Got a redemption out of the 08 donruss threads and it was for a plat. auto serial numbered to 5 and when I turned the redemption in 5 months ago they told me the other day kirk gibson hasnt turned the cards back in so they told me to suggest a few other players that they could give me from any sport and they would see who they had but they said it might have to be at the same value and kinda lost at who to ask for. A markakis auto not at same value of a plat. auto of gibson so going to try to get another persons auto that I could use to get a auto that I dont have of the few people I collect. Have already told them of ripken,jeter,peterson, or manning but whoelse should I see who they would have. Dont know whoelse they have out of there sets for the last couple of years so I thought I would ask you guys for options. Going to put griffey,wright,longoria,howard,braun,lincecum,arod, and chipper on the list right now but who do you guys suggest. Thanks for your help and when they let me know what they are sending will let you guys know incase it is a player you collect thanks.