer fall classics #99 .75
03 bowman heritage 177a (2) .75ea = 1,50
03 fleer flall classics #87 .75
04 playoff honors #142 .60
08 ud masterpieces #60 .75
08 upper deck Goodwin #37 .60
11 topps the lost cards #tlc-4 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50

85 donruss #635 $1.25
89 cmc baseball’s greatest #3 .75
93 ted Williams #122 $1.50
95 upper deck sonic #3 .75
10 topps history of the game #hotg9 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
11 topps lineage #50 (2) $1.50ea = $3

89 fleer #591 (3) .25ea = .75
89 topps #157 #.25
90 score #481 (2) .15ea = .30
90 upper deck #571 .30
91 donruss #132 (2) .15ea = .30
91 leaf #172 (3) .30ea = .90
91 upper deck #480 (3) .15ea = .45
92 score proctor & gamble #18 .25
93 fleer atalntic #9 .50
93 fleer Glavine #1 .50
93 topps micro #280 (2) .20ea = .40
93 topps micro #410 .05
94 collectors choice silver signature #306 .75
94 fleer all-stars #36 .60
94 stadium club #538 (2) .30ea = .60
94 stadium club members only #23 .60
94 ultra all-stars #19 .75
94 upper deck electric diamond #144 $1
96 fleer post-season glory #1 .25
98 donruss mlb 99 #13 .40
98 upper deck 10th anniversary preview retail #6 .40
99 bowman’s best #78 .60
99 pacific prism #11 $1
99 upper deck 10th anniversary team #x21 $1
01 donruss retro 1999 #64 $1
04 bazooka mini #107 $1.25
14 topps upper class uc38 .60

87 fleer baseball’s best sluggers @15 .75
87 donruss highlights #12 .40
87 donruss opening day #146 .60
87 fleer #416 $1
87 fleer limited edition #19 .75
87 kaybee #15 $1
87 topps glossy all-stars #6 $1
88 fleer #631 .20
88 fleer #634 (3) .20ea = .60
88 fleer baseball’s exciting stars #17 .75
88 k-mart #12 $1
88 topps mini leaders #74 $1
90 bowman #217 .30
90 donruss #bc4 (3) .30ea = .90
90 donruss #86 (2) .30ea = .60
90 donruss #705 (3) .15ea = .45
90 fleer #547 (2) .30ea = .60
90 post #5 $1.25
90 score #255 (3)ea .30ea = .90
90 score #685 (20 .15ea = .30
90 starline #4(2), 29(3) .75ea = $3.75
90 topps #430 (3) .15ea = .45
90 topps #730 (3) .30ea = .90
91 donruss #243 .30
91 leaf #290 .60
91 score #500 .30
91 topps #180 .30
91 ultra #303 .60
91 upper deck #255 (3) 30ea = .90
92 donruss #441 .30
92 fleer #605 .30
92 french’s #16 (2) $1ea = $2
92 jimmy dean #13 (2) $1ea = $2
92 o-***-chee premier #106 .75
92 pinnacle #400 .60
92 score #625 .30
92 score #779 .15
92 score proctor & gamble #16 $1
92 studio #104 .50
92 ultra gwynn special ! (3), 2 (3) $1ea = $6
92 ultra gwynn 1, 2, 3, 5, 8(3), 10 $1ea = $8
92 upper deck #83 .15
92 upper deck #717 .15
93 duracell #14 .50
93 pinnacle #289 .50
93 topps #5 .60
93 topps micro #5(2) .75ea = $1.50
93 ultra #472 $1
93 upper deck .60
94 collectors choice #122 .60
94 collectors choie #344 .30
94 donruss #10 $1
94 fleer all-stars #39 $1.25
94 fleer update diamond tribute #5 .50
94 leaf #254 $1
94 leaf statistical standouts #9 $1.50
94 score #12 .60
94 ultra #280 $1
94 ultra hitting machines #6 $1.50
95 fleer league leaders #6 $1.50
95 national packtime #15(2) $1.25ea = $2.50
95 pinnacle #291 .30
95 score #561 .30
95 studio gold #25 $1.50
95 ultra league leaders #6 (3) $1.50ea = $4.50
96 donruss #525 $1
96 donruss #550 .50
96 fleer road warriors #2 $1.50
96 topps classic confrontations #cc9 (3) .50ea = $1.50
96 ultra on base leaders #3 $1.25
96 upper deck #377 .50
96 zenith #91 $1
97 collectors choice all-star connection #23 .60
97 score #249 .50
98 crown royale pillars of the game #21 $1.50
98 pinnacle mint #8 .60
98 skybox double header #dh18 .30
98 upper deck #136 .50
99 crown royale pivotal players #21 $1.25
99 metal universe #239 .50
99 pacific invincible sandlot heroes #17a, 17b .75ea = $1.50
99 pacific invincible seismic force #16a(2), 16b (2) .75ea = $3
99 ud deck choice starquest #sq8 $1
99 ultimate victory stature #s12 (2) $1ea = $2
99 upper deck mvp swing time #s4 $1.25
99 upper deck powerdeck auxiliary #aux9 .50
00 crown royale feature attractions #23 $1
00 fleer focus #129 (2) .75ea = $1.50
00 fleer games #90 .75
00 fleer tradition dividends #9 .75
00 impact #36 (3) .50ea = $1.50
00 impact mighty fine in 99 #35(3) .75 ea = $2.25
00 pacific invincible kings of the diamond #225 .75
00 skybox dominion #101 .50
00 skybox e-ticket #et9 $1.25
00 upper deck hitters club epic performances #ep6 (2) $1ea = $2
00 victory #212 .50
00 vintage high voltage #32 (2) .60ea = $1.20
01 fleer focus #102 $1
01 fleer futures #55 $1
01 upper deck big league beat #bb13 (3) $1ea = $3
02 fleer tradition diamond tributes #2 (2) $1.50ea= $3
03 donruss champions #221 .75
03 donruss team heroes #425 .75

89 topps traded #48t .25
89 upper deck #210 $1
90 topps #450 .25
90 upper deck #334 .50
91 donruss #53 (2) .15ea = .30
91 fleer #10 (2) .25ea = .50
91 o-***-chee premier #62 .50
91 stadium club charter member #13(3), 14(2), 18(3) .50ea = $4
91 topps #391 .15
91 ultra #393 (2) .30ea = .60
91 ultra gold #5 $51

TOTAL $200
Here is a list for the Jenkins auto. thanks

2014 Panini Hall of Fame Signatures #23 Fergie Jenkins BV $20

92 fleer citgo the performers #17 (3) .60ea = $1.80
92 french’s #17 $1
92 stadium club dome #83 .50
92 stadium club gold winner #2 (2) .50ea = $1
92 stadium club gold winner #560 (2) .75ea = $2.25
92 upper deck fanfest #29 (3) $1ea = $3
93 pinnacle cooperstown #7 (2) $1ea = $2
93 topps micro #750 .50
94 collector’s choice silver signature#131 $2
94 denny’s #15 $1.25
94 stadium club members only 50 #38 (2) .50ea = $1
95 fleer update diamond tribute #7 (3) .75ea = $2.25
95 sp #182 $1
96 bazooka #129 .50
96 ultra on-base leaders #4 (2) $1ea = $2
97 pacific gems of the diamonds #gd-208 $1
97 topps stars #74 .75
97 ultra double trouble #19 (2) $1ea = $2
98 fleer tradition vintage 63 #110 $1
00 pacific #279 .75
00 skybox dominion #40 .50
01 donruss class of 2001 #68 $1
02 upper deck #734 .50
03 donruss #99 .75
03 leaf #259 .75
04 playoff honors #149 (2) $1ea - $2

81 drake’s #10 (2) .50ea = $1
82 kmart #23 (2) .15ea = .30
83 donruss #3 .40
86 fleer mini #32 .50
86 topps #700 .25
87 topps glossy send-ins #54 .50
88 fleer 283 .20
88 score #500, 504 .15ea = .30
89 pacific #111 .50
90 upper deck Jackson heroes #2 (2) $1.50ea = $3
92 upper deck fanfest #46 .50
93 upper deck 5th anniversary #a9 (3) .75ea = $2.25
93 upper deck clark #c2 (3) $2ea = $6
99 topps hof collection #6 $2
01 upper deck legends of NY #149, 150 .50ea = $1
03 fleer fall classics 71a .75
03 fleer showcase #99 .75
04 playoff honors #148 .60
05 threads #293 .60
06 topps rookie of the week #11 (3) $2ea = $6
07 ud masterpieces #89 $1
09 upper deck 20th anniversary #509 .60
10 topps logoman #hta-20 $1
12 allen ginter what’s in a name #win94 $1
12 topps gypsy queen #294a .60

90 fleer #518 (3) .50ea = $1.50
90 score #415 (3) .50ea = $1.50
91 donruss bc2 (2) .30ea = .60
91 donruss 134 (3) .30ea = .90
91 stadium club charter member #15 .75
92 fleer smoke n heat #11 $2
92 pinnacle #379 .50
92 topps winners #525 (2) .75ea = $1.50
93 topps gold #460 $1.25
93 topps micro #460 .50
93 upper deck 336 .50
94 collectors choice silver signature #307 $1.25
94 topps gold #290 $2
94 ultra strike out kings #1 $1.25
95 collectors choice se silver signature #123 $2.50
95 national packtime #3 $1
95 ultra league leaders #4 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
96 fleer post season glory #4 (3) .40ea = $1.20
95 fleer smoke n heat #5 $1.25
96 score numbers game #25 $2.50
96 topps classic confrontations #cc11 (3) .40ea = $1.20
96 topps laser #56 $2.50
96 ultra season crowns #3 $2.50
97 donruss mariners team set #139 (3) .60ea = $1.80
97 ultra gold medallion #217g $2.50
98 aurora pennant fever #50 (2) $1ea = $2
98 bowman international #257 $2.50
98 pacific invincible gems of the diamond #92 (2) .75ea = $1.50
98 upper deck 10th anniversary preview retail #9 .60
99 topps stars two stars #30 (2) $1ea = $2
99 upper deck starquest #sq12 (2) .75 = $1.50
99 upper deck encore upper realm #u10 $2
99 upper deck 10th anniversary team #x10 (2) $1.50ea = $3
00 black diamond diamonation #d2 $2.50
00 crown royale final numbers 1 (2) $1ea = $2
00 fleer showcase noise of summer #10 $2.50
00 pacific #23 .75
00 pacific invincible diamond aces #1 (2) .75ea = $1.50
00 sp authentic #58 $1
00 spx #27 $1.25
00 skybox e-ticket #15 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
00 skybox impact mighty fine in 99 #28 (3) .75ea = $2.25
00 topps own the game #otg27 $2.50
00 upper deck ovation curtain calls #cc10 $2
00 upper deck pennant driven #pd10 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
00 vanguard high voltage #3 (2) .60ea = $1.20
01 donruss retro 1999 #19 $1.50
01 stadium club capture the action #ca11 $1.25
01 topps noteworthy #tn11 $1.50
01 topps stars progression #p8 $1.50
01 ultra decade of dominance #9 $1.50
01 upper deck big league beat #bb9 (3) .75ea = $2.25
01 upper deck superstar summit ss2 $2
01 vintage matinee idols #m7 $1.25
02 fleer tradition diamond tributes #11 $1.25
02 fleer triple crown #250 .50
02 topps 206 team 206 series 3 #t206-17 $1
02 topps all-world #aw-23 $2
02 topps total topps #tt26 $2
03 bazooka mini #80 $2
03 donruss estrellas precision de lanzamiento PP2 $2.50
03 fleer tradition #419 .75
03 topps hobby masters #hm17 $2.50
03 topps heritage new age performers #na11 $2.50
03 topps heritage then & now #tn9 $2.50
03 upper deck honor roll #19 .75
03 victory #7 (2) .75ea = $1.50
04 bazooka mini #140a, 140b (2) $2 ea = $6
04 donruss #10 $1.50
04 topps hobby masters #hm14 $2.50
05 leaf cy young winners #cyw13 $2.50
05 topps al-stars #tas5 $2.50
05 topps hobby masters #hm17 $2.50
05 topps total domination #50 $1.50
06 ultra midsummer classic #mck5 $2.50
06 ultra strikeout kings #sok4 $2.50

TOTAL $200.45 x 10 = $20
Have the following for: 2014 Panini Hall of Fame Signatures #81 Fergie Jenkins BV $20

10x in your favour

08 Topps Heritage Chrome Aaron Rowand/1959 $2.50
08 Topps Heritage Chrome J.Saltalamacchia/1959 $2.50
08 Topps Heritage Chrome O.Cabrera/1959 $2.50
08 Topps Heritage Chrome Mike Lowell/1959 $2.50
08 Topps Heritage Chrome K.Matsui/1959 $2.50
08 Topps CoSigners Silver Blue P.Konerko/250 $1.50
08 Topps CoSigners Silver Blue D.Lowe/J.Schmidt/250 $1.00
08 Topps CoSigners Silver Red J.Blanton/400 $1.00
08 Topps CoSigners Silver Green D.Young/200 $1.25
08 Topps CoSigners Hyper Plaid Red B.Sheets/100 $1.50
08 Topps CoSigners Bronze J.Smoltz/300 $2.50
08 Topps Triple Threads B.Jenks/1350 $1.50
08 Topps Triple Threads J.Chamberlain/1350 $1.50
08 Topps Triple Threads Sepia F.Cordero/525 $1.25
08 Topps Triple Threads Sepia B.Penny/525 $1.25
08 UD Baseball Heroes Charcoal P.Hughes/399 $2.50
08 UD Baseball Heroes Charcoal K.Johnson/399 $1.00
08 UD Baseball Heroes Beige D.Willis/299 $1.00
08 UD Baseball Heroes Beige J.Reyes/299 $1.50
08 UD Baseball Heroes Red K.Johjima/249 $1.25
08 UD Baseball Heroes Red M.Mulder/249 $1.25
08 UD Baseball Heroes Red T.Gorzelanny/249 $1.25
08 UD Baseball Heroes Navy Blue J.Loney/199 $1.25
08 UD Baseball Heroes Navy Blue D. Matsuzaka/199 $2.00
08 UD Baseball Heroes Brown D.Lee/149 $1.25
08 UD Piece of History Franchise History A.Dunn/699 $2.00
08 UD Piece of History Franchise History Red A.Jones/149 $1.50
08 UD Piece of History Red B.McCann/149 $2.00
08 UD Piece of History Red B.Buckner/149 $2.50
08 UD Piece of History Red J.Maxwell/149 $2.50
08 UD Piece of History Cut from the Same Cloth M.Young/J.Hardy/799 $1.00

$54.50/10= $5.45

8x in your favour

06 Bowman Chrome Prospects Xfractor A.Heether $4.00
07 Bowman Chrome Prospects Blue Refractor C.Douglass $8.00
07 Bowman Chrome Prospects Refractor W.Venable $6.00
07 Bowman Prospects Blue R.Brignac $4.00
08 Bowman Chrome Prospects Xfractor R.Strieby $6.00
08 Bowman Chrome Prospects Xfractor M.Innouye $4.00
08 Bowman Chrome Prospects Blue Refractor M.Hilligoss (listed as Hilligross in Beckett) $6.00
08 Topps Heritage Chrome R.Detwiler $4.00
08 Topps Heritage Chrome Refractor H.Okajima $4.00
08 UD Baseball Heroes Light Blue J.Chamberlain $3.00
08 UD Piece of History Red F.Paulino $4.00

$53.00/8= $6.63

5x in your favour

08 Bowman Chrome Prospects Gold Refractor D.Cortes $40.00

$40.00/5= $8.00

Total = $20.08

Trade posted. Got your card out yesterday. Thanks!

Hi Jb
Here is a list for the Sutton auto.

2014 Panini Hall of Fame Signatures #18 Don Sutton BV $20

10 topps tales of the game #tog-1 cobb $2
01 upper deck minors centennial #44 dimaggio #44, 96 $1ea = $2
02 ud piece of history #39 dimaggio $1.50

89 topps glossy send-ins #16 .60
90 kmart #29 .40
90 mother’s #7 $1.50
92 mother’s #7 $1.50
92 pinnacle team pinnacle #11 $1
93 fleer golden moments B1 $1
93 hostess #11 .50
93 karft #6 $1.50
93 select stat leaders #67 .10
93 topps commanders of the hill #1 .50
93 ultra award winners #23 $1.25
93 ultra Eckersley #’s 5,6,8,9,10 .50ea = $2.50
93 upper deck on deck with #d10 .50
93 upper deck then & now #tn10 .75
94 donruss special edition #18 (3) .60ea = $1.80
94 upper deck electric diamond #365 .60
99 upper deck 10th anniversary #x11 .60
04 topps retired signatures #68 $1
10 topps cards your mom threw out #cmt83 $1
12 topps golden moments #gm23 .60
12 topps timeless talents #tt21 .60
12 topps mound dominance #md5 .60

83 topps topps glossy send-ins #17 $1.25
86 fleer league leaders #12 .40
86 fleer limited edition #15 .40
86 topps glossy all-stars #9 ,40
86 topps glossy send-ins #28 ,75
87 fleer record setters #8 .40
90 kay bee #12 .40
91 stadium club members only #14 .50
11 topps 60 years of topps #60you-22 fisk $1.25
13 topps archives all-stars #83-cf $1

89 pacific legends #210 .25
94 upper deck all time heroes #146 .30
94 upper deck all time heroes #157 (3) .20ea = .60
99 topps hall of fame collection #hof6 (2) $2ea = $4
01 upper deck hall of famers #47 .40
02 fleer fall classics #99 .75
03 bowman heritage 177a (2) .75ea = 1,50
03 fleer flall classics #87 .75
04 playoff honors #142 .60
08 ud masterpieces #60 .75
08 upper deck Goodwin #37 .60
11 topps the lost cards #tlc-4 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50

85 donruss #635 $1.25
89 cmc baseball’s greatest #3 .75
93 ted Williams #122 $1.50
95 upper deck sonic #3 .75
10 topps history of the game #hotg9 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
11 topps lineage #50 (2) $1.50ea = $3

89 fleer #591 (3) .25ea = .75
89 topps #157 #.25
90 score #481 (2) .15ea = .30
90 upper deck #571 .30
91 donruss #132 (2) .15ea = .30
91 leaf #172 (3) .30ea = .90
91 upper deck #480 (3) .15ea = .45
92 score proctor & gamble #18 .25
93 fleer atalntic #9 .50
93 fleer Glavine #1 .50
93 topps micro #280 (2) .20ea = .40
93 topps micro #410 .05
94 collectors choice silver signature #306 .75
94 fleer all-stars #36 .60
94 stadium club #538 (2) .30ea = .60
94 stadium club members only #23 .60
94 ultra all-stars #19 .75
94 upper deck electric diamond #144 $1
96 fleer post-season glory #1 .25
98 donruss mlb 99 #13 .40
98 upper deck 10th anniversary preview retail #6 .40
99 bowman’s best #78 .60
99 pacific prism #11 $1
99 upper deck 10th anniversary team #x21 $1
01 donruss retro 1999 #64 $1
04 bazooka mini #107 $1.25
14 topps upper class uc38 .60

87 fleer baseball’s best sluggers @15 .75
87 donruss highlights #12 .40
87 donruss opening day #146 .60
87 fleer #416 $1
87 fleer limited edition #19 .75
87 kaybee #15 $1
87 topps glossy all-stars #6 $1
88 fleer #631 .20
88 fleer #634 (3) .20ea = .60
88 fleer baseball’s exciting stars #17 .75
88 k-mart #12 $1
88 topps mini leaders #74 $1
90 bowman #217 .30
90 donruss #bc4 (3) .30ea = .90
90 donruss #86 (2) .30ea = .60
90 donruss #705 (3) .15ea = .45
90 fleer #547 (2) .30ea = .60
90 post #5 $1.25
90 score #255 (3)ea .30ea = .90
90 score #685 (20 .15ea = .30
90 starline #4(2), 29(3) .75ea = $3.75
90 topps #430 (3) .15ea = .45
90 topps #730 (3) .30ea = .90
91 donruss #243 .30
91 leaf #290 .60
91 score #500 .30
91 topps #180 .30
91 ultra #303 .60
91 upper deck #255 (3) 30ea = .90
92 donruss #441 .30
92 fleer #605 .30
92 french’s #16 (2) $1ea = $2
92 jimmy dean #13 (2) $1ea = $2
92 o-***-chee premier #106 .75
92 pinnacle #400 .60
92 score #625 .30
92 score #779 .15
92 score proctor & gamble #16 $1
92 studio #104 .50
92 ultra gwynn special ! (3), 2 (3) $1ea = $6
92 ultra gwynn 1, 2, 3, 5, 8(3), 10 $1ea = $8
92 upper deck #83 .15
92 upper deck #717 .15
93 duracell #14 .50
93 pinnacle #289 .50
93 topps #5 .60
93 topps micro #5(2) .75ea = $1.50
93 ultra #472 $1
93 upper deck .60
94 collectors choice #122 .60
94 collectors choie #344 .30
94 donruss #10 $1
94 fleer all-stars #39 $1.25
94 fleer update diamond tribute #5 .50
94 leaf #254 $1
94 leaf statistical standouts #9 $1.50
94 score #12 .60
94 ultra #280 $1
94 ultra hitting machines #6 $1.50
95 fleer league leaders #6 $1.50
95 national packtime #15(2) $1.25ea = $2.50
95 pinnacle #291 .30
95 score #561 .30
95 studio gold #25 $1.50
95 ultra league leaders #6 (3) $1.50ea = $4.50
96 donruss #525 $1
96 donruss #550 .50
96 fleer road warriors #2 $1.50
96 topps classic confrontations #cc9 (3) .50ea = $1.50
96 ultra on base leaders #3 $1.25
96 upper deck #377 .50
96 zenith #91 $1
97 collectors choice all-star connection #23 .60
97 score #249 .50
98 crown royale pillars of the game #21 $1.50
98 pinnacle mint #8 .60
98 skybox double header #dh18 .30
98 upper deck #136 .50
99 crown royale pivotal players #21 $1.25
99 metal universe #239 .50
99 pacific invincible sandlot heroes #17a, 17b .75ea = $1.50
99 pacific invincible seismic force #16a(2), 16b (2) .75ea = $3
99 ud deck choice starquest #sq8 $1
99 ultimate victory stature #s12 (2) $1ea = $2
99 upper deck mvp swing time #s4 $1.25
99 upper deck powerdeck auxiliary #aux9 .50
00 crown royale feature attractions #23 $1
00 fleer focus #129 (2) .75ea = $1.50
00 fleer games #90 .75
00 fleer tradition dividends #9 .75
00 impact #36 (3) .50ea = $1.50
00 impact mighty fine in 99 #35(3) .75 ea = $2.25
00 pacific invincible kings of the diamond #225 .75
00 skybox dominion #101 .50
00 skybox e-ticket #et9 $1.25
00 upper deck hitters club epic performances #ep6 (2) $1ea = $2
00 victory #212 .50
00 vintage high voltage #32 (2) .60ea = $1.20
01 fleer focus #102 $1
01 fleer futures #55 $1
01 upper deck big league beat #bb13 (3) $1ea = $3
02 fleer tradition diamond tributes #2 (2) $1.50ea= $3
03 donruss champions #221 .75
03 donruss team heroes #425 .75

89 topps traded #48t .25
89 upper deck #210 $1
90 topps #450 .25
90 upper deck #334 .50
91 donruss #53 (2) .15ea = .30
91 fleer #10 (2) .25ea = .50
91 o-***-chee premier #62 .50
91 stadium club charter member #13(3), 14(2), 18(3) .50ea = $4
91 topps #391 .15
91 ultra #393 (2) .30ea = .60
91 ultra gold #5 $51

TOTAL $200

Here is a list for the Jenkins auto. thanks

2014 Panini Hall of Fame Signatures #23 Fergie Jenkins BV $20

92 fleer citgo the performers #17 (3) .60ea = $1.80
92 french’s #17 $1
92 stadium club dome #83 .50
92 stadium club gold winner #2 (2) .50ea = $1
92 stadium club gold winner #560 (2) .75ea = $2.25
92 upper deck fanfest #29 (3) $1ea = $3
93 pinnacle cooperstown #7 (2) $1ea = $2
93 topps micro #750 .50
94 collector’s choice silver signature#131 $2
94 denny’s #15 $1.25
94 stadium club members only 50 #38 (2) .50ea = $1
95 fleer update diamond tribute #7 (3) .75ea = $2.25
95 sp #182 $1
96 bazooka #129 .50
96 ultra on-base leaders #4 (2) $1ea = $2
97 pacific gems of the diamonds #gd-208 $1
97 topps stars #74 .75
97 ultra double trouble #19 (2) $1ea = $2
98 fleer tradition vintage 63 #110 $1
00 pacific #279 .75
00 skybox dominion #40 .50
01 donruss class of 2001 #68 $1
02 upper deck #734 .50
03 donruss #99 .75
03 leaf #259 .75
04 playoff honors #149 (2) $1ea - $2

81 drake’s #10 (2) .50ea = $1
82 kmart #23 (2) .15ea = .30
83 donruss #3 .40
86 fleer mini #32 .50
86 topps #700 .25
87 topps glossy send-ins #54 .50
88 fleer 283 .20
88 score #500, 504 .15ea = .30
89 pacific #111 .50
90 upper deck Jackson heroes #2 (2) $1.50ea = $3
92 upper deck fanfest #46 .50
93 upper deck 5th anniversary #a9 (3) .75ea = $2.25
93 upper deck clark #c2 (3) $2ea = $6
99 topps hof collection #6 $2
01 upper deck legends of NY #149, 150 .50ea = $1
03 fleer fall classics 71a .75
03 fleer showcase #99 .75
04 playoff honors #148 .60
05 threads #293 .60
06 topps rookie of the week #11 (3) $2ea = $6
07 ud masterpieces #89 $1
09 upper deck 20th anniversary #509 .60
10 topps logoman #hta-20 $1
12 allen ginter what’s in a name #win94 $1
12 topps gypsy queen #294a .60

90 fleer #518 (3) .50ea = $1.50
90 score #415 (3) .50ea = $1.50
91 donruss bc2 (2) .30ea = .60
91 donruss 134 (3) .30ea = .90
91 stadium club charter member #15 .75
92 fleer smoke n heat #11 $2
92 pinnacle #379 .50
92 topps winners #525 (2) .75ea = $1.50
93 topps gold #460 $1.25
93 topps micro #460 .50
93 upper deck 336 .50
94 collectors choice silver signature #307 $1.25
94 topps gold #290 $2
94 ultra strike out kings #1 $1.25
95 collectors choice se silver signature #123 $2.50
95 national packtime #3 $1
95 ultra league leaders #4 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
96 fleer post season glory #4 (3) .40ea = $1.20
95 fleer smoke n heat #5 $1.25
96 score numbers game #25 $2.50
96 topps classic confrontations #cc11 (3) .40ea = $1.20
96 topps laser #56 $2.50
96 ultra season crowns #3 $2.50
97 donruss mariners team set #139 (3) .60ea = $1.80
97 ultra gold medallion #217g $2.50
98 aurora pennant fever #50 (2) $1ea = $2
98 bowman international #257 $2.50
98 pacific invincible gems of the diamond #92 (2) .75ea = $1.50
98 upper deck 10th anniversary preview retail #9 .60
99 topps stars two stars #30 (2) $1ea = $2
99 upper deck starquest #sq12 (2) .75 = $1.50
99 upper deck encore upper realm #u10 $2
99 upper deck 10th anniversary team #x10 (2) $1.50ea = $3
00 black diamond diamonation #d2 $2.50
00 crown royale final numbers 1 (2) $1ea = $2
00 fleer showcase noise of summer #10 $2.50
00 pacific #23 .75
00 pacific invincible diamond aces #1 (2) .75ea = $1.50
00 sp authentic #58 $1
00 spx #27 $1.25
00 skybox e-ticket #15 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
00 skybox impact mighty fine in 99 #28 (3) .75ea = $2.25
00 topps own the game #otg27 $2.50
00 upper deck ovation curtain calls #cc10 $2
00 upper deck pennant driven #pd10 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
00 vanguard high voltage #3 (2) .60ea = $1.20
01 donruss retro 1999 #19 $1.50
01 stadium club capture the action #ca11 $1.25
01 topps noteworthy #tn11 $1.50
01 topps stars progression #p8 $1.50
01 ultra decade of dominance #9 $1.50
01 upper deck big league beat #bb9 (3) .75ea = $2.25
01 upper deck superstar summit ss2 $2
01 vintage matinee idols #m7 $1.25
02 fleer tradition diamond tributes #11 $1.25
02 fleer triple crown #250 .50
02 topps 206 team 206 series 3 #t206-17 $1
02 topps all-world #aw-23 $2
02 topps total topps #tt26 $2
03 bazooka mini #80 $2
03 donruss estrellas precision de lanzamiento PP2 $2.50
03 fleer tradition #419 .75
03 topps hobby masters #hm17 $2.50
03 topps heritage new age performers #na11 $2.50
03 topps heritage then & now #tn9 $2.50
03 upper deck honor roll #19 .75
03 victory #7 (2) .75ea = $1.50
04 bazooka mini #140a, 140b (2) $2 ea = $6
04 donruss #10 $1.50
04 topps hobby masters #hm14 $2.50
05 leaf cy young winners #cyw13 $2.50
05 topps al-stars #tas5 $2.50
05 topps hobby masters #hm17 $2.50
05 topps total domination #50 $1.50
06 ultra midsummer classic #mck5 $2.50
06 ultra strikeout kings #sok4 $2.50

TOTAL $200.45 x 10 = $20

Both deals posted. Thanks for helping me with my collection!


Last edited:
Here is a list for some of the auto's. Thanks

82 kmart #43 .50
91 upper deck hologram #hh1 $1.50
00 upper deck hitters club epic performance #ep10 (2) $2ea = $4
12 topps golden greats #gg51 $2.50
13 topps chasing history #ch35 $2.50
14 upper class #uc-48 $1.50
TOTAL $12.50

89 topps #206 .25
89 topps glossy send-ins #19 $1.50
90 topps glossy send-ins 27 .75
91 leaf #267 alomar (2) .30ea = .60
92 donruss mcdonalds #g1 $2
92 score proctor & gamble #3 .25
92 triple play #84 .30
92 ultra all-stars #2 $1
93 donruss spirit of the game #sg3 $1.50
93 hostess #14 (3) .40ea = $1.20
93 upper deck on deck with #d2 .75
94 collector’s choice silver signature #33 $1.25
94 finest #205 $2
94 pacific prisms circular #5 $1.50
94 pinnacle museum #287 (3) $2ea = $6
94 score gold stars #42 (2) $2.50ea = $5
94 stadium club golden rainbow #10 $1.50
94 stadium club team finest #1 $2
95 collector’s choice silver se #51 $1.50
95 donruss dominators #4 $1.25
95 leaf great gloves #2 .50
95 select certified sample #75 .75
95 sp silver #201 $1.50
95 sp championship classic performances #cp6 $1.50
95 sp championship series die cut #196 $1.50
95 score dream team gold #dg2 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
95 score gold rush #2 $1.50
95 score hall of gold #hg3 $2
95 topps embossed golden idol #91 $2
95 ultra gold medallion #116 $1.50
95 upper deck predictor #h23 $2
96 bowman foil #45 $1.25
96 circa boss #1 $1.50
96 e-xl defense #1 $1.50
96 fleer tiffany update #u1 (2) $1.50ea = $3
96 pacific estrellas Latinas #el-1 $2
96 pacific prisms #p23 (2) $2.50ea = $5
96 score dugout collection #b90 .75
96 ultra gold medallion #573 $1
96 upper deck #370 .30
96 upper deck diamond destiny #d7 $1.50
97 score franchise #9 $1.50
97 topps chrome #58 $1.25
97 ultra fame game #15 $2
97 ultra gold medallion #g1 (2) $1.50ea = $3
98 sp authentic sheer dominance #sd34 (2) $1.50ea = $3
98 spx radiance #61 $1.25
98 topps gold label #11 .75
98 ultra gold #156g $1.50
99 fleer brilliants blue #121b (2) $2.50ea = $5
99 upper deck textbook excellence #t7 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
00 bowman retro/future #47 $1.25
00 topps chrome all-topps #at14 (2) $1.50ea = $3
00 topps hands of gold #hg4 $1.50
00 upper deck hitter’s club #23 .50
00 upper deck ionix reciprocal #r27 (2) $2.50ea = $5
01 fleer platinum #323 .50
01 studio #27 .75
01 topps stars progression #p4 (2) $1.50ea = $3
01 upper deck midsummer classic moments #cm17 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
02 fleer tradition lumber company #29 $1.50
02 topps heritage new age performers #na13 $2
02 topps own the game #og2 $1.50
02 topps ring masters #rm9 $1.50
02 ultra gold medallion #66 (2) $1.50ea = $3
02 upper deck championship caliber #cc2 (2) $1.50ea = $3
02 upper deck ovation #52 .60
02 upper deck vintage #36 .50
03 bazooka silver #88 $1.25
03 fleer patchworks numbers game #12 $1.50
03 fleer tradition milestones #18 $1.50
03 leaf slick leather #2 $1.50
03 topps hit parade hp23 $1.50
03 ultra gold medallion #89 (2) $1.50ea = $3
03 upper deck masters of the leather #l6 $1.50
04 bazooka mini #32 $1.25
04 bazooka red chunks #32 $1.25
04 topps hit parade #hp22 $1.50
04 ultra gold medallion #22 $1.50
04 upper deck #284 .50
05 leaf green #261 $2
13 panini cooperstown colgan’s chips #1 $2
14 topps world series heroes #wsh-ra $1.25
TOTAL $148.50

00 upper deck hitters club #58 .50

02 sweet spot classics #52 $1
04 sp legendary cuts #75 .50
06 sp legendary cuts #57 .50
10 topps cards mom threw out #cmt5 $1

04 sp legendary cuts #96 .75

06 sp legendary cuts #79 .60

99 topps hof collection #hof7 (3) $2ea = $6
01 topps combos #tc6 $2
01 upper deck 20th century showcase #s9 (3) $2ea = $4
01 upper deck the endless summer #es7 (2) $2ea = $4
09 upper deck 20th anniversary #1336 $1
09 upper deck 20th anniversary #1337 $1
10 topps tales of the game #tog6 $2
11 topps 60 years of topps #76 $2
12 topps heritage flashbacks #fb $2.50
15 topps highlight of the year #h10 $1.25
Total $25.75

81 topps #201 .75
81 topps #600 $1.50
82 fleer 57 .75
82 kmart #18, 22 .10ea = .20
82 topps #400 $1.25
83 donruss 22 .75
83 donruss #500 .75
84 fleer #462 $1.50
85 circle k #22 .25
00 upper deck legends millennium team #ud8 .75
01 topps combos #tc5 (3) $1.50ea = $4.50
02 donruss #136 .75
02 greats of the game #87 $2.50
09 upper deck 20th anniversary #1311 $1
10 topps cards your mom threw out #cmt77 $2.50
10 topps history of the game #hog19 (2) $1ea = $2
10 topps vintage legends #vlc18 $2
11 topps kimbal champions #kc-60 $1.50
12 topps timeless talents #tt-11 $1.50
TOTAL $26.70

80-87 sspc hof #127 .50
83 donruss #387 .75
83 donruss hall of fame heroes #24 (2) .40ea = .80
84-89 o’connell & son ink #39 .40
99 topps hall of fame collection #hof10 (3) $2ea = $6
00 upper deck legends golden years #gy3 $2.50
01 upper deck hall of fame gallery #g12 (2) $2 ea = $4
01 upper deck the endless summer #es2 $2
01 upper deck hall of famers #45 (2) .60ea = $1.20
01 upper deck legends of new York #75 .75
09 upper deck 20th anniversary #1316 (2), 1318 (3) $1 = $3
10 topps peak performance #pp82 $2
TOTAL $23.90

90 kmart #8 .50
91 king “b” disc #13 (2) $1.50ea = $3
92 leaf #315 (2) biggio .25ea =.50
93 bowman #560 .50
93 donruss diamond kings #dk24 $2
93 leaf #223 biggio .50
94 collectors choice silver signature #456 $1.25
94 upper deck electric diamond #312 $1
95 pacific prisms #59 $2
95 score gold rush #423 $1.50
95 score hall of gold #hg68 $2
95 sp silver #61 $1.50
95 topps embossed golden idols #66 $2
95 ultra gold medallion #384 $1.50
95 ultra award winner #12 .75
95 ultra league leaders #7 .75
95 upper deck special edition #181 $1.25
96 leaf preferred steel #72 $1.50
96 score dugout collection #a68 $1.25
96 ultra prime leather #12 $1.50
98 bowman international #37 (2) $1.50ea = $3
98 stadium club playing with passion #p5 $1.50
98 upper deck #100 .50
98 upper deck all-star credentials #as6 $2
98 upper deck time capsule #tc40 $2
99 bowmand international #251 $1.25
99 fleer brilliants blue #49b $2.50
99 fleer tradition vintage 61 #446 (2) .50ea = $1
99 stadium club #25 .50
99 topps stars ‘n steel #19 (2) $2.50ea = $5
99 upper deck century legends #83 .50
99 upper deck view to a thrill #v15 (2) $2ea = $4
99 upper deck encore pure excitement #p15 $1.50
00 omega #63 .50
00 spx spxcitement #xc20 (2) $1.50ea = $3
00 topps chrome allegiance #ta14 $1.50
00 upper deck hit brigade #h11 (2) $1.50ea = $2
00 ud ionix reciprocal #r4 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
01 stadium club #69 .50
02 fleer tradition this day in history #u13 $1.50
02 ultra gold medallion #107 $1.50
03 bowman heritage #22 .60
03 fleer box score #18 .60
03 fleer hard ball #50 .60
03 fleer patchworks national pastime #7 $1.50
03 topps hit parade #hp28 (2) $1.50ea = $3
03 topps record breakers #rb-cb $1.50
04 bazooka mini #161 $1.25
04 bazooka red chunks #161 $1.25
04 fleer tradition #294 .50
04 leather & lumber #59 .60
04 topps cracker jack #71 (2) .60ea = $1.20
05 topps hit parade #hit4 $1.50
05 zenith mozaics #m10 $1.50
06 bazooka comics #14 $1.50
05 fleer tradition diamond tribute #dt13 $1.50
05 topps hit parade #hit1 $2.50
06 ultra gold medallion #12 (2) $2ea = $4
07 allen & ginter #323 .50
07 topps hit parade #hp21 (3) $1.50ea = $4.50
07 topps turkey red #80 .50
07 upper deck #332 .60
13 topps chasing history #ch143 .75
15 topps til it’s over #tio-9 (2) $1 = $2
TOTAL $103.95

81 donruss #135 .25
82 fleer #361 (3) .20ea = .60
84 fleer #5336 .40
87 donruss opening day #226 .15
88 fleer #4 (2) .15ea = .30
88 score #90 .10
88 woolworth #21 .10
89 donruss #t-35 (3) .20ea = .60
89 fleer #105 .10
89 fleer update #u12 (3) .10ea = .30
89 score #215 (3) .10ea = .30
89 topps #555 (3) .10ea = .30
89 topps update #11t (3) .10ea = .30
89 upper deck #712 (3) .40ea = $1.20
90 bowman #285 .10
90 classic blue #142 .10
90 donruss #331 (3) .10ea = .30
90 fleer #128 (3) .10ea = .30
90 score #180 (3) .10ea = .30
90 topps #130 (3) .10ea = .30
90 upper deck #527 (3) .20ea = .60
91 donruss #453 (3) .10ea = .30
91 fleer #308 (3) .10ea = .30
91 score #235 (3) .10ea = .30
91 stadium club #175 (3) .50ea = $1.50
91 topps #615 (3) .10 ea = .30
91 upper deck #571 (3) .10ea = .30
92 o-***-chee #375 .10
92 topps #375 (3) .10ea = .30
93 fleer 568 .30
93 pinnacle #83 .30
93 pinnacle #296 (2) .15ea = .30
92 select #252 (3) .20ea = .60
93 topps #48 (3) .20ea = .60
TOTAL $12.45

02 fleer fall classic 5 .50
02 world series highlights 42 .30
05 sp legendary cuts #48 .60

2013 Panini America's Pastime Majestic Marks Gold #10 Fergie Jenkins/15 $30.00
TOTAL $360 X 12 = $30

87 fleer headliner #1 .60
90 donruss 712 .10
90 starline long john silvers .40
90 pacific candy #NNO (3) $2ea = $6
90 score #683 (2) .10ea = .20
92 score #885 .10
93 bowman #399 .50
96 flair 125 $1.50
96 fleer update #u214 .50
96 fleer tiffany #180 (2) $2.50ea = $5
96 pacific milestones #m6 $2.50
96 pinnacle slick picks #26 $1.50
96 select team nucleus #6 $2.50
96 spx #44 $1.25
96 ultras on-base leaders #1 .60
97 flair showcase #row 1 seat #163 $2.50
97 select tools of the trade #17 $2
98 aurora on deck laser cuts #18 $2
98 topps gold label #59 .75
98 topps gallery players private issue auction #3 $1.50
99 stadium club #10 .50
00 topps #239c (2), #239e .75ea = $2.25
00 ultra gold medallion #136g $1.50
00 upper deck curtain calls #cc9 $1.25
01 fleer platinum 20th anniversary reprints #2 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
01 topps who would have thought #wwht19 $1.50
02 fleer fall classic series of champions #2 $2
02 fleer tradition update this day in history #u7 $2
02 sp legendary cuts #85 $1
03 donruss anniversary 1983 #17 (2) $1.50ea = $3
05 donruss greats hall of fame souvenirs #hofs-28 $2
06 topps rookie of the week #23 (2) $2ea = $4
09 topps legends of the game #lg-wb $1.25
10 topps cards mom threw out #cmt148 (2) $1.50 = $3
TOTAL $64.75

81 donruss #100 $2.50
81 drake’s #5 $2
82 donruss #15 $2
83 donruss #338 $2
86 leaf #42 $1.50
87 donruss #54 (3) $1ea = $3
89 upper deck #215 (2) $2.50ea = $5
90 bowman #382 .60
90 post #4 $1
90 score #140 .60
90 upper deck #124 $1.25
91 stadium club charter member #2 $1.50
91 topps #540 .60
91 upper deck #525 (2) .60ea = $1.20
92 donruss 143 .60
92 pinnacle #60 (3) $1.25ea = $3.75
92 post #11 (2) .75ea = $1.50
92 topps winners #620 $2
93 fleer final edition diamond tribute #2 $2
93 pinnacle tribute #294 $1
93 upper deck sp5 $1
95 upper deck #449 $2
00 upper deck hitters club epic performance #ep9 (2) $2ea = $4
01 upper deck hall of famers #38 $1.25
03 donruss champions #129 (2) $1.50ea = $3
03 donruss team heroes #235 $1.50
04 leather & lumber #67 (2) $2ea = $4
04 playoff honors #98 (2) $2ea = $4
13 topps chasing history #ch23 $2.50
TOTAL $58.85

92 upper deck #48 .50
13 panini #102 .75
TOTAL $1.25

02 fleer fall classic #48 .50

93 ted Williams #133, 141 ,50ea = $1
10 topps vintage legends #vlc22 (3) $2ea = $6
11 topps lineage #144 (2) .75ea = $1.50
TOTAL $8.50

82 kmart #31 .10
83 topps glossy all-star #29 $1
84 fleer 511 .75
86 donruss 280 .50
86 fleer 151 .50
92 kellogg’s #4 $1
05 topps all-time fan favorites #105 $1

81 topps #630 .75
86 fleer #435 .25
88 fleer #7(3) .15ea = .45
94 upper deck all time heroes #70 .20
00 fleer greats of the game retrospection #9 $1
03 playoff portraits #119 $1.25

80 topps #70 $1.50
81 topps #660 .75
82 fleer #638 (2) .10ea = .20
83 donruss #340 (2) .20ea = .40
87 fleer #4 (2) .25ea = .50
88 fleer #130 (3) .15ea = .45
90 leaf #134 carter (3) .60ea = $1.80
91 leaf #457 carter (3) .20ea = .60
02 upper deck world series #49 .30
12 topps archives #194 .40
TOTAL $6.90

94 upper deck all time heroes #215 .20

00 upper deck hitters club 55 .30
02 ud sweet spot #17 $1
TOTAL $1.30

87 classic yellow #124 .15
88 fleer #415 .15
89 topps #4 .05
89 topps #10 .10
91 leaf #400 dawson .20
92 leaf #183 dawson (2) .15ea = .30
93 pinnacle #497 .30
93 pinnalce slugfest #26 $1.50
94 leaf #142 dawson .30
02 sp legendary cuts #3 .60
TOTAL $3.75

79 tcma #52 .75
03 fleer fall classic #64 .75
TOTAL $1.50

85 tcma home run champs #4 $1
01 topps archives reserve #27 $1.50
06 sp legendary cuts #82 .60
TOTAL $3.10

83 donurss #487 (3) .40ea + $1.20
87 fleer #563 .40
87 topps traded 31t (3) .15ea = .45
88 donruss #349 (3) .15ea = .45
88 fleer #279 (3) .20ea = .60
88 score #104 (3) .15ea = .45
88 topps #72 (3) .15ea = .45
89 donruss #67 (3) .15 = .45
89 donruss all-stars #16 (3) .50ea = $1.50
89 fleer 7 (3) .15ea = .45
89 score #276 .15
89 topps 370 (3) .15ea = .45
89 upper deck 289 (3) .60ea = $1.50
90 donruss #210 (3) .10ea = .30
90 fleer #6 (3) .10ea = .30
90 kmart #29 .40
90 score #315 (3) .10ea = .30
90 topps #670 (3) .10ea = .30
90 upper deck #513 (3) .20ea = .60
91 donruss #270 (3) .10ea = .30
91 fleer #6 (2) .10ea = .20
91 score #485 (2) .10 = .20
91 stadium club #332 (3) .50ea = $1.50
91 topps #250 (3) .10ea = .30
91 upper deck #172 (3) .10ea = .30
92 donruss #147 (3) .10ea = .30
92 score #190 (3) .10ea = .30
92 stadium club #190 .15
92 pinnacle 25 .20
92 topps #738 (3) .10ea = .30
92 ultra #421 .20
92 upper deck 331 (3) .10ea = .30
93 sp #38 .75
93 select #38 (3) .20ea = .60
93 studio 1 (2) .25ea = .50
93 topps 155 (2) .20ea = .40
94 finest #206 $1.25
95 finest #155 $1
96 topps #368 (3) .20ea = .60
97 bowman chrome #37 eckersley .50
TOTAL $20.85

1999 Hillshire Farms Home Run Heroes Autographs #3 Frank Robinson $15.00
TOTAL $180.20 x 12 = $15

95 fleer lumber company #3 $10
$10 x 6 = $1.66

91 upper deck silver slugger #ss5 $8
92 leaf black gold #275 $6
94 donruss dominators #7b $6
95 collectors choice silver signature #105 $6
96 circa boss #49 $8
96 e-xl d-fense #2 $6
96 topps laser cuts #37 $6
01 topps a tradition continues #trc18 $8
01 topps stars players choice awards #pca1 $8
01 ovation superstar theatre #st7 $6
01 spx foundations #f7 $8
01 stadium club stadium shots #ss5 $6
02 donruss super estrellas poder de cuandrangular #cp12 $6
02 fleer triple crown diamond immortality #2 $6
02 topps opening day race to seventy #73 $8
02 topps own the game #og17 $6
02 upper deck big fly zone #z6 $6
02 upper deck superstar summit ss11 $8
02 vintage day at the park #dp5 $6
TOTAL $128 X 7 = $18.28

88 fleer all-star team #4 $6
89 fleer for the record #2 $6
91 fleer all-star #10 $6
93 select aces #1 $8
93 donruss diamond kings #dk3 $6
93 leaf heading for the hall #6 $6
93 studio heritage #3 $8
96 pacific prism #p79 $8
98 pacific silver #215 $8
98 stadium club never compromise #nc9 6
99 omega diamond masters #21 $8
99 upper deck view to a thrill #v30 $6
01 topps a tradition continues #trc27 $6
02 donruss originals mound marvels #mm1 $6
02 fleer genuine tip of the cap #tc15 $6
02 upper deck chasing history #ch3 $6
02 upper deck return of the ace ra9 $6
06 upper deck world baseball classics counterparts #cp15 $6
TOTAL $118 X = 7 = $16.85

87 fleer all-star #11 $10
93 fleer team leaders #al4 $10
97 sp special fx #24 $10
97 score all score team #17 $10
98 omega online #19 $10
98 paramount team checklist #14 $10
98 skybox thunder quick strike #2 $10
99 topps chrome all-etch #ae25 $10
TOTAL $80 X 6 = $13.33

1999 Sports Illustrated Greats of the Game Autographs #38 Al Kaline $50.00
TOTAL $50.12

83 donruss #653 (3) .75ea = $2.25
83 donruss hof heroes #1 $1ea = $2
85 topps woolworth’s #8 (2) ,75ea = $1.50
94 upper deck the American epic #3 (2) .50ea = $1
00 upper deck hitters club #57 $1.25
02 upper deck world series heroes #70 $1.25
04 sp legendary cuts #119 $2
10 topps tales of the game #tog1 (2) $2ea = $4
11 topps kimbal champions #kc-99 $2.50
12 topps gold standard #gs-15 $2.50
12 panini cooperstown #1 $1.50
12 topps what’s in a name #win82 $2.50
TOTAL $24.25

77 tcma renata Galasso #12 .75
98 topps hall of fame collection #hof9 $2
TOTAL $2.75

82 fleer #141 (3) .20ea = .60
83 donruss #3, 78 (3) .20ea = .80
84 fleer #199 .40
02 sp legendary cuts #58 (3) .60ea = $1.80
04 topps fan favorite #144 (2) .75ea = $1.50
08 goudey #136 .50
TOTAL $5.60

81 topps 480 .75
82 fleer 343 .40
83 topps #20 .60
84 fleer #58 .75
88 donruss 260 .15
88 fleer #397 (3) .20ea = .60
91 leaf #384 fisk (3) .30ea = .90
91 o-***-chee premier #45 fisk (3) .40ea = $1.20
01 topps American pie #15 .75
02 sweet spot classic #53 $1
02 upper deck world series heroes #64 .50
07 upper deck 1989 reprints #89ud-cf $2
TOTAL $9.60

06 sp legendary cuts #10 .60

89 pacific legends II #210 .25
92 st. Vincent hall of fame stamps 34 .50
95 sp championship series die cuts #105 $1.50
99 topps hall of fame collection #hof8 $2
03 bowman heritage facsimile signatures 177a, 177b(2) $1.50ea = $4.50
03 fleer box score #222 $2
05 leaf cy young award winners #cyw2 $1.50
05 upper deck wingfield collection #10 $2
10 topps cards mom threw out #cmt64 $1.50
10 topps heritage flashbacks #fb5 $2
10 topps legendary lineage #ll19 $1.25
11 topps lost cards #lc6 $1.25
11 topps heritage flashbacks #bf6 $1.50
13 allen & ginter #56 (2) .60ea -= $1.20
TOTAL 23.85

93 ted Williams #123 .50
02 sweet spot #31 $1.50
03 upper deck play ball 1941 reprints #r9 $2.50
09 topps turkey red #tr3 (2) $2.50ea = $5
TOTAL $9.50

02 upper deck world series #24 .50
12 panini golden age #106 .75
TOTAL $1.25

10 topps 206 $182 (3) $2ea = $6
10 tops national chicle #229 $2
10 topps history of the game #hotg9 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
11 topps legendary lineage #50 (2) $1.50ea = $3
12 panini cooperstown #6 $2
13 panini cooperstown #1 $2

93 ted Williams #142 .25
00 greats of the game #68 $1
11 topps lineage #155 .50
TOTAL $1.75

90 bowman #2 .15
90 score #481 .15
90 topps #506 (2) .15ea = .30
91 leaf #172 .30
91 upper deck #480 .15
92 donruss bc4 (2) .15ea = .30
92 fleer all-stars #6 $1.25
92 ultra all-star #20 $1
92 ultra award winner #7 $1.50
93 fleer all-stars #nl11 $2
94 leaf limited #82 $1.50
95 collectors choice silver signature #59 $1.50
95 score hall of gold #hg65 $2
95 ultra gold medallion #125 $1.50
96 bowman foil #86 $1.25
96 collectors choice silver signature #455 .75
96 score dugout collection #52 $1.25
96 stadium club award winner #3 $2.50
96 topps laser #55 $1.50
96 upper deck #9 .50
98 pinnacle #6 .50
98 score rookie traded #198 .30
98 score team collection #11 $1.25
98 ultra gold medallion #40g $1.50
98 upper deck power zone #pz20 $2
99 private stock #31 .75
00 topps #226 .30
01 bowman #97 .50
01 bowman gold #97 $1.50
02 fleer authentix #117 .60
02 fleer gold back #180 $1.25
02 topps own the game #og26 $2
02 topps total total topps #tt16 $1.25
04 bazooka mini #107 $1.25
04 bowman heritage black & white #1 $1.50
04 mlb showdown pennant run #107 .75
05 bazooka gold #7 $1.25
07 topps update #206 .50
07 fleer crowning achievement #ca-tg $1.50
08 sp authentic authentic achievements #aa5 $1.25
08 topps trading card history #tch37 $1.50
09 topps legends of the game #lg-tgl $1.25
TOTAL $45.80

02 sp legendary cuts #44 $1

81 fleer #89 .25
82 fleer #37 (2) .20ea = .40
82 topps #557 .15
83 donruss #157 (2) .20ea = .40
88 fleer #583 (3) .15ea = .45
89 fleer #425 .10
92 leaf #474 gossage .15
02 greats #55 $1
TOTAL $2.90

85 topps #77 (2) $1ea = $2
87 topps #599 .15p
88 fleer #634 .20
88 leaf #90 .75
88 topps #360 .30
88 topps #402 .15
89 donruss #bc-20 .30
89 fleer #305 .30
89 kmart #29 .75
89 topps #570 .30
90 donruss #bc4 (2) .30ea = .60
90 donruss #705 (3) .15ea = .45
90 jumbo sunflower seeds #11 $2.50
90 score #685 (2) .15ea = .30
90 topps #730 (2) .30ea = .60
90 upper deck #344 (3) .60ea = $1.80
91 upper deck #255 (3) .30ea = .90
92 bowman #50 $1.50
92 colla all-star game #18 $1.50
92 leaf black gold #206 $2
92 topps gold winners #270 $1
92 ultra #277 .60
92 ultra gwynn s1(2), s2 $1ea = $3
93 leaf gold stars #9 $1.50
93 topps gold #5 $1.50
94 collectors choice silver #344 $1.25
94 fleer team leaders #27 $1.50
94 leaf statistical standouts #9 $1.50
94 sp die cut #130 $2.50
94 ultra hitting machines #6 $1.50
94 upper deck electric diamond #279 $1
95 collectors choice silver signature #61 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
95 fleer league leaders #6 $1.50
95 leaf limited bat patrol #2 $1.50
95 leaf limited gold #20 $1.50
95 national packtime #15 $1.25
95 studio gold #25 $1.50
95 uc3 cyclone squad #cs13 $1.25
95 ultra hitting machines #7 $1.50
95 ultra league leaders #6 $1.50
96 collectors choice silver signature #2 (2) .50ea = $1
96 denny’s #15(2) $1.50ea = $3
96 fleer road warriors #2 $1.50
96 fleer update #u224 $1
96 leaf all-star game mvp contenders #8 (2) $2ea = $4
96 sportflix #9 $1
96 ultra checklist #4 $1.25
96 ultra on base leaders #3 $1.25
96 upper deck v.j. lovero showcase #vj19 $2.50
97 collector’s choice stick-ums #19 $1
97 fleer headliners #7 (2) .60ea = $1.20
97 score premium stock #249 $1.25
97 topps #410 .60
97 topps seasons best #sb1 (2) $2.50ea = $5
97 ultra double trouble #19 $1
97 ultra smooth leather #6 $1.25
97 ultra top 30 #12 $1.50
97 upper deck #378 .50
97 upper deck #492 (2) $1ea = $2
97 upper deck hot commodities #hc16 (2) $2ea = $4
97 upper deck memorable moments #5 $1
98 aurora pennant fever #1 $1.25
98 circa boss #8 $2
98 starquest #sq43 (2) .75ea = $1.50
98 starquest single #sq19 .60
98 crown royale diamond knights #18 $1.50
98 crown royale pillars of the game #21 $1.50
98 donruss elite #9 $1
98 pacific invincible gems of the diamond #209 $1
98 pinnacle mint bronze #8 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
98 sports illustrated #189 .50
98 sports illustrated then & now #48 .50
98 upper deck #15, 136 .50ea = $1
98 upper deck 10th anniversary preview retail #55 .75
99 crown royale pillars of the game #20 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
99 crown royale pivotal players #21 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
99 fleer tradition #43 (2) $1ea = $2
99 pacific invincible sandlot heroes #17a, 17b(2) .75ea = $2.25
99 pacific invincible seismic force #17a(2), 17B(3) .75EA = $3.75
99 paramount gold #198 (2) $1.50ea= $3
99 skybox premium live bats #10 (2) $1.50ea = $3
99 stadium club #126 $1
99 ud choice starquest #sq8 $1
99 ultimate victory stature #s12 (2) $1ea = $2
99 ultra rbi kings #13 $1.25
99 ultra the book on #13 (2) $2.50ea = $5
99 upper deck 10th anniversary #x8 $2
99 upper deck hologrfx #50 $1.25
99 upper deck mvp swing time #s4 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
99 upper deck power deck auxillary #9 (3) .50ea = $1.50
99 upper deck textbook excellence #t24 $2.50
00 aurora pennant fever #16 $2.50
00 crown royale feature attractions #23 (3) $1ea = $3
00 crown royale final numbers #21 (2) $1ea = $2
00 finest finest moments #fm3 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
00 fleer focus focal points #2 $1.25
00 fleer tradition #346 .75
00 fleer tradition dividends #9 (2) .75ea = $1.50
00 fleer tradition grasskickers #1 (2) $2.50ea = $5
00 impact mighty fine in 99 #35 .75
00 metal hit machines #4 (2) $2.50ea = $5
00 pacific diamond leaders #29 $2.50
00 pacific invincible kings of the diamond #25 (2) .75ea = $1.50
00 opening day 2k 31 $1.25
00 private stock ps-2000 action #48 (2) $1ea = $2
00 sp authentic midsummer classic #mc8 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
00 spx $56 $1.25
00 spx spxcitement #xc15 (2) $2.50ea = $5
00 skybox dominion #19 (2) .50ea = $1.00
00 skybox dominion double play #8 $1.25
00 skybox e-ticket #9 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
00 stadium club capture the action #ca19 (2) $2.50ea = $5
00 topps #40c, 240e $1.25ea = $2.50
00 topps hands of gold #hg5 (2) $2.50ea = $5
00 topps stars all-star authority #as5 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
00 topps stars walk of fame #wf13 $2
00 ud ionix atomic #a11 $2.50
00 ultimate victory #76 .75
00 ultra diamond mine #11 (2) $2.50ea = $5
00 upper deck faces of the game #f10 $2.50
00 upper deck gold reserve setting the standard #s1 $2.50
00 upper deck hit brigade #h2 (2) $2.50ea = $5
00 upper deck hitters club accolades #a2 (2) $2.50ea = $5
00 upper deck hitters club epic performance #ep6 (2) $1ea = $2
00 upper deck hitters club generations of excellence #ge7 (3) $1.50ea = $4.50
00 upper deck ovation #38 $1
00 upper deck ovation curtain calls #cc6 (2) $2ea = $4
00 upper deck pros & prospects #78 $1
00 upper deck pros & prospects best in the bigs #b2 $2.50
01 stadium club #15 (2) .75ea = $1.50
01 ultra decade of dominance #6 $2
01 ultra greatest hits #9 $2
01 upper deck #229 $1
01 upper deck big league beat #bb13 (2) $1ea = $2
01 upper deck most wanted #mw6 (2) $2.50ea = $5
02 fleer tradition diamond tributes #2 (2) $1.50ea = $3
02 upper deck heroes of baseball #htg6 $2
03 donruss estrellas leyendas del pasado #lp9 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
TOTAL 272.85

82 donruss #113 $2.50
82 fleer #92 $2.50
90 fleer baseball mvps #17 .60
90 jumbo sunflower seeds #13 $1.25
90 post #25 .75
91 leaf gold rookies #bc26 (2) $1.50ea = $3
91 mother’s a’s #4 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
91 silverstar holograms #1 $1.25ea = $2.50
91 ultra gold #5 (3) $1ea = $3
91 upper deck #636 .25
91 upper deck silver slugger #ss3 (2) $2ea = $4
92 bowman #166 $1.25
92 mother’s a’s #4 (2) $2ea = $4
92 upper deck #782 .15
92 upper deck fanfest #27 (3) $1ea = $3
93 denny’s #3 (2) $1.50ea = $3
94 collector’s choice #131 (2) $2ea = $3
94 stadium club golden rainbow #107 $2.50
96 circa boss #48 $2.50
97 select #50 .75
98 paramount copper #80 $1.50
98 score team collection #1 (2) $2ea = $5
00 fleer tradition glossy #390 $1.50
00 topps #233 .50
00 upper deck hitters club generations of excellence #ge8 $1.50
01 donruss retro 1999 #45 $1.50
01 topps golden anniversary #ga18 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
01 playoff portraits #142 $2
03 topps record breakers #rb-rh $2.50
11 topps diamond duos #dd-hj $1.50
13 topps update franchise forerunners #ff9 $1.50
13 topps chasing history #ch8 $1.25
TOTAL 73.75

77-84 galasso glossy greats #15 .40
93 action packed #137 .75
02 topps super teams #87 $1.50

11 topps cmgr reprints #cmgr-23 $1.25

02 sp legendary cuts .60

02 sp legendary cuts #9 $1

93 ted Williams #136 (2) .40ea = .80
93 ted Williams #146 .25
02 sweet spot #72 $1

82 fleer #320 (2) .20ea = .40
01 upper deck hall of famers #13 .25
02 sp legendary cuts #25 .60
03 topps all time fan favorites #45 .60

96 collectors choice #502 .50
96 collectors choice silver signature #502 $1.25
02 sweet spot #11 $1.50

02 sp legendary cuts #30 .60
05 upper deck classics #39 .60

93 ted Williams #127 .40
98 sports illustrated then & now #16(2) .30ea = .60
02 sweet spot #37 $1
05 origins old judge #110 $2.50
06 greats of the game #72 $1.25
12 topps archives reprints #191 $1.25
13 topps gypsy queen variation #304 $2

00 upper deck hitters club #54 (2) .75ea = $1.50

83 donruss #571 .20
03 topps 205 #74 .75
07 allen & ginter #259 .50

83 donruss #136 .40

02 greats of the game #42 $1

03 topps gallery artist proof #31 $1.25

2014 Topps Five Star Silver Signatures Purple #FSSSJP Jim Palmer $50.00

TOTAL $600.15 x 12 = $50.00
Any interest in higher end gued? Have a couple of Ted Williams.

One with bv $60...I'd trade for $40 in lower end autos of yours

and one with bv $80...I'd trade for $60 in autos

edited post

1999 Sports Illustrated Greats of the Game Autographs #38 Al Kaline $50.00

01 finest all-stars #fas8 $10
$10 x 6 = $1.66

91 upper deck silver slugger #ss5 $8
92 leaf black gold #275 $6
94 donruss dominators #7b $6
95 collectors choice silver signature #105 $6
96 circa boss #49 $8
96 e-xl d-fense #2 $6
96 topps laser cuts #37 $6
01 topps a tradition continues #trc18 $8
01 topps stars players choice awards #pca1 $8
01 ovation superstar theatre #st7 $6
01 spx foundations #f7 $8
01 stadium club stadium shots #ss5 $6
02 donruss super estrellas poder de cuandrangular #cp12 $6
02 fleer triple crown diamond immortality #2 $6
02 topps opening day race to seventy #73 $8
02 topps own the game #og17 $6
02 upper deck big fly zone #z6 $6
02 upper deck superstar summit ss11 $8
02 vintage day at the park #dp5 $6
TOTAL $128 X 7 = $18.28

88 fleer all-star team #4 $6
93 select aces #1 $8
93 studio heritage #3 $8
96 pacific prism #p79 $8
98 pacific silver #215 $8
98 stadium club never compromise #nc9 6
99 omega diamond masters #21 $8
02 donruss originals mound marvels #mm1 $6
02 fleer genuine tip of the cap #tc15 $6
02 upper deck chasing history #ch3 $6
94 finest #217 $6
94 pinnacle museum collection #25 $6
95 pacific prisms #12 $6
95 topps embossed golden idols #106 $6
98 stadium club never compromise #nc9 $6
98 upper deck 10th anniversary preview #3 $6
99 omega 5 tool talents #5 $6
99 revolution tripleheader #26 $6
TOTAL $118 X = 7 = $16.85

87 fleer all-star #11 $10
93 fleer team leaders #al4 $10
97 sp special fx #24 $10
97 score all score team #17 $10
98 omega online #19 $10
98 skybox thunder quick strike #2 $10
99 topps chrome all-etch #ae25 $10
98 sports illustrated covers #8 $10
TOTAL $80 X 6 = $13.33

1999 Sports Illustrated Greats of the Game Autographs #38 Al Kaline $50.00
TOTAL $50.12
82 kmart #23 (2) .15ea = .30
83 donruss 115 (3) .40ea = $1.20
86 fleer future hall of famer #6 $1.25
87 topps #312 .10
90 upper deck Jackson heroes #’s 1(3), 2, 6 (3), 8 (3), 9 $1.50ea = $16.50
93 upper deck clark #c1, c2 $2ea = $4
93 upper deck 5th anniversary #a9 .75
99 topps hall of fame collection #hof6 (2) $2ea = $4
01 post #8 $1.50ea = $3
01 upper deck bellbottomed bashers #bb1 $2
01 upper deck fiorentino #f14 $2.50
06 topps rookie of the week #11 (2) $2ea = $4
08 upper deck hit parade of champions #hpc-25 $1
09 topps legends of the game #lg-rj $1.25
10 topps tales of the game #tog-14 $1.50
10 topps cards your mom threw out #cmt26 (3) $1.50ea = $4.50
10 topps legendary lineage #ll13 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
12 topps gold standard #gs-34 (2) $1ea = $2
13 topps calling card #cc11 $1
15 topps free agent 40 #f40-11 (2) $1ea = $2

90 bowman 468 .50
90 fleer 518 (3) .50ea = $1.50
90 score 415 .50
90 upper deck 563 $1
92 fleer smoke N heat 11 $2
93 sp 132 $2
93 topps gold 460 $1.25
94 collectors choice silver signature 307 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
94 donruss special edition 72 $1.50
94 fleer all-stars 12 $1
94 pinnacle the naturals #10 .75
94 topps gold 290 $2
94 ultra strike out kings 1 $1.25
95 collectors choice silver signature 74 (3) $2ea = $6
95 collectors choice se silver signature #123 $2.50
95 pacific mariners 5 .60
95 pacific mariners 14 .60
95 pacific mariners 34(2) $1.25ea = $2.50
95 pacific national packtime 3 (2) $1ea = $2
95 score gold rush 222 $2.50
95 sp silver 189 (2) $2.50ea = $5.00
95 studio gold 48 $1.25ea
95 summit special delivery 193 .40
95 ultra league leaders 4 $1.25
96 bowmans best #21 $1
96 collectors choice silver signature 365 .75
96 fleer post-season glory 4 (3) .40ea = $1.20
96 fleer smoke n heat 5 $1.25
96 fleer update #u227 .75
96 leaf preferred steel 60 $2.50
96 pinnacle aficionado slick picks #25 $2.50
96 score record numbers $2.50
96 summit foil 110 .75
96 topps classic confrontations cc11 (3) .40ea = 1.20
96 topps laser cuts 56 $2.50
96 topps profiles al-06 $1.25
96 ultra season crowns 3 $2.50
96 upper deck diamond destiny dd37 $2.50
96 upper deck v.j. lovero vj12 $2
95 pacific 189 .75
97 pinnacle xpress #96 .50
97 pinnacle xpress #142 .30
98 bowman international 257 $2.50
98 fleer tradition diamond standouts 10 $2
98 fleer vintage 63 #56 $1
98 skybox dugout access dishwashers d4 $1.25
98 sports illustrated #51 .50
98 sports illustrated covers 8 $2.50
98 ultra gold medallion 80g $2.50
98 ultra gold medallion 217g $2.50
99 fleer tradition vintage 61 #36 (2) .75ea = $1.50
99 paramount gold 15 $1.25
99 stadium club #136 .75
99 ud choice starquest blue sq12 .75
99 upper deck 10th anniversary team #x10 $1.50
99 upper deck encore upper realm u10 $2
00 black diamond diamonations #d2 $2.50
00 crown royale final numbers 1 $1
00 fleer showcase noise of summer 10 $2.50
00 impact mighty fine in 99 28 (2) .75ea = $1.50
00 spx highlight heroes hh6 $2.50
00 spx spx-citement xc11 (2) $2.50ea = $5.00
00 skybox e-ticket 15 $1.25
00 topps combos tc7 $2.50
00 topps chrome combos tc7 $2.50
00 topps home team advantage 51 $1
00 topps own the game otg19 $2.50
00 topps own the game otg27 $2.50
00 topps chrome own the game otg27 $2.50
00 ultimate victory lasting impressions l9 $2.50
00 upper deck faces of the game f12 $2.50
00 upper deck ionix biorhythm b1 $2.50
00 upper deck mvp pure grit g10 $1.25
00 upper deck ovation curtain calls cc10 $2
00 upper deck pennant driven pd10 $1.25
01 bowman heritage #71 $1
01 donruss retro 99 #19 (2) $1.50ea = $3.00
01 donruss retro 2000 #20 $1.50
01 fleer tradition diamond tributes 22 $1.50
01 stadium club 5 .75
01 stadium club capture the action #ca11 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
01 stadium club diamond pearls dp14 $2
01 topps golden anniversary ga30 (2) $2.50ea = $5.00
01 topps heritage new age performers nap7 $2.50
01 topps noteworthy tn11 $1.50
01 topps stars progression p8 $1.50
01 ultra decade of dominance 9 1.50
01 upper deck big league beat bb9 .75
01 upper deck midsummer classic moments cm9 $2
01 upper deck mvp super tools st15 (2) $2.50ea = $5.00
01 upper deck superstar summitss2 (2) $2ea = $4
01 upper deck matinee idols #m7 $1.25
02 donruss super estrellas precision de lanzamiento pl3 $2.50
02 fleer tradition diamond tributes 11 $1.25
02 topps all-world aw23 $2
02 topps total 50 .50
02 topps total total topps tt26 $2
02 upper deck ballpark idols playmakers p9 (2) $2ea = $4
02 upper deck world series heroes #26 .75
02 vintage #293 .50
03 donruss elite all-time career best at31 (2) $2.50ea = $5.00
03 donruss estrellas precision de lanzamiento pp2 $2.50
03 fleer authentix ballpark classics 2 (2) $2.50ea = $5.00
03 fleer focus jersey edition franchise 2 $2.50
03 fleer focus jersey edition team colors 20 $2.50
03 topps blue backs bb26 $2.50
03 topps heritage new age performers na11 $2.50
03 topps heritage then and now tn9 $2.50
03 topps hobby masters hm17 (2) $2.50ea = $5.00
03 topps record breakers rb-rj 2.50
03 ultra double up 8 $2.50
03 ultra photo effex 13 $2.50
03 upper deck mvp express delivery ed1 $2.50
04 bazooka mini 140A black jersey $2
04 bazooka mini 140B white jersey $2
04 bazooka red chunks 140 $2
04 fleer tradition 64 .75
04 playoff prestige changing stripes cs7 $2.50
04 sp authentic 74 $1
04 topps hobby masters hm14 $2.50
04 ultra ultra performers 5 $2.50
04 upper deck etchings #27 $1.25
05 bazooka gold 47 $2
05 bowman gold 40 $2.50
05 cracker jack mini sticker 150 $2
05 fleer Americas national pastime grand old gamers 6 $2.50
05 fleer authentix show stoppers 8 $2.50
05 fleer classic clippings press clippings 8 $2.50
05 fleer diamond tributes 13 $2.50
05 leaf 259 $2
05 leaf cy young winners #cyw13 $2.50
05 topps all-stars tas5 $2.50
05 topps hobby masters hm17 $2.50
05 topps heritage new age performers nap15 $2.50
05 topps heritage then and now tn5 $2.50
05 topps own the game og29 $2.50
05 topps total domination 50 $1.50
06 fleer smoke n heat sh-11 (2) $2.50ea = $5.00
06 topps #460 .50
06 ultra midsummer classic mck5 $2.50
06 ultra strikeout kings sok4 (2) $2.50ea = $5.00
07 allen & ginter #209 .75
07 upper deck holiday inn 23 (2) $,75ea = $1.50
08 upper deck 20th anniversary retrospectives ud58 .75
09 topps legends of the game #lg-rjo (2) $1.25ea = $2,50
10 upper deck biography sb17 (2) $1.50ea = $3.00
10 upper deck biography sb70 (2) $1.50ea = $3.00
13 hometown heroes city hall #ch3 $1.50
13 pinnacle awaiting the call #ac4 $1.50
14 stadium club legends #ldc4 $2
14 topps gypsy queen dealing aces da-rj $1
14 topps museum collection 68 $1.25
15 topps free agent 40 f40-10 $1

89 topps #240 .50
90 topps #715 (3) .40ea = $1.20
90 upper deck #213 (2) .75ea = $1.50
91 topps #35 .40
91 upper deck #115 .40
92 leaf #294 .60
92 topps gold winner #580 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
93 o-***-chee star performers #19 $1.25
93 topps black gold #12 $1.25
93 topps gold #409 (3) $1.25ea + $3.75
94 fleer award winners #4 $2
94 leaf statistical standouts #5 (2) $2ea = $4
94 ultra all-star #20 $2
94 ultra strikeout kings #3 (3) $2ea = $6
95 fleer award winners #4 (2) $2ea = $4
95 fleer diamond tribute #8 (3) $1.25ea = $3.75
95 fleer update headliners #13 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
95 leaf great gloves #11 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
95 leaf limited gold #15 (2) $2ea = $4
95 stadium club members only 50 #30 $2.50
95 studio gold series #6 $2
95 topps embossed #109 $1.25
95 topps league leaders #ll24 $2.50
95 ultra league leaders #8 (2) $2ea = $4
95 ultra strikeout kings #4 $2
96 collectors choice you make the play #22 (2) .75ea $1.50
96 denny’s #1 $1.50
96 fleer golden memories #3 (2) $1.50ea = $3
96 fleer update #u232 $1.25
96 topps #318 .75
97 fleer headliners #11 (3) .75ea = $2.25
98 collectors choice starquest $sq25 (2) $1ea = $2
98 crown royale diamond knights #3 (2) $2ea = $4
98 crown royale pillars of the game #4 (2) $2ea = $4
98 pacific invincible gems of the diamond #122 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
99 crown royale pillars of the game #3(2) $1.50ea = $3
99 crown royale pivotal players #3 $1.50
99 pacific invinbile seismic force #3a, 3b(2) $1ea = $3
99 revolution #15 $2
99 topps picture perfect #p5 (2) $1.50ea = $3
99 upper deck 10th anniversary team #x20 $2.50
99 upper deck power deck auxiliary #aux-8 (3) .60ea = $1.80
00 crown royale feature attractions #3 $1.25ea = $2.50
00 fleer glossy #8 $2
00 topps all-topps #at1 (3) $1.25ea = $3.75
00 upper deck statitude #s5 $2
00 vanguard high voltage #6 (2) .75ea = $1.50
01 donruss 1999 retro #20 $2.50
01 fleer premium grip it rip it #3 $2
01 topss combos #tc14 $2.50
03 victory #10 $1
04 spx #91 $1.50
06 fleer #101 $1.25
07 allen & ginter dick perez sketches #23(2) $1.50ea = $3
07 upper deck #356 $1.25
07 upper deck future stars #77 $1.50
08 topps opening day flapper cards #fc-gm (2) $2ea = $4
08 upper deck 20th anniversary #ud59 (3) .60ea = $1.80
15 topps archetypes #a20 $1.50
15 topps free agent 40 # f40-8 $1.50

2005 Upper Deck Hall of Fame Seasons Autograph #LB1 Lou Brock 74 $40.00
TOTAL 480.60 X 12 = $40
01 post #6 (2) .75ea = $1.50
01 topps noteworthy #tn46 $1.50
04 greats of the game #24 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
04 ud legends timeless teams #5 $1
12 panini golden age #97 $1.25
13 allen & ginter #145 $1
TOTAL $8.75

82 kmart #4 (3) .25ea = .75
90 topps #665 (3) .50ea = $1.50
00 upper deck legends #28 (3) $1.50ea = $4.50
02 upper deck world series heroes #30 (2) $2ea = $4
11 topps lineage #1 (3) $1.50ea = $4.50
12 topps golden giveaway code cards #ggc10 (2) $2.50ea = $5
12 topps gypsy queen #290 $2
13 topps allen & ginter #10 $2
13 topps chasing history #ch50 $2.50
TOTAL $26.75

96 metal #192 .50
98 donruss mlb 99 #5 .40
98 topps gold label class 1 #45 .75
98 topps gold label class 2 #45 $2.00
98 upper deck #6 .60
99 flair row 2 seat #58 $1
99 flair row 3 seat #58 .75
99 stadium club #115 (2) .50ea = $1
98 topps #95 .30
99 topps picture perfect #p3 (2) .60ea = $1.20
99 topps stars one star #56 .60
99 ultimate victory stature #s14 .50
99 upper deck power deck auxiliary #aux23 (2) .25ea .50
00 crown royale feature attraction #6 .60
00 e-x #15 .60
00 fleer showcase consummate prose #13 (2) $1ea = $2
00 impact mighty fine in 99 #29 .50
00 metal #44 .40
00 pacific invincible diamond aces #6 (2) .50ea = $1
00 skybox e-ticket #10 (2) .75ea = $1.50
00 skybox speed merchants #7 (2) .75ea = $1.50
00 topps stars all-star authority #as8 $1.50
00 ud biorhythm #b10 $1.50
00 ultimate victory lasting impressions #l4 $1.50
00 upper deck gold reserve 24kt gold #k1 $1.50
00 upper deck mvp second season standouts #ss1 .75
00 upper deck pros & prospects #27 .60
01 topps golden anniversary #ga29 $1.50
01 topps heritage new age performers #nap12 $2.50
01 ultra greatest hits of pedro Martinez #8 $1
01 upper deck big league beat #bb14 (2) .50ea = $1
01 upper deck lead performers #lp8 (2) $1.50ea = $3
01 upper deck midsummer classic #cm18 $1.25
01 upper deck matinee idols #m19 .75
02 donruss estrellas precision de lanzamiento #pl1 $1.50
02 vintage #72 .50
03 bowman #109 .50
04 bazooka #101a .60
04 upper deck etchings #52 (2) .75ea = $1.50
04 upper deck first pitch #89 .50
05 ultra follow the leader #14 $1.50
05 upper deck espn #15 .50
05 upper deck first pitch #34 .50
05 upper deck trilogy #77 $1.50
06 ultra midsummer classic kings #mck9 $1.50
07 topps #500 .30
08 sp authentic authentic achievements #aa31 $1.25
08 topps stars #ts24 $1.25
TOTAL 49.75

99 topps hall of fame collection #hof5 $2
03 fleer milestones #1 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
03 topps record breakers #rm-em $2.50
04 upper deck famous quotes #q8 $2.50
11 topps 60 years of topps #63 $2
TOTAL $16.50

96 collectors choice #503 .50
01 upper deck hall of famers #58 .40

01 topps #380 .20
04 sp legendary cuts #7 .75
06 allen & ginter #280 .60
08 turkey red #72 .75
TOTAL $2.30

93 action packed #13 .75
05 sweet spot classic #48 $1.25
05 upper deck classics #57 (2) $1ea = $2

82 fleer #148 .20
83 donruss #484 (3) .20ea = .60
88 donruss #7, 249 (3) .10ea = .40
88 fleer #169 (3) .15ea = .45
88 topps o-***-chee sticker backs #42 .25
89 donruss #291 (3) .10ea = .30
89 topps #110 .10
90 bowman 399 .10
90 donruss #103 (3) .10ea = .30
90 donruss #bc15 (3) 10ea = .30
90 fleer 330 (2) .10ea = .20
90 leaf #242 (2) .60ea = $1.20
90 topps #360 .10
91 leaf #302 .20
91 score #49 (3) .10ea = .30
91 upper deck #324 (3) .10 = .30
92 donruss #51 (3) .10ea = .30
93 pinnacle #428 .30
94 fleer team leaders #14 .50
95 pinnacle museum #297 $1
95 studio platinum #10 $2.50
95 summit #186 .15
97 collectors choice stick-ums #4 .30
97 metal #212 .30
97 topps chrome #53 .75ea = $1.50
98 topps minted in cooperstown #291 (2) $2.50ea = $5
13 topps gypsy queen #113 $1
TOTAL $18.15

82 kmart #30 (2) .10ea - .20
83 donruss #438 (3) .20ea = .60
98 sports illustrated #22 .30
03 vintage #172 .30
11 topps lineage #193 .30
TOTAL $1.70

82 topps #390 $1.25
83 donruss #405 (3) .75ea = $2.25
83 topps glossy send-ins #37 $1.25
84 nestle dream team #1 $2
86 topps glossy send-ins #33 .75
87 fleer limited edition #31 (2) .50ea $1
87 sportflics #75 $1
87 topps stickers #224 (2) .25ea = .50
88 fleer #567 (3) .30ea = .90
88 panini sticker #442 $1.25
88 score #18 .20
88 topps #4 .15
89 score #94 .25
89 topps #625 (2) .25ea = .50
90 donruss #77 (3) .25ea = .75
90 fleer #404 (3) .25ea = ,75
91 jumbo sunflower seeds #24 $1.25
90 leaf #181 $1.50
90 score #80 (3) .25ea = .75
90 topps mini leaders #60 .75
90 upper deck 277 (3) .50ea = $1.50
91 donruss #502 (3) .25ea = .75
91 score #310 (3) .25ea = .75
91 topps #590 (2) .25ea = .50
91 upper deck #237 (3) .25ea = .75
91 upper deck silver slugger #ss6 $2
92 donruss #392 .25
92 topps #780 (2) .25ea = .50
93 donruss mvps #10 $2
93 topps gold #430 $1.25
93 upper deck then & now #tn14 (2) $2ea = $4
94 fleer update diamond tribute #8 .40
94 score gold rush #36 $2
94 stadium club golden rainbow #542 $1.50
95 collectors choice silver signature #265 $2
95 sp silver #148 (2) $2.50ea = $5
95 sp championship die cut #98 $1.50
95 score gold rush #257 $2.50
95 stadium club super team world series #186 $1.25
95 ultra gold medallion #39 (2) $2.50ea = $5
96 bowman’s best 41 $1
96 fleer golden memories #7 $1
96 leaf limited #67 $1.50
96 leaf preferred #68 (2) .75ea = $1.50
96 pinnacle aficionado slick picks #32 $1
96 pinnacle power #17 (3) $1.50ea = $4.50
96 pinnacle starburst #46 (2) $2ea = $4
96 pinnacle starburst #81 $1.25
96 score dugout collection #a65 $2
96 topps masters of the game #mg3 $2.50
96 topps chrome masters of the game #mg3 $1.25
97 fleer decade of excellence #9 (2) $1ea = $2
97 score premium stock #46 $1
97 topps chrome #163 $1.25
97 ultra gold medallion #398 $2.50
02 fleer fall classic #33 $1.25
02 greats of the game #76 $2.50
02 sweet spot classics #33 $1.50
03 donruss anniversary 1983 #14 (2) $1ea = $2
03 donruss team heroes #65 ,30
05 diamond kings team timeline #tt18 (2) $2.50ea = $5
05 sweet spot classic #27 .75
05 ud past time pennants #25 .50
05 upper deck mvp batter up #bu-12 $1
10 topps cards your mom threw out #cmt30 $1
10 topps vintage legends #vlc37 (2) .75ea = $1.50
11 topps 60 years of topps #28 .75
11 topps kimbal champions #kc-74 .60
14 classic legendary lumberjacks #9 .75
TOTAL $101.95

82 fleer #444 (3) .20ea = .60
83 donruss #97 (3) .20ea = .60
98 classic red #198, 199, 200 .50ea = $1.50
05 upper deck classics #76 .60

84 donruss #576 .75
02 sp legendary cuts 46 .60
05 ud all-star classics #86 .30

04 topps cracker jack #133 .40

93 action packed #12 .30
04 sp legendary cuts #100 .50
09 goodwin champions mini #112 $1

81 fleer #91 (3) .25ea = .75
82 fleer #445 (3) .20ea = .60
92 upper deck fanfest #49 .20
99 sports illustrated greats of the game cover collection #43 $1
02 sweet spot classics #57 $1

2013 Panini Cooperstown Signatures #BIL Billy Williams/330 $20.00

TOTAL $240.00 X 12 = $20
88 donruss baseball’s best #222 .40
89 fleer baseball’s all-stars #26 .50
90 fleer #1 league standouts #1 $1.25
90 leaf #18 $1
91 fleer all-stars #2 $1.25
91 leaf #168 (2) .30ea = .60
91 upper deck silver signature #ss18 $1.25
93 fleer all-stars #nl4 $2
93 hostess #8 (2) .40ea = .80
93 pinnacle cooperstown #26 .40
93 ultra all-stars #4 $2
93 upper deck clutch performers #r13 .75
93 upper deck diamond gallery #22 .50
93 upper deck looss collection #wi21 (2) $1ea = $2
94 donruss diamond kings #dk17 $1.50
94 fleer team leaders #17 .75ea = $1.50
94 post #12 .25
94 score dream team sample #5 (2) $1ea = $2
95 leaf great gloves #9 .50
95 leaf limited bat patrol #18 .75
95 score hall of gold #hg8 $2
95 stadium club #35 .50
95 studio gold #37 ,75
95 ultra award winners gold medallion #14 $1.25
95 upper deck special edition #163 $1.25
96 collectors choice silver signature #707 .50
96 circa boss #31 $1.50
96 fleer update #u230 .50
96 leaf preferred #38 .50
96 score #516 .20
96 score dugout collection #b87 .75
96 score gold stars #14 $1.50
96 stadium club #197 .75
96 stadium club extreme winners bronze #ew6 (2) $1.50ea = $3
96 ultra prime leather #13 $1.50
96 upper deck diamond destiny #dd15 (3) $1.50ea = $4.50
96 upper deck predictor #h37 $1
97 collectors choice stick-ums #11 .50
97 sp marquee matchups #mm18 $1.25
97 select #92 .50
97 topps inter-league matchups #ilm6 $1.50
98 bowman’s best #92 .60
98 sp legendary cuts #70 .60
98 upper deck 10th anniversary #43 $2
99 ultra gold medallion #7 $1.50
99 upper deck century legends #72 .50
00 topps chrome all-topps #at6 $1.50
00 ud ionix reciprocal #r48 (2) $2.50ea = $5
00 ultra gold medallion #157 $1.50
01 stadium club #7 .50
02 fleer 176 .60
02 fleer genuine #11 .60
02 fleer tradition lumber company #12 $1.50
02 ultra gold medallion #95 $1.50
03 bazooka mini #11 $1.25
03 donruss 259 .50
03 playoff prestige connections #c20 $1.50
04 playoff honors #58 .60
10 topps cards mom threw out #cmt152 $1.50
11 topps kimbal champions #kc79 $1
TOTAL $71.15

93 action packed #102 .50
02 great #58 $2.50
02 sweet spot #24 $1.50
05 sweet spot #59 $2
11 topps cmgr-22 $2
TOTAL $8.50

83 topps #715 .60
02 sweet spot #63 $1
11 topps lineage #33 .30
13 allen & ginter #206 .40
14 gypsy queen mini #215 $1.25
TOTAL $3.55

87 classic update yellow #112 .75
87 donruss #149 (2) .75ea = $1.50
87 fleer star stickers #92 .50
87 topps #450 .50
87 topps glossy send ins #57 (2) $1ea = $2
88 fleer 638(3) .20ea = .60
88 fleer star stickers #45 .50
88 topps glossy send ins #27 $1
89 topps #403 (3) .15ea = .45
89 topps #650 .25
89 upper deck #376 $1
90 donruss #269 (3) .25ea = .75
90 donruss #683 (3) .15ea = .45
90 donruss #bc8 (3) .25ea = .75
90 fleer #383 .25ea = .75
90 fleer #635 (3) .15ea = .45
90 fleer all star team #7 (3) .60 = $1.80
90 kmart #22 (2) .60ea = $1.20
90 leaf #123 $1.50
90 panini #105 $1
90 panini #199 .25
90 post #33 .60
90 score #400 .25
90 score #690 (2) .15ea = .30
90 upper deck #48 (2) .30ea = .60
90 upper deck #236 (3) .50ea = $1.50
91 fleer pro-visions #1 .75
91 post #28 .60
91 score #891 .15
91 topps cracker jack #34 (2) .60ea = $1.20
91 upper deck #544 (3) .25ea = .75
92 donruss mcdonalds #21 .50
92 studio heritage #bc14 $2
92 topps gold winners #575 (3) .75ea = $2.25
92 ultra award winners #23 (2) $2.50ea = $5
92 upper deck team mvp holograms #41 .60
92 upper deck willaims best #t9 $1.25
93 fleer atlantic #18 .50
93 topps #200 (2) .50ea = $1
93 topps black gold #40 .75
93 topps micro #290 (2) $1ea = $2
93 topps micro #406.10ea = .20
93 upper deck clutch performers #r17 $1.25
93 upper deck future heroes #61 (3) $1.25ea = $3.75
93 upper deck home run heroes #hr24 $1.25
93 upper deck on deck with #d19 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
93 upper deck triple crown #tc6 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
94 bowman’s best r75 $1.25
94 collector’s choice silver signature #319 (3), 353 $1.25ea = $5
94 donruss dominators #5 $2.50
94 flair outfield power #8 (2) $2.50ea = $5
94 pacific silver prisms circular #11 $2.50
94 pinnacle the naturals #11 $1
94 upper deck electric diamond #289 $1
95 collectors choice silver signature #77 (2) $2ea = $4
95 flair outfield power #8 $2
95 fleer all-stars #8 $1
95 fleer update headliners #16 .75ea = $1.50
95 leaf great gloves #12 (3) .75ea = $2.25
95 score gold rush #237 $2.50
95 sp silver #170 $2.50
95 stadium club #518 .50
95 stadium club super team world series #518 .75
95 studio gold #22 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
95 uc3 cyclone squad #cs8 (2) $1ea = $2
95 zenith all-star salute #4 $2
96 bowman’s best #67 $1
96 denny’s #11 .75
96 finest #b271 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
96 leaf all-star mvp contenders #16 $1.50
96 score dugout access #45 $2
96 score dugout access #83 $1.25
96 summit foil #77 $1.25
97 upper deck hot commodities #hc20 (2) $2ea = $4
02 fleer fall classics #23 $1.25
02 leaf rookies & stars #273 .75
02 sweet spot #43 $1.50
04 topps world series highlights #ws-kp (2) $2.50ea = $5
15 donruss preferred bronze #5 (2) $1.50ea = $3
TOTAL $118.45

77 tcma #31 .50
10 topps vintage legends #vlc24(3), vlc-44 $1.25ea = $5
TOTAL $5.50

81 topps #500 .50
82 fleer #305 .20
83 donruss #208 (3) .20ea = .60
88 fleer #361 (3) .15ea = .45
04 topps all time fan favorites #112 .75
TOTAL $2.50

84 topps #400 (2) $2ea = $4
85 topps #30 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
86 topps mini leaders #2 $2
87 fleer award winners #33 $1.50
87 fleer game winners #37 $1.50
87 sportflics #113 .60
87 topps #784 .75
87 topps glossy all-stars #16 $2
88 donruss #26 .40
88 donruss #171 .75
88 fleer #570 $1.25
88 fleer #635 .50
88 fleer #640 (2) .75ea = $1.50
88 topps glossy all-stars #5 (2) $2ea = $4
89 fleer #617 (3) .75ea = $2.25
89 score #15 .75
90 bowman 255 (2) .75ea = $1.50
90 donruss 676 (3) .40ea = $1.20
90 fleer #624 .50
90 fleer #634 .25
90 fleer all-stars #8 (2) $2ea = $4
90 kmart #20 $2
90 topps #8 .25
90 topps #388 (2) .40ea = .80
90 topps #570 (2) .75ea .75ea = $1.50
90 upper deck #266 (2) $1.50ea = $3
91 donruss #52 .40
91 topps #150 .75
92 donruss bonus cards #bc1 (2) .75ea = $1.50
92 fleer 711 .40
92 fleer citgo the performer #5 $1.25
92 french’s #13 (2) $2.50ea = $5
92 score proctor & gamble #5 $2
92 stadium club #595 .75
92 ultra #11 $1.50
92 upper deck #165 .75
92 upper deck home run heroes #hr4 $2.50
90 bowman #225 $2.50
93 fun pack #218 $1.25
93 hostess #26 $1.50
93 pinnacle #304 $1.25
93 topps #300 $1.50
93 upper deck #36 (3) .75ea = $2.25
93 upper deck $44 .50
94 bowman’s best x94 $2
94 fleer diamond tribute #10 $1.25
94 post #25 $2
94 stadium club dugout dirt #4 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
94 topps #604 (2) .75ea = $1.50
95 bazooka #2 $1.50
95 emotion promo #p8 $2
95 leaf great gloves #14 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
95 national packtime #10 $2.50
95 score #3 %1.50
95 topps traded 5t $1.50
96 collector’s choice you make the play #33 (2) $1.50ea = $3
96 collector’s choice ripken collection #2,3,4,9.10.11,12, nno header $2.50ea = $20.00
96 topps classic confrontations #cc2 $1.25
96 upper deck gameface #fg4 $2.50
97 collectors choice all-star connections #13 $1.50
97 collectors choice the big show #5 (2) $1.50ea = $3
97 donruss #400 $1.25
97 fleer million dollar moments #8 .75
97 score pitcher perfect #1 $1.50
97 topps #400 $1.50
97 ultra checklist #7 $2.50
97 ultra double up #1 $2.50
99 donruss mlb #1 $2
99 pacific invincible sandlot heroes 4a, 4b $2.50ea = $5
99 pacific invincible seismic force 4a, 4b $2.50ea = $5
99 ud choice starquest #sq21 $2.50
99 upper deck auxiliary #aux3 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
00 impact mighty fine in 99 #37 (2) $2.50
00 pacific invincible kings of the diamond #5 $2.50
00 skybox dominion #18 (2) $1.50ea = $3
00 topps #4, 457 $1.50ea = $3
TOTAL $173.80

89 swell .75
02 sp legendary cuts #60 $1
04 greats of the game $18 .75

98 sports illustrated art of the game #ad4 $1.25
01 topps archives #373 $1.50
TOTAL $2.75

83 donruss #564 .40
85 circle k .25
98 sports illustrated #29 .50
99 upper deck century legends #135 .50
2002 topps 206 #291 $1.50
TOTAL $3.15

94 upper deck the American epic #7 (2) .75ea = $1.50
97 collectors choice #55 .50
97 fleer million dollar moments #17 (3) .25ea = .75
97 upper deck #7 .50
99 upper deck century legends #44 (2), 132 .75ea = $1.50
00 upper deck legends #27 (2) .75ea = $1.50
00 uppe deck legends millennium team #ud2 (3) .75ea = $2.25
01 sp legendary cuts #29 .75
01 topps #783 .50
01 topps opening day $161 $1
01 topps combos #tc20 (2) $1.50ea = $3
01 upper deck hall of famers #16 (3) .60ea = $1.80
01 upper deck hall of famers #62 (3) .40ea = $1.20
10 topps history of the world series #tog5 (2) $2ea = $4
10 topps vintage legends #vlc12 (3) $2ea = $6
11 topps lineage #42 (2) .75ea = $1.50
12 topps gypsy queen $18 $1
12 topps golden greats #gg63 $1.25
13 panini cooperstown #42 (2) $1ea = $2
13 topps chasing history #ch49 $1.25
TOTAL 33.75

02 sweet spot #45 (2) $1ea = $2
09 topps 206 bronze #300 (3) $1ea = $3

01 upper deck hall of famers #4 (3) .40ea $1.20
07 topps distinguished service $ds22 (2) $1.50ea = $3
TOTAL $4.20

93 ted Williams #128 (2) .40ea = .80
00 upper deck hitters club #53 .50
TOTAL $1.30

02 upper deck world series heroes #62 .50
04 sp legendary cuts #125 .75
TOTAL $1.25

82 topps #260 .60
83 donruss #40(2) .40ea = .80
89 donruss #458 .10
TOTAL $1.50

81 fleer #112 (2) .25ea = .50
82 fleer 234 (3) .20ea = .60
85 tops #10 .15
87 fleer #93 .25
87 sportflics #99 .25
88 fleer #505 (3) .15ea = .45
TOTAL $2.20

03 topps 205 #82 .75
07 allen & ginter #172 .50
TOTAL $1.25

01 upper deck hall of famers #31 .75
02 fleer fall classics #85 $2
02 sweet spot #12 $2
TOTAL $4.75

03 topps 205 #150 $1

04 topps all time fan favorites #64 .75

02 greats of the game #57 $1

TOTAL 459.80 X 12 = $38.31

81 donruss #364 .50
81 topps #370 (2) .75ea = $1.50
82 topps #553 .15
82 topps #600 .30
83 donruss #409 (3) .20ea = .60
83 fleer #398 .20
83 topps #770 (2) .30ea = .60
84 donruss #51 (2) .75ea = $1.50
84 fleer #132 .40
84 topps #460 .25
85 donruss #51 .40
85 fleer #146 .40
85 topps #180 .25
86 donruss #248 .25
87 fleer #120 (3) .25ea = .75
87 sportflics #41 .25
87 topps #770 (2) .10ea = .20
88 classic red #170 .50
88 fleer #226 .15
88 score #55 (2) .10 = .20
88 topps #459 .05
88 topps #510 .10
89 fleer #274 (2) .10ea = .20
89 score #50 .10
89 topps #260 (3) .10ea .30
89 upper deck #349 .40
90 donruss #551 .10
90 fleer #458 .10
90 leaf 426 (2) .60ea = $1.20
90 score #307 (2) .10ea .20
90 score traded #1t (3) .10ea = .30
90 topps #380 .10
90upper deck #337 (3) .20ea = .60
90 upper deck #745 (2) .20ea = .40
91 donruss #468 .10
91 fleer #329 .10
91 leaf #499 (3) .20ea = .60
91 o-***-chee premier #130 (2) .40ea = .80
91 score #83 (3) .10ea = .30
91 stadium club #263 .50
91 topps #630 .10
91 ultra #54 .20
91 upper deck #337 (3) .10ea = .30
92 donruss #133 (3) .10ea = .30
92 fleer #72 (2) .10ea = .20
92 fleer #686 .10
92 leaf #171 (2) .15ea = .30
92 leaf black gold #171 .60
92 o-***-chee #5 .15
92 pinnacle #375 (3) .20ea = .60
92 score #32 .10
92 studio #260 .15
92 topps #5 .05
92 topps #792 .10
92 ultra #454 .20
92 upper deck #28 .05
92 upper deck #222 .10
93 pinnacle #438 .30
92 pinnacle #486 (2) .15ea = .30
93 select traded #9t .60
93 stadium club #609 .30
93 topps #131 (3) .20ea =.60
93 ultra #589 .30
93 upper deck #40 .10
93 upper deck #786 .20
94 collectors choice #302 .20
94 donruss #336 .30
94 donruss #550 .15
94 leaf #137 .30
94 pinnacle #332 (3) .20ea = .60
94 score #407 (2) .20ea = .40
94 score #629 .10
94 sp #187 .40
94 topps #430 .20
94 upper deck #81 .30
95 fleer #151 .30
95 pacific #259 .20
95 pinnacle #367 .20
95 sp championship #149 .40
95 score #80 (2) .20ea =.40
95 stadium club #533 .30
96 donruss #275 .30
00 upper deck hitters club #61 .30
02 sweet spot #27 $1
03 sp legendary cuts #27 (2) .60ea = $1.20
05 topps all-time fan favorites #46 .60
Total $30.35

02 sp legendary cuts #22 .60

2004 Ultimate Collection Signatures #DE Dennis Eckersley/25 $40.00

TOTAL 480 x 12 = $40
86 fleer #30 (2) $1.50ea = $3
87 donruss #138 (3) $2ea = $6
87 fleer baseball’s all-stars #38 (2) $1.50ea = $3
88 kmart #23 $2ea = $4
88 topps #250 (2) $1ea = $2
89 fleer #368 (2) $1ea = $2
89 fleer update #u67 (3) $1.50ea = $4.50
89 topps #530 (3) $ea = $3
89 topps traded #106t (2) $1.50ea = $3
89 upper deck #669 $1.25
90 bowman #486 (3) $1ea = $3
90 bowman art inserts #8 $1ea = $3
90 donruss #166 $1
90 donruss #659 (2) .50ea = $1
90 fleer 313 $1
90 post 11 (2) $2.50ea = $5
90 score #250 (2) $1ea = $2
90 score #696 (3) .40ea = $1.20
90 starline #13 (3), 26 (3) $1.50ea = $9
90 topps #1 (3) $1ea = $3
90 topps #2 (2), 3(3), 4(3), 5(3).50ea = $5.50
90 upper deck #34 $1
90 upper deck #544 (2) $2ea = $4
91 bowman #280 $1
91 leaf #423 (3) $2ea = #6
91 leaf gold leaf rookies #bc25 (3) $2ea = $6
91 mother’s #1 (2) $2.50ea = $5
91 o-***-chee premier #102 $1.50
91 score #686 (2) .50ea = $1
91 studio #128 $2
91 topps #1 $1.50
91 topps #6 .50
91 ultra #355 $2
91 ultra #395 (2) $1ea = $2
91 upper deck sp2 $2
91 upper deck ryan heroes #10(2), 13(3), 14(2), 15, 16, 17, 18 .50ea = $5.50
91 upper deck NNO header $1
82 donruss 154 .50
92 donruss #707 $1
92 donruss coke #1(2), 2(2), 3, 4(2), 5(2), 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23(2), 24, 25(2), 26(3) .50ea = $11.50
92 fleer 710 .50
92 fleer the performers #1 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
92 leaf #41 $1.50
92 leaf #133 (3) .40ea = $1.20
92 mother’s 5 $1.50
92 pinnacle #50 $2
92 pinnacle #281 .50
92 pinnacle #618 $1
92 topps #1 $1
92 topps #4 .50
92 upper deck 92 (2) .50ea = $1
93 duracell #20 $1
93 fun pack #18 $2.50
93 fun pack #26 $1.25
93 pacific ryan 27th season #221, 234, 242, 245 ,25ea = $1
93 triple play #96 $1.50
93 upper deck #37 $1
93 upper deck #155 $2
94 topps #34 (2) $2ea = $4
94 upper deck all-time heroes #125 .75
96 pacific adval #a (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
00 upper deck legends millennium #ud9 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
TOTAL $165.65

82 fleer #82 .75
82 fleer #645 (3) .20ea = .60
84 topps #740 .60
85 topps #670 .40
86 leaf #234 .75
86 topps #390 .25
87 fleer #45 (3) .40ea = $1.20
87 topps #425 (3) .15ea = .45
06 topps rookie of the week #15 (3) $2ea = $6

87 fleer #639 .60
87 donruss 77 .75
87 donruss opening day #75 .75
88 chef Boyardee #11 $1
88 donruss all-stars #35 .75
88 leaf #207 .60
89 kmart #24 (2) .60ea = $1.20
89 upper deck #120 $1.50
90 kmart #2 .75
90 leaf #528 (2) $1.50ea = $3
90 score #90 (3) .40ea = $1.20
90 score #561 (2), 691 .25ea = .75
90 topps #398 (2) .25ea = .50
90 woolworth #21 .75
91 donruss #433 .25
91 donruss #504 (3) .40ea = $1.20
91 fleer pro-visions #3 $1.25
91 post #16 (2) .75ea = $1.50
91 stadium club charter member #26 $1.50
91 upper deck #132 (3) .40ea = $1.20
91 upper deck #725 (2) .25ea = .50
91 fleer #389 .40
92 leaf #317 .60
92 leaf black gold #317 $2.50
92 pinnacle #10 (2) .75ea = $1.50
92 score #774 .25
92 score proctor & gamble #12 .75
92 topps winners #110 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
92 topps winners #387 (2) .75ea = $1.50
92 ultra #181 .75
93 hostess #2 .50ea = $1
93 kraft #27 $2
93 leaf gold all-stars #r4 (3) $2ea = $6
93 leaf gold all-stars #u4 $2
93 o-***-chee premier #4 .60
93 pinnacle #15 $1.25
93 stadium club inserts B3 $1.50
93 topps gold black label #17 $1.25
93 topps gold #3 $2
93 upper deck home run heroes #hr11 $2
93 upper deck on deck with #d22 (2) $2ea = $4
94 leaf #425 $1.25
94 sp #71 $1.50
94 ultra all-star #13 $2
96 collector’s choice silver signature #495 (2) $2ea = $4
97 fleer headliners #18 .75
97 pinnacle #99 $1.25
97 ultra leather shop #9 $1.50
TOTAL $69.10

83 topps #399 $1.25
84 topps #388 .60
85 circle k #19 (2) .50ea = $1
87 donruss #139 $1
88 topps glossy all stars #15 (3) .50ea = $1.50
89 tops #100 (3) .50ea = $1.50
89 upper deck #406 $2
90 donruss #643 .50
94 ted Williams #ms1, ms6(2), ms8 $1ea = $4
95 upper deck checklist #5 $2.50
00 upper deck legends millennium #ud3 (3) $1.25ea = $3.75
01 post 500 club #7 (2) $1.50ea = $3
01 topps combo #tc2 $1.50
03 donruss team heroes #397 $1.25
03 topps gallery #50 $2.50
11 topps kimbal champions #kc82 (2) $2.50ea = $5
12 allen & ginter #269 $1.50
12 panini cooperstown #39 $1.50
12 topps gold standard #gs6 (3) $2.50ea = $7.50
12 topps gypsy queen #258 $1.50
13 usa baseball champions #34 (2) $1.25ea = $2.50
13 panini copperstown #96 $1.50
15 topps highlight of the year #h19 $2
TOTAL $50.85

02 sweet spot #7 $1.50
02 upper deck world series heroes #60 .75
10 topps 206 #122 $1
TOTAL $3.25

2000 Greats of the Game Autographs #37 Ferguson Jenkins $25.00

TOTAL $300 X 12 = $25