Just a quick one. Is it against the rules to have a three way trade? Just like in the MLB teams to it all the time.
Say I want a Rookie from Tim and he has a GU I want but won't do a RC for GU.
Bring Dave in with a GU and he is will to trade it for a RC i have. So it'd look like this.
Me: GU from Tim
Tim: Rookie from Me, GU from Dave
Dave: Rookie from Me
Any problem with this? Or is it against the rules?
Say I want a Rookie from Tim and he has a GU I want but won't do a RC for GU.
Bring Dave in with a GU and he is will to trade it for a RC i have. So it'd look like this.
Me: GU from Tim
Tim: Rookie from Me, GU from Dave
Dave: Rookie from Me
Any problem with this? Or is it against the rules?