George Thomas-16 days, 1 is FT

Got some Red Wings prospects, Gustav Nyquist and Brendan Smith definately are going to be hard to get this season for as long as the NHL is locked out. Neither wanted anything to do with any fans after the open skate Saturday
Tomas Jurco-ft as my sharpie didn't quite work as well as I would have liked

Petr Mrazek-bottom is FT since its smudged on the #, don't know if he will be back again this year or not though. Got sent down to Toledo. The top photo is for a 50/50

I've definately been slacking lately on posting new additions to my collection, figured better post something up since its died down here since we are a member or 2 short thats usually on here for forging auto's in their "signings"

Got some Red Wings prospects, Gustav Nyquist and Brendan Smith definately are going to be hard to get this season for as long as the NHL is locked out. Neither wanted anything to do with any fans after the open skate Saturday
Tomas Jurco-ft as my sharpie didn't quite work as well as I would have liked

Petr Mrazek-bottom is FT since its smudged on the #, don't know if he will be back again this year or not though. Got sent down to Toledo. The top photo is for a 50/50

I've definately been slacking lately on posting new additions to my collection, figured better post something up since its died down here since we are a member or 2 short thats usually on here for forging auto's in their "signings"