Match Attax
UEFA Champions League
50 packs - 6 cards per pack
<a href=""><img src="" title="source:" /></a>
Download the Match Attax app -- play the game
Free App code in every pack!
<a href=""><img src="" title="source:" /></a>
Base game cards
<a href=""><img src="" title="source:" /></a>
Each pack contains 5 base game cards, 1 parallel, and 1 free digital app code card.
<a href=""><img src="" title="source:" /></a>
Blue Foil and Sparkles -- I only ripped 3-4 of the packs. There are other parallels in the game card set.
I would like to send a few packs to the soccer fans out there... depending on the number of folks that want packs -- that will determine how many packs each one receives.
Let me know here on this post!