Search results

  1. supershriner

    2 on 12-8

    Hi all! Received these 2 yesterday. Hope all have a great day!! Pat Mr. Ted Wieand Sent: 12-1 Address in TTM Database Signed this and answered questions Mr. Bob Gebhard Sent: 11-25 Sent c/o Diamondbacks Signed his '72 Topps RC already signed by Mr. Brye. Now off to Mr. Haydel, hope he has a...
  2. supershriner

    Recent Successes

    Hi all! Hope everyone is having a great day. I have received the following successes in the past few days. All addresses have been added to TTM Database unless noted. Good luck to a rest of the week, Pat. Buddy Gilbert Sent: 12-1-09 Back: 12-7-09 Signed '60 Topps + 2 index cards and kept 1 '60...
  3. supershriner

    5 on 12-3

    Hope everyone is having a great December so far. I received the following yesterday. All addresses are in TTM Database except as noted. Hope everyone has a great day and a Merry Christmas!!! Kevin Maas Sent: 10-1-09 1991 Topps & 1991 Topps Record Breaker. Both personalized. Peter Ueberroth...
  4. supershriner

    11-23 Successes

    Hope all are having a great day!! Got the following yesterday evening. All addresses are in TTM Database. Sy Berger Sent: 11-13-09 2 business cards + answered questions. Fay Vincent Sent: 11-12-09 Signed index card Charlie Hough Sent: 11-9-09 1978 Topps, 1983 Topps Rangers Batting & Pitching...
  5. supershriner

    Great Week!!

    Hope all had a great week! We survived the cruise and I had some great successes waiting on me to return. The best one was the best surprise of all. Fellow member Jeremy (jrchoholic83) sent me a 1971 Dave Concepcion RC in super great shape. Thanks so much Jeremy, it wasn't necessary. I was glad...
  6. supershriner

    11-12 Success

    I finally got a couple successes in yesterday. Mr. Leo Foster signed a 1977 Topps and both index cards. Sent out 11-5-09. I saw where some folks got successes from him yesterday with over a 200 day wait:eek: ?? I guess I sent at the right time. Also got Mr. Dyar Miller. I sent (2) 1976 Topps and...
  7. supershriner

    2 on 11-2

    November is starting well! Today brought an OMLB from Mr. Red Schoendienst. Sent out on 10-26-09 with a $10 donation and "Donation Enclosed" written in big letters on the mailer. Inscribed "HOF 89" in blue. Also I purchased an 8x10 Ralph Kiner HOF pic from ebay which arrived today as well. Hope...
  8. supershriner

    Big Red Machine Completion

    I have finally completed the Big Red Machine project I was working on. I now have an individual OMLB signed by every living member of the 1975 team. I was down to 4 who have not signed at all or well in the past so I found a deal on them certified and bought them. The deceased members were Bob...
  9. supershriner

    Pete Rose Jr.

    Has anyone ever tried Pete Jr. TTM? I found a listing on Zabasearch for Peter E. Rose 5948 Bridgeview Ct. Cincinnati, OH 45248 born in 1969 so I guess this is him. I would like to get him on a ball with Pete, but have never heard anyone trying him. Any ideas? Thanks, Pat
  10. supershriner

    2 on 10-3

    Finally got a couple returns on Saturday. Received a ROMLB from Mr. Monte Irvin w/ HOF inscription sent out on 9-23. I was running 0 for 2 on HOF inscriptions, Mr. Snider & Mr. Feller with fees, so I was glad this one came with the request fulfilled. Fee of $20 enclosed. Also, I was at the game...
  11. supershriner

    1 on 9-25

    Received an OMLB today from Bob Feller. Sent with $10 to the Gate Mills address on 9-15-09. Requested HOF but not added. Still a nice 'graph. Hope all have a great weekend!! Pat:D
  12. supershriner

    One on 9-14-09

    Got a success this morning. I'm down to a couple Big Red Machine balls I still need & will have to wait on a signing or purchase, so I am going to try to get some HOF balls. This morning I got Lee MacPhail on a ROMLB SS. Sent out on 9-1-09 to the address in the database. Hope all have a great...
  13. supershriner

    1 on 9-3

    Finally a return!! I didn't think the USPS was ever going to release another of my hostages!! Got an OMLB from Adam Rosales personalized "To Pat" and he included a nice note thanking me for writing. Sent out on 8-25-09 to the Reds. Wish for full mailboxes to all!! Pat