Well the legends of baseball game came to stockton this year which was a pleasant surprise. Its basically an old timers game in which they play a game with the 1880s rules. Very fun! The day before at the ports game they had a meet and greet with some of the players who would be playing the following day. Only a handful of people went to it and I got to mingle with some of the players. Mark Whiten was drunk and funny, even signing one of my cards twice because he said I "distracted" him. Steve Sax was standing off to the side and I was lucky to get a few cards signed. He isnt the most pleasant guy, but we got to talking and he gave me his card and wants to have lunch and talk some sort of business. He said he was going to be in my area. I don't think I'll call him though, its a little intimidating! I think he just wanted me to do salesmen type work anyways which I dont like doing. I did better than all of the graphers who came the following day for the game in which Sax only signed 1 for a few people and whiten was hung over and not in a good mood like the night before. Also, Cecil Fielder was a tough 1 per. Not sure if he is always that grumpy but he got mad at a few guys trying to get him twice. Got a few good hits to my SF Giants collection as I had never gotten Randy Lerch, Fred Breining, Kevin Mitchell, or Tiny Felder. Interesting to note that some of the older players were saying that Gary Carter wasnt liked by everyone around the league. Check out the pics. I dont have time do post often, but I also went to Kansas City for the fanfest and will try to scan some of the stuff I got there. Lets just say Bo Knows Derek lol.
Cecil Fielder
Mike Felder
Randy Lerch
Ron Robinson
Bert Campaneris
Brian Hunter
Fred Breining
Mark Whiten
Fred Breining
Randy Lerch
Bert Campaneris
Kevin Mitchell
Steve Kline
Cecil Fielder
Mike Felder
Randy Lerch
Ron Robinson
Bert Campaneris
Brian Hunter
Fred Breining
Mark Whiten
Fred Breining
Randy Lerch
Bert Campaneris
Kevin Mitchell
Steve Kline